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--- name: The Nicene Creed publication_year: 381 type: creed image: nicene-creed.jpg markdown: true text: | We believe in one God[a], the Father Almighty[b], Maker of heaven and earth[c], and of all things visible and invisible[d]. And in one Lord Jesus Christ[e], the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds[f]; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made[g], being of one substance with the Father[h], by whom all things were made[i]. Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven[j], and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man[k]; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate[l]; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures[m]; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father[n]; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.[o] And we believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life[p]; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets[q]. And we believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.[r] We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins[s]; and we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.[t] verses: a: - Exod.20.2-Exod.20.3 - Mark.12.29-Mark.12.31 b: - Eph.4.6 - Mal.2.10 - Gen.35.11 c: - Gen.1.1 - Isa.44.24 d: - Col.1.16 - Rom.1.20 e: - 2Cor.1.3 - 1Thess.1.1 - Rom.13.14 f: - John.3.16 - Heb.1.6 - Matt.14.33 - Rev.1.8 g: - John.1.1 - 1John.1.5 - John.8.12 - John.20.28 - 1John.5.20 - Ps.2.7 - Heb.1.5 - John.14.9 h: - John.10.30 - Isa.44.6 - Rev.1.8 - Phil.2.6 - John.10.38 - Col.2.9 i: - John.1.1-John.1.3 - John.1.10 - John.1.14 - Eph.3.9 - 1Cor.8.6 - Col.1.15-Col.1.17 j: - 1Thess.5.9 - Acts.4.12 - 2Tim.3.15 - John.6.51 - John.6.38 k: - Matt.1.18 - Luke.1.27 - Luke.1.35 - Phil.2.6-Phil.2.7 - Rom.1.3 l: - Acts.2.36 - Matt.27.2 - Matt.27.26 - Mark.15.15 m: - Matt.16.21 - Mark.15.46 - Luke.24.5-Luke.24.7 - 1Cor.15.3-1Cor.15.4 n: - John.20.17 - 1Tim.3.16 - 1Pet.3.21-1Pet.3.22 - Acts.1.9 - Mark.16.19 o: - Acts.1.10-Acts.1.11 - Rev.1.7 - John.5.22 - Acts.10.42 - Luke.1.33 p: - John.14.17 - 2Cor.3.17 - Acts.5.3-Acts.5.4 - John.3.5 - Titus.3.5 q: - John.15.26 - Luke.11.13 - Matt.28.19 - 2Pet.1.21 r: - John.17.20-John.17.23 - Eph.4.1-Eph.4.6 - Col.1.18 - Heb.12.23 - Rev.21.27 - Phil.4.3 - Matt.18.20 - Phlm.1.2 - Rom.16.5 - 1Tim.3.15 - Eph.2.20 - Acts.2.42 s: - Matt.28.18-Matt.28.19 - Eph.4.5 - Gal.3.27 - Matt.26.28 - Luke.24.47 - Acts.2.38 - 1Pet.3.21 - Rom.6.3-Rom.6.4 t: - 1Cor.15.12 - 1Cor.15.21-1Cor.15.22 - John.3.16 - 1Cor.2.9 - Rom.11.36 ... |