Compendium of Reformed Standards

The compendium is a collection of reformed documents, such as confessions and
catechisms. It is the source for the Reformed Standards website.
- ancient-church
- apostles-creed
- athanasian-creed
- chalcedonian-definition
- nicene-creed
- anglican
- british
- miscellany
- catechism-young-children
- nashville-wcf.html
- psalter
- bopfw-tunes.json
- psalms
- topics
- reformation
- second-london
- 1689-confession
- 1858-abstract-of-principles
- keach
- swiss
- three-forms-of-unity
- belgic-confession
- canons-of-dort
- church-order-of-dort
- dort-sabbath
- heidelberg-catechism
- westminster
- directory-for-family-worship
- directory-for-publick-worship
- epistle-to-the-reader
- government
- solemn-league-and-covenant
- sum-of-saving-knowledge
- to-the-christian-reader
- wcf
- wlc
- wsc-pca
- wsc
Contributions are encouraged, and welcome. Feel free to email us patches, or
open issues and pull requests on GitHub.
$ git clone