
commit e98987c9d950233cf40b1de1b6440b89537e39f1

Author: Honza Pokorny <>

Don't auto format scss, yaml, markdown

 doom.d/config.el | 14 ++++++++++++++

diff --git a/doom.d/config.el b/doom.d/config.el
index 01b458079fb3ae755d57458e5d9ad6447f4a9711..c890d8c1727fc01df06b9620df082b28b09fb3cb 100644
--- a/doom.d/config.el
+++ b/doom.d/config.el
@@ -77,3 +77,17 @@ ;; they are implemented.
 (use-package! nov
   :mode ("\\.epub\\'" . nov-mode))
+;; Add modes to this list if you want to disable automatic formatting
+;; Note the negation
+(setq +format-on-save-enabled-modes
+      '(not
+        emacs-lisp-mode  ; elisp's mechanisms are good enough
+        sql-mode         ; sqlformat is currently broken
+        tex-mode         ; latexindent is broken
+        latex-mode
+        scss-mode
+        yaml-mode
+        gfm
+        markdown))