
commit e968c9fb2941d772697b7c7cf790b2f5f44159d8

Author: Honza Pokorny <>

Archive 2020

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diff --git a/2020/project.clj b/2020/project.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c023e04fe03b711ea568eaa7564dd8239e51840d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/project.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(defproject aoc "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
+  :description "FIXME: write description"
+  :url ""
+  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]]
+  :main ^:skip-aot aoc.core
+  :target-path "target/%s"
+  :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all
+                       :jvm-opts [""]}})

diff --git a/2020/resources/input01.txt b/2020/resources/input01.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c039b7ba24e88f68dce34a38df090ffe61bbba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input01.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@

diff --git a/2020/resources/input02.txt b/2020/resources/input02.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4997c30891eed45500c538ec98feed1af7d4301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input02.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+6-10 s: snkscgszxsssscss
+6-7 b: bbbbbxkb
+2-4 n: nnnjn
+1-2 j: jjjj
+5-9 z: jgzzzqhbj
+4-11 m: mfmmmpmjmkdr
+12-15 t: twqrxttwttthtkxbz
+8-9 z: ftzjzzzzr
+17-18 h: cpkhssvpphzvprfnft
+7-8 b: bjbbbbbb
+4-5 p: pppppppppgppps
+16-18 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
+9-16 v: vvvrpvbvvvvvvvvvwvvh
+11-15 d: ddddddddddddddjd
+9-14 g: ggbggghggggggggw
+1-5 d: ddddbd
+1-4 x: xxxwxxx
+1-2 l: bdjjddlqg
+1-4 b: lbbxb
+15-16 f: ffffffffffffffmz
+10-16 m: mmlmmmvmmmbhmmmq
+4-15 v: vlfvvqphhjfvlgt
+5-12 m: mmmmjmwmmmmcmmm
+7-8 q: qqqqqqxkq
+4-9 h: hhzhhhhhhhhhsh
+3-7 t: thltdtjtstzrtwtt
+6-7 k: kkkkkkk
+1-5 q: jqwqd
+4-13 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+1-4 l: llfl
+6-12 n: nnffnfnnmnffnx
+4-6 m: xmvxnmpmm
+5-7 m: mmmmbmmmmmmmmm
+9-17 f: ffffflffbfffffcffff
+4-10 k: kkklkkkkkhktkkbkzq
+8-15 z: kdxxzzlhpzgbzjzz
+2-5 q: qrqqbqqqqqqqkqq
+3-5 t: zrttht
+9-12 t: ttxgntjmvntctpfrt
+2-3 k: kkkk
+8-10 j: jjjjjjjjjj
+2-9 k: vkwkhcqnk
+9-10 t: ttttttthtt
+4-6 b: bbbbbbbb
+9-12 n: xnvnnvldhthlsn
+2-4 w: wwwwwwj
+6-10 t: tttttwttttvtt
+3-10 j: jqjjjxjdjnjjjj
+15-18 q: kqlncdqwclqpjzrbnq
+7-8 p: gpwbjppp
+3-13 m: mmmmlsmfvmhmmmm
+7-10 s: wdshsrsgsl
+8-16 f: fffffffxfffffffcf
+16-18 s: ssskswhsvslwsssrsq
+12-14 j: gjjjjkjgjkjhjvj
+13-14 t: gtttvftwtgvhlt
+6-7 v: vvvvvgbv
+2-8 l: ssldslmvl
+3-9 l: bflzllqkqlkll
+8-9 n: rrnnnnnnsn
+7-14 p: bqsrxgplkpdvbpkn
+2-5 z: wzbclnsxt
+2-4 k: knkxk
+6-8 d: drddjddjdd
+15-16 p: ztgptpfpcwppqrzppps
+1-3 k: nmsqksv
+7-10 n: pwhbcwnlznfnvrlnds
+13-15 t: tttttttttttttttttt
+10-12 b: bbbbbbdbbgfxbbbf
+3-5 w: rwwwj
+18-19 x: xxxxmxxxxwpxxxfxgln
+1-4 g: lfsjtgggg
+13-15 x: mxzgtxhrxjhxtnf
+13-14 d: ddddddddddddlx
+3-5 r: rrrtrrtmlr
+1-7 t: thttttttttt
+2-5 g: sngggj
+8-9 n: tnnnnnnnn
+6-10 w: wkwwjfwltk
+12-18 n: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnsnnh
+14-18 m: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
+5-15 v: fvvfrcqkvkggnpl
+13-19 f: ffffffftfffdnffffpsf
+13-15 k: kgkkkmkkkgftklb
+4-6 h: hhhchvh
+7-14 l: qmbdhdjbrglxql
+13-17 w: kwwwwwwwwwwwdpwww
+1-5 q: pqqqdqqqq
+8-9 p: vhwphvpfp
+2-4 h: hljmh
+1-2 c: tmcc
+3-5 f: dpnvwffhlp
+3-5 m: mmmmmm
+10-12 c: ngjnczmcscxc
+2-4 x: mxxj
+4-6 m: xbmkmm
+1-6 l: kllllsblqhngl
+11-18 x: xprkjcrxkgxxgwtbmx
+4-6 k: vwxshkkkkbtfbhl
+11-15 z: dzzkzjjzzzzzzzlmzbn
+5-6 f: ffffnfffflfjff
+3-6 d: ddddddbd
+6-9 r: wrrrvrrrr
+8-9 n: nnnnjnnnt
+2-7 b: bxptdkctbrxfllpvj
+3-4 x: hxxv
+5-14 n: nrnnnlsnznnzrqnjxnp
+1-3 w: wwww
+9-12 x: xxmxxxxxxxxxtxx
+10-14 j: jjnjjjjlvjkcsjjdllvj
+4-6 w: wgwbwwww
+10-12 t: ttqttttttttl
+10-11 t: ttwtttttttv
+9-15 t: ttttttttftttttttt
+2-3 p: pfgp
+2-4 z: brrksnvqjzwqjvjs
+8-9 n: knnnftzjbqj
+6-7 w: swjwwdwwwwwwwww
+1-2 j: xjlrkjjztrjfpss
+13-14 l: llllllllllllvlllllr
+7-12 l: lllllllllllblllll
+7-8 j: gqdcmjqh
+3-9 g: gchkbvgvgw
+15-17 b: bbbbcbbbgbbbbbmbg
+1-7 h: qlmhhcdhhhhhhhhhh
+2-15 c: ccccccccccccccscccc
+1-2 q: xvch
+3-9 w: wwwwwwxwww
+2-4 x: jskx
+3-7 t: btwsnvts
+9-11 g: gkhgwctggbm
+2-7 g: xvgwwltdvnzscbtqwb
+1-11 k: kkqkpkkdkkkkkkkhkk
+4-12 h: nbqlhjbqhxtnxlzlr
+3-4 d: dwdd
+8-9 k: kkkzbckklqqkhfkqkk
+7-8 c: pcxmqdwc
+2-4 v: qbvwvvnvvp
+3-9 c: pfqcblwxcrmx
+1-9 t: fwgtcrftktt
+7-8 p: pppppppp
+6-13 w: dnwfhwkjffpdwgzdf
+10-14 k: kkkkkkhkkwkkkkkk
+2-4 s: zscssddtpmqblmd
+11-13 b: dbvzwthlcmbkb
+1-4 k: kqlxwvbkckwzmqxvtcc
+2-10 s: sxssssgsssxsssnss
+3-9 w: nxrmwlpgw
+10-13 w: wwsgwwwwwwwkw
+9-13 v: vhvvwjvcvbvvg
+5-7 n: fbvnjpt
+3-4 x: xxxx
+9-10 l: rlllmlllll
+7-9 d: ddddddddhd
+4-8 z: zzzhzzzf
+11-12 m: mmmmmmmmmmkf
+4-8 m: bmfzppcqttct
+2-4 m: mfmcmmmcx
+2-9 p: rppzgvshn
+7-8 r: rrrrrrrrrrvr
+6-7 p: hkltppp
+7-10 m: mmmmmfmmtmmmpbmm
+6-14 p: pppppppppppppxp
+4-6 p: wbspppnlmc
+2-4 n: xnfnl
+2-5 q: nqkcqmvwp
+2-3 d: ddkbkdjd
+5-9 b: qxjbblbrb
+14-16 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbqbbb
+5-6 p: dppppp
+5-8 j: kxztnjjn
+14-18 k: krkkkkckkkkmktkkkkd
+7-8 n: nnngxnfpnn
+16-17 c: ccmccccccccccccfcccc
+1-3 g: wggg
+1-2 c: cqcckc
+2-8 g: gjwdkbds
+10-17 s: hswqssmttskspdlkkss
+14-16 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbpbbrbbbb
+12-16 r: srrmcbrrcrzrdwzng
+2-3 h: fcws
+9-13 p: gkgpqpghpjbpz
+9-10 m: mmmmmmmmmmm
+3-4 b: brbb
+2-3 p: gncvqdhp
+2-7 g: gdggggggggggggg
+2-7 j: jjjjjjrjqjjj
+3-5 v: ltptjlntf
+1-7 w: gwwwwwfww
+7-10 z: zzzzzzmzzzz
+10-12 x: xxhxxxxxxgxsxxxx
+11-12 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbd
+16-17 v: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvjht
+1-4 x: bxxx
+16-19 g: gggggggwggggggjgggg
+5-10 q: qjpqqvlnkqxmlv
+4-6 p: qrpffplvpp
+7-9 r: rrrrrrgrb
+2-3 g: bgjg
+10-12 t: ttjttttnttdtt
+2-4 g: dgng
+11-12 r: rrmrrrlrtrrj
+1-5 v: qvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+3-18 p: ftnfnpmjprmrzmhbnxj
+10-12 w: dqnsjjxsqrwq
+2-4 z: lzgkzsb
+8-9 n: dwclxdtnndtpcgqmx
+10-11 w: zjwdsphbbwlhp
+2-9 d: zzprkgzczbs
+14-19 c: gpjfrvsrcnbxbclctxc
+1-9 f: fmhfvfffrfws
+12-14 d: ddrddbddddddddhmdg
+14-15 s: sslsssmsnssdxsj
+2-10 v: ljppzjfvfnfp
+1-2 z: qbwbzknrzzs
+18-19 l: llllllllfllllllllll
+2-3 p: ppgp
+13-15 k: knkkkkkckkkkhkxk
+3-6 v: vbjvmv
+4-8 h: hmhcxfhg
+12-14 v: vvngcvvvvkvgvs
+2-3 j: xdjjrk
+5-13 s: sssssrqsssssq
+1-7 s: sssssssss
+6-14 b: ptlvmbbrbxnvqbrmp
+16-18 w: wwwswwnwwmwwwwwwwf
+1-4 k: kkknkkkkk
+1-4 g: ggrbk
+9-11 r: rrrhrrrrrrrrr
+11-13 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxnx
+3-8 x: nsxvlvdfbkpxsgscn
+12-15 h: hghhchvjhhhhlvhhhhh
+11-12 n: nnnnnnnnnnjqn
+10-13 r: jrzfzrzrqblmks
+7-8 w: wwwwwwwh
+3-4 k: kkbft
+1-9 c: cccccjccccccn
+2-7 r: rrvnrxrvrzsrbrs
+3-10 l: llgdldmlplqlhdlll
+4-8 m: mmzmbmgm
+5-6 q: sfxqnftnbnqwq
+5-6 v: vvvvgvvqv
+9-14 h: dhmwrhzqqvhhhfhfhhht
+4-7 p: jwwppvpklc
+9-13 z: zzzzzzzzzpzzzx
+13-14 l: fllklltlllllcphllll
+12-15 m: htmbmqgljcmvmclgnm
+9-10 b: bbbbbbbnbb
+6-12 x: nxjbxxhxxxxgdxx
+6-7 t: tttbwlk
+8-11 q: fqqjtlswqgkqdqc
+16-20 t: xplwqxbwtsfptbvtvcxt
+3-4 k: kklkkkkkkxkkkk
+3-9 m: kmmsvmpmxmgmb
+6-12 j: jjtjjjjjjjjpjjwj
+3-4 m: kkmbmzkx
+7-8 f: gmfxlgfjtfst
+1-3 w: wwwn
+1-7 k: knkktkkn
+13-16 v: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvmvv
+10-11 h: rhvdhnfhvtchlfhh
+10-12 x: xgxwbqxkxxcwsfd
+10-14 m: mmmrdxpcmcmmmkmmmmm
+2-5 x: vvxpx
+8-9 h: hhhhhhhmfh
+16-19 j: jmwjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjz
+2-3 r: sqrnr
+14-19 p: ppppppppppppppppppk
+2-5 w: wwwww
+15-16 q: dppxtnhmxrhmncrqq
+4-5 v: drhpp
+1-4 p: pkhn
+3-6 q: gwmrfwh
+6-10 v: dlvvfhvvkb
+1-8 q: qqqqqqqqqdqqqqqqqq
+17-18 n: nnnnnnnnnxnnznnpnng
+3-7 m: gmxzffwmbdm
+12-14 m: dmzmcmmhjmqltm
+3-16 w: drcbwtvqgbppbwzvm
+8-10 d: ddbddddzdddddkpd
+8-9 m: mmmmmmmmmmmm
+1-3 l: glll
+7-11 x: fxrxxdxxxqxnxx
+6-7 d: ddddxgdd
+7-8 g: hgggbggg
+2-3 w: pwwtww
+7-10 h: lhwbhjhzhx
+3-14 b: bbbrvrbsfbnxrgqbbq
+4-7 l: jzqkxlnpxlglfsll
+6-7 b: hbpbbbb
+2-4 w: pskwwxzpjvmwcnfr
+13-15 m: mmmmmmmmxmpmxmmm
+4-9 k: krxkzqzkkhrpqth
+4-7 f: xfffkvfqzwhcfwkhq
+4-10 q: qqqqqcqbqqq
+14-15 s: lgszsdststlpgjbs
+7-12 s: sspbsssskfns
+7-8 d: cdddqpnd
+13-15 p: ppppppppppppxppp
+10-11 r: rrrfxrrrrrrrrr
+10-12 z: zzzzzzzzzvzvzz
+3-4 l: lllwll
+7-9 p: ppppkpppqpppppsvx
+3-4 k: kkkrk
+4-5 v: zxmmvmhvr
+14-15 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrrfjr
+6-10 b: vwbgbbbbdbqsbb
+5-7 j: jsjjjkv
+3-4 m: tzmhr
+11-13 r: rrrrrrrrrrqrhrr
+1-4 s: psqmcssnk
+5-6 z: zdkzzzz
+3-5 p: cnpmbtknqdppmcjpzvcn
+13-14 g: ggggkggggmtggd
+14-17 c: nxmzcczccnvdcxpcmb
+6-10 w: wlwwbdwwwwwwww
+9-17 l: llllllllllllllllll
+2-12 j: jpjdjjjzmjxj
+1-3 n: szjntnnl
+7-8 l: dpxlmhlbts
+5-16 s: sssssssssssssssrs
+1-6 m: pmqvlc
+7-15 f: ffffffffqfkfffdxff
+10-11 w: wwwwwwwwwwswwww
+7-12 p: tkppvfpwksrp
+4-7 f: fdjdgdvsksbfbnjkspc
+4-11 b: bjmvfrmlmlbndl
+1-3 r: rrrnxhgbwr
+5-10 h: xhhmhhhlhbh
+10-11 h: hghhhhhhdlhhh
+5-6 g: gptglg
+9-11 t: wtgtxtttqtmttt
+5-11 f: jxqffhfsfmz
+4-7 f: frjffbf
+1-15 m: mmmmmmmmxmmmmmmmm
+1-12 d: drwlbpdbzdgdjpnzmj
+9-14 n: nfnmktjnncnnnln
+1-2 h: pshhjhhhhf
+2-4 t: tgttttttfb
+2-4 w: dwpwhnxbf
+7-11 b: vbcbzhbwhpb
+4-5 k: hknck
+5-12 m: mmmmtdmmmmmmmm
+5-7 w: qwflwxq
+2-5 g: jdnxdlclplvb
+5-7 t: ttrtttttkr
+8-18 l: lwscjwlmdlzlllnsllpw
+2-8 c: cccxtccchbrkr
+1-3 q: qqtqqqqq
+3-13 d: dddddddbddddddd
+1-7 r: jkpzrpfnrgpkc
+9-10 t: ttttttttttt
+11-12 w: wjwplwwwwwmw
+9-12 r: rpsvrhrbnrwqch
+6-11 p: zpzbpkpmtnptsnpbswc
+4-6 t: jhzstt
+3-4 t: ddpkcgpzhd
+4-6 s: cvzshjfrsslxnslqddwt
+1-3 c: cgsczhl
+1-4 d: lddqdqd
+6-7 v: vvvvvvb
+5-8 w: wwwwwwwwww
+5-11 p: ddswpbpppsqpp
+5-6 x: dfzxxxhhqjvj
+3-7 m: mmmmmmmmmm
+4-8 g: ggggggggg
+5-6 j: jjcjjn
+5-6 n: nndtns
+4-5 t: ltxkdpst
+2-8 b: ldwkbzbxgpbbbb
+11-12 w: wwqwdqwwwqhvwww
+15-17 k: klkcxqbwrktxcmqlnb
+5-6 k: tkqhkkkkrkjfd
+12-13 x: nxxxrjxxxdjlxxbt
+9-12 m: mmzmmmrmmfmgmmmmb
+2-5 v: tkbhvlvp
+12-14 v: dvbvvvvhrcvvvxxvvvvv
+14-16 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxxx
+6-7 v: xvswnvvm
+6-9 c: vcpcksxwbdlc
+5-11 s: sssssjssssrsdjsssq
+6-16 j: jjjjjmjjjjjjjjjnj
+8-12 g: ggggwggggggnggg
+4-5 c: ccczk
+14-15 l: lllllllllllllkm
+10-11 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrr
+3-5 n: dwnvnlj
+2-4 x: xdxxxx
+5-6 j: jjjjjjj
+3-9 k: kkkkkhlrkktt
+3-7 t: stqtgfdprtqjsgznrtjh
+11-16 n: hsnnnnnnnnfnvnpqnnn
+13-16 v: kdvbvxvvtvhvvvvq
+1-3 v: vwpvkvdpxgc
+14-17 v: vvvvvvvvvvvvvnvvhv
+14-15 m: mmmmmmmmmmmmmtm
+6-10 m: mmmmmhmmmm
+5-8 t: tttjrttdsttfttwstf
+6-7 c: ccqcvcc
+2-5 v: vvvvvv
+8-16 c: cccccccccwcpcccmcccc
+4-5 t: ztvttktttttt
+10-11 n: rnmnnnnnnnnnnnnpt
+5-6 g: lgsggggg
+15-18 s: lcsmgkjqzdpcgvsrng
+2-6 p: wwpppp
+9-10 v: vvvvsvvvmvv
+6-11 c: qrmdjxzsmxcmcccgrr
+17-18 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+6-10 t: thtxgtpxwt
+2-8 f: xkgbrpqfsrhhbnfpdg
+3-8 c: gqkkvgkcqfwdc
+5-6 c: jjcsjf
+8-16 q: fbwdmlwljqqcrqsq
+3-10 m: mjmmsmmmmmmcmm
+5-15 x: xmrvcsjwxxdpsrxzcrzj
+3-7 x: rxngzxxg
+17-19 z: mmvfgzpmbvzsrmkgmmmb
+3-4 z: zdzz
+4-5 v: vzcvb
+3-11 z: tzllpgzzmwxznh
+8-11 x: ptgvnbxzsxwdb
+2-3 r: rrrrr
+6-10 b: bbmbbbbbbb
+6-11 q: wvmqrzrllhxfzmpkp
+13-17 v: vvrgvvsvvcqkvvvvbvvw
+16-18 p: ppppppppnppgppppclp
+13-15 g: gglggggggngggggggggg
+15-17 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+3-6 t: tpwzktlzkdt
+2-3 m: lmvtnfjzmm
+1-7 j: jzjjfjx
+15-17 r: rtfdnhrrhrrdcswrl
+1-3 d: gdfdmddddwdddlsd
+3-4 r: qrtr
+10-11 m: mmmmmmmmmkc
+2-5 n: gntnnnncc
+9-14 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+10-13 f: fxfffznffffzwffflz
+5-12 j: vjjrjjjjngjjjjm
+6-8 k: kkkrkklkkkkkkk
+5-7 r: rrhzsxrjjw
+17-18 g: gggggggggggggggggf
+2-3 h: ghhvrh
+1-3 j: hjjxjjjj
+3-5 q: gbqnqkprckxqglkhw
+17-18 n: ngnnnnnqnnnnnnnnnnnn
+2-3 m: xlhmmq
+6-7 p: kvvphgj
+9-12 k: kpkzkkzkkkkkbwk
+9-10 k: kkrkkkkkmt
+5-10 t: tttttttttttttttt
+10-11 l: ztdvlllzfltlwlglkhcj
+7-12 t: bttttqtqttttttttg
+3-4 z: xzvb
+5-10 h: lhcdhkhhhhb
+1-6 z: jqzzqzzzzzzzzzzzzz
+6-7 x: qxxxxtxz
+13-14 g: gggngggggggrgsgg
+1-2 t: tttt
+11-15 w: hpwhwmwlkbwtwmwlj
+8-10 r: rnrhrrmprnrrr
+5-12 z: rshzhwgzhfjb
+15-16 s: sssqssssssssmsss
+9-12 z: zdzzzzzzkzmz
+10-12 c: mfgpskncfcfctjmt
+5-10 p: sppwnpdpptppwdppppp
+3-14 q: mnzfgfmvmsdlqg
+1-13 s: sssssssfssssbsss
+6-8 d: ddddddddd
+2-5 j: vsbbjh
+14-16 m: nmklmsrpjxwpdbmj
+3-8 v: rfvvvjqv
+18-20 p: pppppppppqhpflppbppp
+7-11 x: xxxxxxwxxxx
+3-4 l: llmvlll
+8-9 w: grmvwtwbz
+2-11 m: mmmmmmqmmmsmmmmmmmmm
+6-13 h: hhhhhrshshhhlhhhh
+3-12 t: tnttblttttcvrtttx
+5-18 f: cfffcffvgffffrmlfx
+1-3 n: rnjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
+1-2 w: smmdq
+1-5 v: vvvvvv
+5-15 s: tssssscssffhsswssss
+3-11 b: bbbbbbbbsbkbbbr
+13-15 j: xjjpjjcjjjjjjcj
+5-10 g: bvjvgpzgdgkmmzwnwrxz
+2-7 q: qqqqqrq
+10-12 d: fddddbdddxdqpd
+5-7 c: hsccjccrlm
+11-15 r: nrrrlrrvrdlrprw
+13-14 r: drrtbrrrrrrrrcrrr
+8-10 c: ccccxcchfjcccccxpc
+8-9 s: sssssssss
+1-10 r: rvlgkrrrrm
+8-13 w: jwbwcwmwwvwwwwww
+7-12 k: fxkkcnkkbvkxbkphx
+7-8 l: llllmlvll
+11-15 q: qdjpqwgfqjdqnnq
+8-9 m: mmmmmmmvmmm
+6-7 k: kkkksmkb
+4-6 h: hhhlhhhhfhhhhhh
+2-5 k: xzjlwb
+3-12 j: sjwqrjzjgqrj
+5-18 p: ppppppppppppppppphpp
+1-3 g: gggrggggg
+14-15 n: nnnnnnnnnnxnnhnnn
+19-20 d: jkpzsxwsddzccjdkcptj
+2-4 v: wpdz
+1-8 w: dwjtngwwwrwhp
+13-15 t: tttttctttttxvfrt
+6-11 h: ksvshqhhdth
+8-9 k: khfkdkppl
+11-12 d: whlmcdmfgfddd
+11-12 p: htvxpkfngthz
+6-9 v: vqvmvvbbv
+5-8 m: lghmmmrmmw
+14-16 q: dtmqqrqqqqqgpgqtqr
+2-11 f: bfjskxzlgvfml
+10-19 p: kpppppppphppppppppp
+5-7 j: rfbpzmjtjj
+9-10 p: kpppppppqpp
+3-15 k: hgkgrqblnjmsbvrghzdk
+6-7 r: rrtwrwlfrswwr
+3-4 k: fkkdv
+12-20 g: ggggggggkggggggggkgh
+3-5 x: xxxxpxxxxxxxxxb
+8-10 k: kkkkkkkzkh
+4-10 q: qqqmqqqqqcqq
+4-12 t: ttgtqblzqzpttcxdtfn
+18-20 s: sssbbsscsjvslsvsssss
+3-6 x: xxxxxxx
+4-5 t: tttttt
+5-7 q: xqqqqqqqxkqqqqqqqtqq
+2-4 s: zsvq
+6-7 b: mmbcklx
+1-13 z: zzfzkshpslwcn
+1-14 d: ddpddtdddddmmf
+8-13 j: jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjz
+5-6 c: cjjlxb
+10-12 v: vvvvvvtvvmvv
+2-3 b: wfbbg
+1-10 l: llllllllllllllllll
+5-10 d: hdbhdgxcjd
+10-13 t: ttttttttttttnt
+5-6 h: vhmhhh
+16-17 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsqx
+6-14 g: gzggggzhggggzgg
+15-20 f: ffbfxffffvfffffffhfd
+2-3 d: xdvw
+5-7 g: zgggjgq
+2-12 g: ggggggggmgggggg
+6-8 h: hhhhhhphhhlhjhhxfh
+3-10 j: knjklstqxwcsjf
+2-3 h: hvnwjxhpsc
+7-8 w: wwwlwwgw
+14-16 s: chgtpswssxsqtwzrsqt
+5-6 d: zdbdkl
+3-4 p: lwkpbrbp
+8-14 c: cbhtccjmrccrcp
+2-3 s: tctflmgdtsjjfxpl
+3-4 g: gggjkctwdsgl
+2-4 h: ghbh
+4-13 h: fczphhvflghhhd
+3-10 x: jkzhgljwsblcrmbwfx
+12-13 p: npfgppprzpppc
+7-12 l: sqbplmqnlmwph
+1-8 p: hpppvpprppp
+12-18 n: nhbznznxncnkcchscl
+9-10 g: grjxmgzpgk
+6-7 g: rcmkggggggg
+1-7 b: bbbbbbbb
+2-3 t: ttftzqt
+8-10 l: twbjlnblhck
+1-2 c: cvbc
+4-9 d: mfpdddsnd
+5-8 f: flpvbdrfl
+7-12 s: rhspsxlbpsmsclzrdsfc
+2-4 h: vhhh
+1-10 k: bhkkkkkkxkkkzk
+5-15 q: qqqqqqqqqqqqdqdqql
+12-15 c: ljvcklwjvngfgfgrjsv
+8-10 w: pwwtpbwwvwwrwww
+5-13 b: tbjmbfmknjhbb
+1-2 v: cssd
+2-5 s: ssssss
+3-4 h: bhhxxhfh
+3-5 p: pfppp
+13-20 l: lcxxllcfjmllclljllfl
+2-4 p: sqpzk
+2-4 l: xlllb
+1-7 t: ttttttrttttrttttttxt
+10-12 m: bwmmghzmqmmpmj
+5-8 l: jtlljpql
+5-6 d: lddddd
+6-8 c: nljczccdwvnmrlqvlsc
+8-9 d: dzdddcddt
+10-11 z: zzzzzzzzmqj
+3-4 s: msssss
+3-5 z: xzvdzbzt
+2-18 v: bvcbpwkbdmclbnbmsv
+9-12 b: jrcccsndstzbxprkvtq
+3-11 n: vlntglzvvcnngn
+3-8 v: rpgckwptlvdqsrqqt
+6-11 q: qdqdkqvkvhdrdqm
+9-12 b: khbmbgbbvbqb
+9-10 g: gtggggggczgg
+3-5 c: zqctcs
+15-18 z: kbzsdhbbzxfzzqdjzc
+7-8 g: ggggggzx
+9-10 s: sswssrssqms
+14-17 g: ggggcggggggggpggcgg
+10-15 g: qgzmbkjlggrhgkg
+9-11 j: jjjjjjjjqqjjjjjj
+5-6 c: cgcdcchcccbcc
+2-4 g: gggg
+5-13 h: plkhhrmxhxhmh
+11-16 v: vkkqrvbvbcvvnvvvvv
+6-7 c: rlfmqphqrhqkhch
+3-5 z: hzspz
+8-9 d: kddmdddpdvddln
+5-11 k: wkqkcfkpvnkvh
+4-7 r: fnzzwxrxr
+15-16 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrwr
+2-19 f: fvffffffffffffffffwf
+9-11 v: hbvbvvgcvvvj
+2-4 m: mrxpv
+13-14 z: zztzgzzpzzzzzg
+4-10 t: qtvtcrfmlkrgtwsvwtw
+3-7 g: ggggggfgggggggg
+5-8 c: ccccfcccnmccc
+6-12 z: bzfcjzdznzwzrzbzzqrn
+14-15 c: ccccccccccccczkccccc
+3-4 j: jjjjjjf
+1-2 x: kxxxx
+3-4 s: sksj
+17-19 c: hvchccvccdxgccnxdcc
+3-6 r: trrrrrrr
+10-11 c: ckcjzcrzcbc
+1-7 p: pmqplfpvgq
+3-4 h: hhmx
+5-6 n: nnwndln
+5-10 v: bkkvfgvqwdt
+7-14 h: hkjlwvhdnhxhwcnhs
+4-12 f: xxwfjfcwslrfzrxfkxj
+2-3 c: ccccc
+4-13 k: kkkdkkkkkkkkkkk
+8-10 b: mqlljkpbbbxbrbfx
+1-4 p: pppp
+14-17 n: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngnn
+5-6 d: dddddddvw
+9-10 r: rjtrrrmqrrrzrrrrjrrm
+7-11 x: bxxxxxrwxpmn
+13-14 w: gwmwwwlwwjwjwx
+2-4 d: dddddvddd
+7-9 p: pjmdppgpspcslh
+13-16 l: tllllzllpvllvlzd
+9-11 q: qzmwqqzqtqqq
+4-5 d: dvdngdd
+9-11 j: xxxvjrmgjpk
+3-4 c: rvvcn
+15-16 r: rxvmlslkpmqdqtdd
+2-5 b: sbflb
+4-5 w: wntpw
+8-16 n: nnnnnnnhnqnnnnnnn
+5-6 n: nnnnnnn
+2-5 q: bsjfhq
+6-18 r: prrrqkmrrrvbrrrrdfrv
+3-5 g: xnxlp
+4-11 s: jsstsssjssfssss
+14-16 d: dddddddddsdddddd
+18-19 n: vgngvbhdjfrbnznhhjzn
+11-13 f: ffffffffffgfgf
+5-11 n: dbgvngchnkngt
+3-4 f: gsff
+2-4 r: rfdrlznkzg
+10-18 z: zzgzwzzzzzzdzzmzhzzn
+4-5 s: qscmbssss
+11-15 x: xbxxxxgxxxbxxzw
+2-10 h: dkrnxknmthcv
+12-13 b: bbbbvbsbbbbgcbnb
+4-5 m: mmlmmsmmh
+3-6 j: njrjjkcr
+10-12 x: xxxxwdnxxxxx
+14-16 g: hggggggggngggggg
+8-9 x: gjqfxxxtxxxb
+16-17 f: ffffffffjffkffffmffb
+2-8 z: tsktkzfxntrv
+2-6 v: hvvswd
+1-2 w: xddl
+2-6 k: svwvvkqmzwjkx
+9-12 p: ppppppppbppspppb
+12-19 m: mdjmlhsmxmwcmmmmmmm
+3-5 x: rxjxb
+17-18 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwk
+2-9 b: cbfbqcfwbmwd
+1-11 h: hhhhhbhhhhmvhhhh
+2-3 j: jkjjgjhxj
+5-6 f: fffffffffhf
+17-18 j: jprvtszvgsbtxlrhljsz
+1-4 m: mmhmmmp
+2-6 p: xvfkpkc
+1-2 f: xqtfcf
+1-5 r: brrrrrr
+7-10 w: wwhwwwdwwj
+1-4 w: vwwdh
+1-3 f: hnpvgfwth
+10-12 k: kkkkkkkkkdkq
+5-13 r: rrpqrrvrqrswzr
+9-17 x: xjxxvxvbtxxxtpxpx
+12-13 j: njrjkcjgbjjnj
+2-4 l: lvll
+12-17 p: dpppprpbppnvpppprp
+4-18 b: zftbmbxgzfzdvdnvhb
+12-16 r: lcqgqjthprlxrzrrx
+2-7 m: msclccmxhsmf
+3-4 b: bfkb
+2-6 k: skfgrk
+4-5 q: qqqhhx
+6-8 c: cccmvcch
+16-17 l: bxnlvbvwzvfvbcmxl
+7-12 c: cccccccccccc
+6-7 b: bbbbjsjbbbs
+2-7 q: phxnfxqrqv
+4-5 h: hhhhhh
+9-15 n: nqnnglsjnnghxrn
+3-4 h: hkkh
+5-11 r: rlsjvrrrrrl
+5-7 b: bbbbzbwbbbb
+2-3 f: qczff
+8-14 c: fccqccccccclccccck
+1-8 r: rrbfmjsr
+4-5 p: dpphz
+11-13 d: wdmwkcqddrdvdz
+8-15 h: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
+6-10 l: dhgdclhlkltnc
+14-15 t: tttntttnthtttzw
+4-6 p: pppppdp
+13-14 l: dvlnvlgtbpnhll
+11-12 s: brsqgfsnpmwskhdnm
+6-7 j: httjvjj
+2-14 w: wwwfwjzwrzfwnwjwwm
+8-9 w: wwrwwwwgt
+2-5 r: dvrwb
+7-9 b: wwvqbsbjb
+1-12 l: lljxlbslwlgn
+11-12 m: mmmmmmhmmmwbmkmmt
+10-11 l: lblllmllldl
+3-9 w: wwpwwwwbfwwwm
+9-10 q: pcrqfqlskz
+7-9 l: llvlllblklllx
+6-7 g: qgggjmwg
+5-10 v: vvvvvxbrvvp
+9-10 d: hqddgkkdrpdd
+17-18 q: qqqqqqqlqqqqqqqqdt
+6-10 h: hspnhhzldxphdh
+8-13 l: vvvscdnlblllml
+6-12 p: ppkrprpxwpppwx
+4-5 k: tkslb
+7-8 d: hdjdhnzdd
+9-10 x: wkxtblgxxjxxlqnfxxlx
+8-9 g: rggggggdk
+10-20 d: kcgdtbbswwdtvgdgxfwd
+3-4 g: gggggg
+16-17 l: llnzlqllllzllllmllll
+4-10 r: nsrrrbzrfzcrrzrrdqk
+4-6 k: kkkkkpkk
+4-8 n: nnnmntnnrnnn
+12-14 l: lllllllllwlqllll
+3-6 r: rrrrrrr
+1-6 s: ssskcshsxtd
+7-15 d: ndrbdnntdmkddxd
+9-10 j: pjjjjgjsjhjj
+7-10 k: pkbkkkkkgkq
+4-8 m: mmxmmmdmmmmm
+9-13 c: ngjcrcccvbcvqdjmph
+3-5 q: qqqqqq
+7-10 s: fcssnsssssslxspr
+3-5 k: kkkkvv
+5-10 f: tlbcvgwfzlf
+5-9 x: xxxxqxxxx
+2-10 q: qrprhbrhjhb
+3-4 g: gggmgg
+8-10 j: jjjjjjjgjpjjj
+2-4 v: dvzvvtfm
+7-12 q: zvzqprjhqdcqfzr
+12-13 f: ffffffffffffqf
+2-3 f: fffsdwq
+10-11 z: ztzzjzjzzzlzzz
+5-7 k: kkkkqtkkkkk
+6-9 z: dfbzhgsrzsp
+2-4 b: wpqb
+9-15 c: cwchcdhxlqzccxbb
+8-11 q: qqxptqqvqrgqg
+5-7 t: ttttztcvtjtkts
+2-6 n: nnbmdnjxclwkffrnxff
+3-7 p: pppppph
+9-12 d: xhmfndzcddfddvgddf
+1-5 h: hthmhvlthhhhh
+6-7 m: mmmmmmm
+6-7 j: jjjvjjjrj
+1-5 q: mqnqwqqqqqjq
+10-11 b: bmbbbdbpbbbbzbb
+1-4 k: gvccvdltkwcdd
+12-16 s: sssssssssssjssshs
+4-10 k: wzvlkmdhcklhdp
+10-13 z: zzzzzzzzzfzzj
+6-12 g: bmzmvvggpgtm
+3-11 m: nvcpfgvnsqmwxmmz
+1-5 n: dnwnnnnnnnbndnnn
+4-5 h: lhhhh
+4-5 g: gggdg
+2-5 h: xthqhfj
+2-4 f: lfkf
+4-6 k: rqbhrtzktmvmrxck
+4-5 q: jqdsc
+10-11 h: hhhhhhhhhvjh
+2-17 r: rrrrrrrprwrrrfjrr
+16-17 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbb
+3-5 z: pkvzzfrljrjctw
+13-14 w: wwwwwwwjwwwwww
+8-10 d: dddddddldzpq
+1-4 b: sbbgb
+2-10 d: vnhpzmvpcddhs
+8-15 t: zftpwtrtqjqtfntp
+11-12 j: djjjjjjjcjjcj
+4-7 r: jrrtrrrvmzzrrvsl
+2-4 r: rpkp
+3-4 b: qbxc
+10-11 w: wwwwwwfzkdmnwwv
+6-14 z: mztxzzztmzwzzqvm
+12-14 w: wwwwwwmsgwdwsqwjwww
+6-10 f: zfhqjfhnjfdvwsfftf
+2-11 q: mwbbqdncdfq
+8-11 v: zvtvvwvfvvq
+6-8 n: xnwhzmdskwhn
+8-15 q: qqqqkqqqqqqqqqst
+1-4 n: nnnnn
+5-18 c: sqczchcwcccclccccccc
+3-4 j: klgr
+11-12 m: mmmmmmmmmmmm
+2-3 d: qdxfmqwbmdnvj
+1-5 m: cmmmm
+6-7 l: llllllll
+1-9 m: zmmmmmmmlmmmmmmm
+9-11 m: dwspwrmjsxpc
+5-6 p: qpppfz
+10-19 t: fvtphwzsptqzntbkxqt
+7-9 m: mpcmpmmmvptmm
+3-9 h: hhhpqqwhhtm
+11-16 p: pppppppppppppppvp
+1-9 k: ktkklkkkkkkk
+10-17 q: rthtqvgspqkvfkgkqfhj
+11-14 g: ggxgggggxggzggcnggg
+3-4 t: tttt
+9-10 t: sqtbdttthtttm
+1-4 t: ttkbgdzztbxd
+3-8 f: gxfcrrsfntftvffnfqff
+9-11 q: qqqqqqqjlqqq
+12-13 v: vvvvvvvvvvvvk
+7-11 b: nbxbbbsmbtkb
+7-8 k: kkkkkknn
+4-6 j: jjjjlv
+13-16 m: mmcmmmmmmmmmmmmvs
+7-9 k: kdkkkkrkgkk
+1-4 c: crcdlrdbzc
+1-16 k: kkkkkkkkkkgmkkktkkk
+2-12 l: llllrlllllllll
+4-9 g: gggbkgpgz
+6-7 q: qqqqqqjq
+6-7 v: hvvvvpm
+10-14 t: ttfxmqtgtttttbtct
+5-7 h: hwhhfrnch
+4-13 w: zdlrqvxwwzsfrfq
+4-5 h: hhhshhhh
+2-4 n: vhjfnz
+5-6 s: sssssss
+11-13 n: nnwrnnnlnngnn
+3-4 s: wbss
+3-4 s: wnss
+16-17 p: ppfprptkpmzkbjppp
+2-4 v: pvxv
+8-9 w: swwwwwwhwwnwwwxj
+4-6 s: pzhkvss
+4-5 x: wnxpx
+4-5 f: fsfwp
+4-5 z: zzdjz
+3-6 v: vnvvvvvvvvvvv
+5-6 f: wfxfff
+4-7 z: zzzqfzz
+3-5 q: qqjqsqqqf
+3-7 w: kwwkmww
+6-7 h: hhhhhhgh
+2-5 v: vvbzvvkn
+8-15 r: svrqpqrgrrhmzbms
+9-17 n: jnnnncnnnnnxnnnnnp
+5-6 n: dgnhsc
+5-7 l: lplltbv
+4-6 n: mmrnsbcqr
+7-8 w: wwjwwwwww
+1-16 c: bccccccfcccccccdcc
+6-9 l: sjnlmxwllg
+3-9 q: cqvhkwhtstwrl
+5-9 h: khvxhhhgfchhknhhhz
+8-9 c: ccccccccdc
+2-19 n: jjxbmbwmnqbblfbgzsz
+3-4 p: pppp
+1-3 b: jzxbbb
+3-6 h: hhhgjhhw
+2-8 f: vfxftzkmlzk
+11-19 h: mmdptdzhwdbjhvkccrhk
+4-14 s: sssvsdpsssssspns
+11-12 f: fffffffflfbk
+2-13 h: nhbgtbjvbpmrnhf
+1-3 t: ttttttttttttttttttm
+3-4 t: tsttr
+2-9 n: fnkknptqn
+1-8 j: qjpjjjjjjtpxjqjw
+2-12 c: clccccccccckccc
+18-19 f: dpftffzcfhqffddfpff
+1-4 j: trjj
+9-11 z: zwzmzzczsdd
+5-8 g: vrpbggfn
+2-5 k: qksvzkj
+2-4 f: wfdfjlfwmjrdmxx
+4-12 l: bnplnlgqcwql
+13-14 n: nqlfdnnnnnnnvbnwnlh
+4-8 l: dgxhsrql
+10-11 k: qvwcrkxtkjxlq
+5-6 g: ckgggg
+6-14 h: xbhhvzvxbhhhhhbhkzhh
+6-9 w: whwdwrxgc
+7-9 b: bbrbnjbfb
+7-8 w: brwwkfvwwwww
+2-11 g: gmggghngggg
+12-17 l: bgslljzntbmvtkbgllgg
+12-18 g: gggggggggggkggggggg
+1-3 l: gllllllll
+14-16 k: jkkqkkgkrkvxkkkkskgb
+2-3 v: vljvgnvm
+7-8 r: jrjvrprr
+7-8 f: xxffrnff
+2-18 j: jhjjjjjjjjjtjjfjjpjr
+8-9 q: rfllhmnqtrkv
+2-3 n: lnndv
+2-15 s: hzzsrprnnjlwdfs
+1-5 q: vqqqq
+9-18 b: gxbpbbppbrbbnlkmbb
+2-13 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbpb
+6-7 t: mtrftthtttftttztttst
+1-7 z: nfzzzzvzzczzzzzzzz
+4-12 m: mmmcmmmmmmmmmm
+9-11 p: jpswppqbmpfpzpg
+10-11 c: ccccccpcccc
+2-6 t: ztscdrkxxctdft
+3-13 q: mqfqqqqjqqfqdqqq
+16-20 z: zzjcxdmzgzzzppbtztzz
+5-15 w: wwwpwhwqcwwwwwgw
+2-4 p: pczp
+5-7 d: ddddmdfd
+2-3 f: fftc
+1-3 v: vvmv
+11-15 k: tjkcvkkkkgkzkkxqv
+4-6 b: vdkvbn
+7-8 c: wbcjhswc
+9-10 l: lllbqrllll
+4-5 s: sjnlw
+12-14 j: mjtmzfjjtsgvgtq
+1-3 l: llrllml
+12-13 d: dngddlqdtgdcd
+3-5 l: cblhld
+3-4 r: trrq
+1-3 c: kcccc
+9-10 g: bgbgjggpvgpgpggg
+3-6 d: szwlfm
+13-14 f: ffffffffffffzfff
+6-7 d: ddddddddddnnddddr
+7-16 h: xmbpwmhsznmldhnxflc
+4-6 q: qqqnqqqg
+2-7 t: ttwbpmnthmjr
+8-16 x: xbcxxbwxxrpxnfxd
+2-3 d: dngdd
+9-10 n: qkxfdljnnl
+4-5 f: ftfffff
+12-15 n: nnnnnncnnnnnnnsnn
+1-2 d: dkdd
+2-5 v: vvvvgv
+1-14 v: jvvvvvvvvvvvvmvvv
+5-6 r: rrrrrr
+2-3 b: bnvbbbtbjgxfchnkhcjb
+1-14 g: wjggxgggggggxgmrvcg
+1-6 x: bhvxhxxxx
+1-2 r: rprr
+6-7 c: cccccccqc
+4-8 b: bbgplbbcdtbbdbgbbhbz
+1-4 w: wjgw
+1-3 h: zhzzt
+2-11 j: sjjrtjkjhjj
+6-7 m: mlmrrmm

diff --git a/2020/resources/input03.txt b/2020/resources/input03.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e1bd0f655fb0729445f15cd68aeb4a8e8cd5887c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input03.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@

diff --git a/2020/resources/input04.txt b/2020/resources/input04.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cecabe26162287d74e0cfc706e175c7bc43bce1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input04.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+iyr:2013 hcl:#ceb3a1
+hgt:151cm eyr:2030
+byr:1943 ecl:grn
+iyr:2015 ecl:gry
+hgt:153in pid:173cm
+hcl:0c6261 byr:1966
+hgt:166cm eyr:2025 pid:79215921 byr:1952 iyr:2014 ecl:blu
+hgt:165cm hcl:#733820
+iyr:2013 pid:073015801 ecl:oth
+ecl:brn hcl:#623a2f
+cid:246 byr:1948 pid:122719649
+pid:229371724 hgt:154cm hcl:#ceb3a1 byr:2000 ecl:hzl iyr:2017
+eyr:2029 ecl:amb
+hgt:177cm pid:914628384 hcl:#623a2f iyr:2013
+eyr:2026 hcl:#efcc98 pid:475316185 byr:1945
+pid:371759305 iyr:2018 hcl:#623a2f eyr:2026 byr:1984 hgt:174cm
+iyr:2010 pid:184800910 ecl:amb cid:108 eyr:2028
+iyr:2012 hcl:#b6652a hgt:160cm pid:223041037
+eyr:2029 byr:1920 ecl:oth cid:212
+hgt:163cm byr:1966
+eyr:2023 ecl:amb iyr:2010
+pid:465404256 hcl:#7a54af ecl:blu hgt:180cm iyr:2018
+eyr:2024 byr:1933
+iyr:2018 hgt:185cm
+byr:1929 eyr:2024
+hcl:#cfa07d pid:184cm hgt:187in ecl:#e97c0d iyr:2022 eyr:2013
+hgt:176cm iyr:2019 eyr:2024 ecl:brn byr:1943
+pid:532967054 hcl:007b47
+pid:171225044 hcl:#888785 byr:1992 ecl:amb iyr:2012 eyr:2030
+pid:689216275 iyr:1934 eyr:2031 ecl:#e5bc14 hcl:#fffffd
+pid:166619054 cid:125 hcl:#cfa07d hgt:164cm byr:1946
+ecl:brn iyr:2014 eyr:2023
+ecl:#c1ae72 pid:458692331 hcl:#b6652a eyr:1966 byr:1951 iyr:2023
+cid:253 pid:9096156879 hcl:9911e5
+iyr:2019 eyr:2033 hgt:181cm
+ecl:oth pid:180428876 iyr:2019 byr:2001 eyr:2024 hgt:172cm hcl:#7d3b0c
+byr:2007 eyr:2030
+iyr:1961 ecl:lzr hcl:#cfa07d
+pid:377737133 hgt:160cm byr:1958 hcl:#866857 ecl:oth iyr:2015 eyr:2022 cid:350
+eyr:2025 ecl:brn hcl:#efcc98
+iyr:2015 pid:321192707
+byr:1956 iyr:2018 hcl:#b6652a
+ecl:blu cid:343
+hgt:152cm pid:192659885
+iyr:2012 byr:1952 eyr:2022 hcl:#efcc98 ecl:grn pid:337866006
+byr:1941 eyr:2027 ecl:oth
+iyr:2012 pid:303690324 hcl:#7d3b0c
+ecl:grn byr:1945 eyr:2028 hcl:#cfa07d iyr:2012 cid:108 pid:388941584 hgt:171cm
+pid:962215061 ecl:brn iyr:2019 eyr:2025 cid:163 hcl:#cfa07d byr:1958 hgt:187in
+byr:1989 pid:118257086 iyr:2019 cid:320 hgt:158cm eyr:2027 hcl:#733820
+iyr:2019 eyr:2031 hcl:#341e13 hgt:161cm byr:1950
+byr:1976 ecl:blu
+hgt:153cm pid:552154655 iyr:2019
+eyr:2025 pid:109518209 iyr:2013 byr:1923
+hgt:178cm byr:2007 hcl:#7f431f pid:7365694093 eyr:2037
+ecl:blu iyr:2018
+cid:105 iyr:2013 byr:1995 ecl:grn hgt:181cm
+pid:733189859 hcl:#b6652a
+hcl:#6b5442 eyr:2028 iyr:2013 byr:1958 hgt:169cm
+ecl:gry pid:651263830
+iyr:2018 cid:59 eyr:2027 ecl:blu
+hgt:174cm pid:269821917 byr:1971
+byr:1936 eyr:2025 ecl:hzl hcl:#b6652a
+ecl:gry hcl:#7d3b0c pid:000522430 eyr:2020
+iyr:2015 eyr:2022
+pid:630105579 hcl:#7d3b0c byr:1935
+ecl:gry hgt:153cm
+ecl:gry hcl:#fffffd hgt:172cm byr:1944
+iyr:2013 cid:58 pid:554670072
+iyr:2012 hgt:176cm
+ecl:brn pid:201965494 hcl:#dd8296
+cid:124 byr:1935 eyr:2020 ecl:blu
+hcl:#a97842 pid:666776663 iyr:2010
+byr:1943 pid:139343878 hgt:181cm hcl:#733820 cid:206 iyr:2018 ecl:brn
+ecl:amb hgt:160cm
+byr:1975 eyr:2030
+iyr:2012 ecl:amb hgt:170cm pid:221200950 eyr:2028
+hcl:#733820 cid:274
+pid:167438086 iyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd hgt:178cm byr:1996
+iyr:2015 hcl:#b6652a
+byr:1962 cid:209 ecl:brn hgt:150cm eyr:2024
+iyr:2016 ecl:amb
+hgt:192cm byr:1947 eyr:2021 hcl:#888785
+iyr:2011 hgt:157cm eyr:2030
+pid:103806645 cid:90 ecl:grn byr:1976
+hcl:#fffffd byr:1957
+cid:284 eyr:2026
+pid:031705251 iyr:2019
+eyr:2019 byr:2019 hgt:167in
+iyr:2014 ecl:gmt
+hcl:#18171d cid:93
+pid:821161144 ecl:brn byr:2002 hgt:170cm
+byr:1972 iyr:2018 hcl:#fffffd
+pid:745667222 eyr:2023
+hcl:#602927 byr:1996 ecl:blu pid:503245375
+hgt:166cm eyr:2028 iyr:2018
+hgt:59in byr:1966
+ecl:oth iyr:2016 eyr:2029 hcl:#866857
+cid:179 iyr:2012 hgt:182cm eyr:2024 pid:451186596 hcl:#6b5442 ecl:blu
+eyr:2023 iyr:2016
+hcl:#18171d hgt:173cm cid:182 pid:979409688 ecl:brn byr:1972
+iyr:2014 eyr:2027 byr:1977 ecl:brn hgt:171cm hcl:#b6652a pid:124307431
+byr:1929 pid:048990845 ecl:hzl hgt:193cm cid:159 hcl:#b6652a eyr:2028
+ecl:gry hgt:181cm iyr:1934 byr:1970
+eyr:2015 pid:5818817055 cid:98
+pid:397317466 byr:1967
+pid:138485312 ecl:hzl
+iyr:2010 hcl:#866857 byr:1936 cid:345 eyr:2021
+pid:687490850 eyr:2028 hcl:#9bd268 hgt:157cm iyr:2012 byr:1994
+byr:1933 pid:575158994 hgt:192cm iyr:2017 eyr:2022 hcl:#602927
+eyr:2023 pid:615952261 byr:1959
+iyr:2011 hcl:z ecl:grn hgt:152cm pid:6079261766
+hcl:#18171d iyr:2012
+byr:1986 ecl:blu
+pid:836367740 hgt:191cm eyr:2024 cid:200
+ecl:blu pid:909247319 iyr:2019 eyr:2026 byr:1958
+hcl:#b6652a cid:256
+eyr:2027 hcl:#efcc98 iyr:2010 hgt:191cm ecl:brn byr:1933
+pid:414637667 hcl:#8d840f cid:291 iyr:2013 ecl:amb eyr:2029 hgt:172cm
+byr:1961 iyr:2020 eyr:2025 pid:675731511 hgt:71in
+ecl:blu hcl:#623a2f
+byr:1959 iyr:2002
+hcl:#ceb3a1 eyr:2027 ecl:#633ff4
+ecl:gry pid:812104470 byr:1938
+eyr:2028 cid:285 iyr:2016 hcl:#b6652a
+cid:99 hgt:152cm byr:1971
+eyr:2020 hcl:#733820
+iyr:2012 pid:020521112
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+hcl:fafcd9 eyr:2021
+pid:359286290 cid:207 iyr:2018 ecl:grt
+pid:179471060 byr:1966 ecl:amb hcl:#18171d eyr:2029 iyr:2015 hgt:190cm
+hcl:#efcc98 ecl:gry
+eyr:2026 iyr:2011
+hgt:158cm pid:721512314
+ecl:oth eyr:2024 hcl:#8bc738
+hgt:167cm iyr:2014 pid:729168992
+cid:126 eyr:2030
+byr:2012 eyr:1955 hcl:z iyr:1981 pid:#66167e hgt:175in ecl:grt
+hgt:154cm cid:301 iyr:2010 hcl:#7d3b0c pid:573851812 ecl:grn eyr:2030
+pid:601712917 ecl:hzl eyr:2001 cid:70 hgt:162cm hcl:#6b5442 iyr:2018
+hgt:183cm byr:1996 eyr:2023 hcl:#866857 iyr:2018 pid:259910953 ecl:brn
+pid:751991211 hcl:z iyr:2015 eyr:2024 byr:1939 ecl:oth hgt:161cm
+eyr:2026 byr:1947
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+iyr:2028 eyr:1994 pid:9211015765
+hgt:193cm ecl:amb eyr:2023
+iyr:2020 byr:1933
+hcl:#efcc98 pid:482745318
+byr:2014 pid:619629999
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+hcl:#b6652a eyr:2028 byr:1921
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+eyr:2027 pid:904225608 iyr:2010 cid:57 hgt:161cm hcl:#83ee3c ecl:gry byr:2001
+byr:1968 pid:120450875 iyr:2018 hgt:165cm ecl:grn eyr:2022 hcl:#7d3b0c
+hcl:#a97842 byr:1964
+eyr:2027 ecl:oth hgt:186cm iyr:2010
+cid:226 pid:632344779
+cid:348 iyr:2019
+ecl:oth eyr:2029
+hgt:184cm byr:1992
+byr:1929 hgt:181cm hcl:#fffffd iyr:2019 pid:369478657
+hgt:177cm eyr:2021 iyr:2016 ecl:gry byr:1938 hcl:#602927 pid:034365656
+iyr:2020 hcl:#866857
+pid:183612456 ecl:#9e25d3 hgt:159cm byr:1934
+pid:664990234 hcl:#efcc98 cid:185 iyr:2018
+hgt:163cm pid:760854338 cid:228
+byr:1958 iyr:2014
+hcl:#efcc98 ecl:gry
+hcl:#18171d hgt:157cm ecl:amb eyr:2025 byr:1957 pid:347369874
+pid:013801431 byr:1999
+hgt:181cm eyr:2029
+ecl:amb iyr:2010
+hgt:153 eyr:2030 byr:2022
+hcl:z cid:84 ecl:hzl iyr:2020
+cid:315 iyr:2011
+hgt:151cm hcl:#ffb5f9
+pid:427813663 byr:1999 ecl:brn eyr:2025
+cid:205 byr:2000 iyr:2020 hgt:173cm ecl:gry
+eyr:2026 byr:1996 iyr:2018 ecl:grn hgt:158cm pid:026432567 hcl:#602927
+byr:1964 eyr:2020 hgt:184cm pid:031793197 hcl:#fffffd
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+eyr:2020 cid:347
+byr:2014 iyr:2011 hgt:179cm
+hcl:z eyr:2020 ecl:grt
+iyr:2011 hcl:#a97842
+byr:1942 pid:789953865 cid:172 hgt:180cm eyr:2027
+hgt:179cm pid:975853536
+iyr:2018 byr:1989 hcl:#602927
+eyr:2021 ecl:amb
+hcl:85d233 cid:207 eyr:2020 hgt:138 pid:6169876
+ecl:hzl eyr:2029 hcl:#efcc98
+hgt:188cm iyr:2018 cid:143 byr:1973
+hcl:#ceb3a1 pid:762609805
+iyr:2016 eyr:2024 ecl:oth
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+eyr:2029 pid:776605704 byr:1964 hgt:175cm hcl:#623a2f ecl:grn
+byr:1989 iyr:2019
+ecl:gry pid:397990288
+hcl:#602927 hgt:67in eyr:2030
+hcl:#866857 iyr:2018 ecl:blu byr:1938 cid:227 eyr:2028 hgt:171cm
+byr:1974 hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2026 hgt:59in cid:51 iyr:2019
+ecl:oth pid:091591737
+byr:1952 cid:301 pid:804465935 hgt:152cm eyr:2025 hcl:#888785
+iyr:2013 ecl:hzl
+hcl:6a32f0 eyr:2027
+ecl:amb byr:1933 cid:185
+byr:1945 hcl:#b6652a
+hgt:163cm ecl:brn eyr:2025 iyr:2015 pid:829875350
+byr:1940 hgt:174cm iyr:2014 pid:9989523268 ecl:gry eyr:2026
+iyr:2011 ecl:lzr
+byr:1998 hgt:182cm
+eyr:2029 hcl:z
+hcl:#c0946f byr:1983 ecl:blu iyr:2017 hgt:183cm eyr:2027
+ecl:oth iyr:2011 hgt:158cm byr:1950 pid:902512428 hcl:#623a2f eyr:2028
+ecl:oth byr:1938 hcl:#d5eb7e
+pid:829945241 hgt:171cm
+pid:998912876 eyr:2022
+iyr:2012 hcl:#cfa07d cid:338 ecl:brn
+ecl:amb hcl:#7d3b0c pid:331124964 iyr:2013 byr:1945 hgt:189cm eyr:2028
+pid:012740434 iyr:2019
+hgt:172cm eyr:2028
+cid:102 hcl:#866857
+eyr:2027 hgt:181cm byr:1954 ecl:blu
+byr:1984 pid:876360762 hgt:72cm
+eyr:2040 hcl:a60c15 iyr:1948 ecl:lzr
+hgt:167cm byr:1930 ecl:oth pid:740024142 eyr:2024 hcl:#341e13
+byr:1968 hcl:#623a2f ecl:brn
+cid:210 hgt:155cm
+iyr:2017 pid:216618180 eyr:2024
+byr:1966 pid:131332466 hgt:174cm ecl:amb
+iyr:2013 eyr:2023
+hcl:z byr:2017 iyr:2027 hgt:163cm
+iyr:2016 ecl:hzl hgt:171cm
+hcl:#888785 pid:390140479 byr:1976
+cid:327 eyr:2023 byr:1954
+hgt:192cm iyr:2012
+pid:413357852 ecl:blu
+iyr:2014 ecl:hzl hgt:154cm byr:1962 pid:904474869 hcl:#6b5442 eyr:2023
+ecl:hzl iyr:2012 eyr:2027 pid:663644982 hgt:175cm cid:56
+byr:1980 hcl:#ceb3a1
+eyr:2020 iyr:2012 hgt:190cm byr:1993 hcl:#a97842
+ecl:amb pid:418635216
+byr:1933 iyr:2016 ecl:oth eyr:2024 hcl:#cfa07d hgt:169cm
+eyr:2040 hgt:161cm
+byr:2018 ecl:blu
+iyr:2022 hcl:#866857 cid:252
+hgt:191cm iyr:2012
+pid:642929864 ecl:amb byr:1934
+iyr:2015 hcl:#cfa07d ecl:grn
+eyr:2029 pid:163012663 hgt:150cm
+eyr:2030 byr:1938 hgt:188cm iyr:2018
+pid:652645847 hcl:#b6652a ecl:grn
+pid:157056211 iyr:2010 hcl:#cfa07d ecl:gry
+eyr:2024 byr:1961 hgt:177cm
+eyr:2020 hcl:#60945e ecl:brn iyr:2011 pid:688090869 hgt:171cm
+eyr:2023 hgt:188cm byr:1964 hcl:#7d3b0c ecl:gry iyr:2017
+hcl:#733820 pid:142902538
+eyr:2023 iyr:2012 ecl:oth
+hgt:62in cid:125 eyr:2022 hcl:#b6652a iyr:2011
+ecl:amb pid:220826562
+ecl:grn hgt:72in byr:1991 eyr:2020 pid:281076310 hcl:#6b5442
+iyr:2030 hgt:78 eyr:1966 byr:2008 cid:260 ecl:grt hcl:5d2e21
+iyr:2017 pid:388674097 byr:1950 ecl:grn cid:338
+hgt:92 eyr:2031 cid:52 pid:169cm hcl:2695be
+pid:396358436 hcl:#ceb3a1
+byr:1976 eyr:2025
+iyr:2012 ecl:brn
+eyr:2027 cid:335 hgt:65in byr:1974 hcl:#6b5442 ecl:oth iyr:2019
+ecl:amb iyr:2010 hcl:#602927 hgt:164cm byr:1966 pid:749383114 eyr:2026
+hcl:#6b5442 byr:1961 eyr:2028
+ecl:amb iyr:2010
+hgt:179cm eyr:2028 byr:1958
+pid:095076581 ecl:gry
+cid:309 ecl:utc iyr:2012
+hgt:172cm pid:395100903
+eyr:2030 hcl:#cfa07d
+eyr:2021 cid:98 pid:387957353 byr:1941
+hcl:#efcc98 ecl:brn
+hgt:184cm eyr:2020 cid:319 ecl:blu iyr:2020
+eyr:2025 iyr:2013 hgt:154cm hcl:#b6652a ecl:oth byr:1979 pid:976151938
+hgt:118 ecl:#f0f31e
+iyr:2016 hgt:153cm hcl:#6d55cd eyr:2026 ecl:hzl byr:1943 pid:257485710 cid:165
+hcl:#ceb3a1 ecl:blu byr:1937 hgt:152cm iyr:2020 eyr:2026 pid:032844291
+hcl:#fffffd byr:1937 pid:122104515 ecl:hzl
+eyr:2027 hgt:163cm
+byr:1987 pid:052848077 hcl:#341e13
+iyr:2015 hgt:172cm eyr:2022
+pid:897642631 iyr:2015 byr:1941 hcl:#733820 ecl:brn eyr:2020 hgt:179cm
+hcl:#7d3b0c ecl:grn eyr:2029 pid:232785519 cid:258 iyr:2013 byr:1999
+hgt:152cm ecl:gry hcl:#18171d eyr:2020 byr:1971 iyr:2020 pid:211826434
+eyr:2022 pid:979633771 ecl:hzl iyr:2014 byr:1963
+ecl:utc hgt:77 hcl:#866857
+byr:1979 iyr:2013
+pid:92518200 eyr:1968
+hcl:#888785 eyr:2022 pid:233642738 byr:1959 hgt:191cm
+ecl:blu iyr:2010
+pid:#adbcd3 ecl:zzz eyr:2025 cid:129 byr:2028 hcl:z hgt:166cm iyr:2011
+cid:131 hgt:169cm
+ecl:amb hcl:#c0946f
+hcl:#18171d byr:1980 ecl:oth hgt:153cm eyr:2028 iyr:2020 pid:629055498
+hgt:152 ecl:blu pid:175cm iyr:2015 byr:1941 eyr:1961
+eyr:2025 hcl:#7d6ede byr:1988
+ecl:hzl cid:267
+ecl:oth byr:1958
+eyr:2027 cid:63
+iyr:2018 hcl:#602927
+hgt:163cm byr:1925 iyr:2011
+eyr:2023 cid:163
+ecl:grn pid:411555227 byr:1974 eyr:2020 hgt:153cm iyr:2015 hcl:#a97842
+cid:111 pid:473064654 byr:1948
+ecl:brn iyr:2013
+eyr:2024 hgt:184cm
+iyr:2016 hgt:170cm byr:1993 pid:487807940 hcl:#efcc98 eyr:2024 ecl:gry
+hcl:#a97842 pid:891517350 iyr:2012
+cid:330 ecl:gry
+hgt:163cm eyr:2021
+hcl:#733820 byr:1991 pid:109734880
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+hcl:z pid:720470429
+pid:669045673 iyr:2015
+hgt:158cm hcl:#623a2f byr:1950
+eyr:2020 ecl:gry pid:708073090
+hgt:158cm iyr:2017 eyr:2027
+ecl:brn pid:840573419 hcl:#18171d byr:1968
+ecl:oth cid:81 hcl:#ceb3a1 eyr:2021
+iyr:2020 byr:1959
+hgt:180cm pid:651174767 iyr:2013 byr:1948 eyr:2022 hcl:#efcc98 ecl:grn
+eyr:2021 ecl:grn
+cid:95 hcl:#733820 iyr:2016 hgt:174cm byr:1931
+hcl:90e96c eyr:1948 ecl:zzz
+byr:1984 pid:8325286529
+cid:293 hgt:193cm ecl:oth hcl:#602927
+eyr:2021 byr:1959 iyr:2016
+hcl:#7d3b0c hgt:67in ecl:blu eyr:2022
+iyr:2016 byr:1936 cid:182
+ecl:#c93c79 byr:2021 iyr:2021
+hgt:69cm pid:#fa092e eyr:2040
+hcl:#733820 iyr:1964
+pid:121828083 byr:2028 ecl:blu eyr:2030
+eyr:2023 ecl:hzl hcl:#c0946f hgt:152cm pid:750393977 cid:308 iyr:2015
+hgt:152cm byr:2004 hcl:z eyr:2038 ecl:#e92725 iyr:2023 pid:55783937
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+ecl:grn pid:293691668
+byr:1949 hgt:60in
+hcl:#efcc98 iyr:2017
+iyr:2018 hgt:156cm ecl:oth
+pid:622764582 eyr:2020 cid:124
+pid:146888876 byr:1962 iyr:2010 cid:63 ecl:amb hgt:188cm hcl:#a97842
+pid:861542171 hcl:#866857
+iyr:2010 byr:1975
+hgt:157cm hcl:#18171d eyr:2022 byr:1936 iyr:2014 pid:478341738 ecl:amb
+pid:553753060 hgt:186cm
+iyr:2018 ecl:blu hcl:#cfa07d hgt:162cm byr:1924 pid:721804049 eyr:2023
+byr:1970 hgt:181cm eyr:2027 ecl:hzl pid:171cm iyr:2012 hcl:#5f4282
+ecl:blu iyr:2011
+pid:027908077 hcl:#b6652a hgt:158cm
+pid:160cm hcl:91324c eyr:2034 iyr:2015
+hgt:175in ecl:brn
+cid:164 iyr:2014 byr:1948 hgt:163cm pid:701930596 ecl:gry
+eyr:2020 hcl:#733820
+byr:1951 hcl:#fffffd pid:456803587 hgt:157cm ecl:blu iyr:2010 eyr:2020
+pid:9157891148 hgt:66cm iyr:1989
+ecl:amb iyr:2010 hcl:#3da943 pid:340209998 eyr:2021
+eyr:2021 pid:915482982 hcl:#84a907 iyr:2020 hgt:176cm ecl:grn
+hgt:190 ecl:oth hcl:#6b5442
+iyr:2028 cid:276
+hcl:#ceb3a1 hgt:177cm byr:1966
+iyr:2002 eyr:1958
+hcl:#888785 eyr:2025 iyr:2017
+hgt:187cm pid:856993600 ecl:oth
+byr:2013 pid:6869591443 ecl:oth
+iyr:2015 pid:317156655 cid:144
+hgt:151cm hcl:#623a2f ecl:brn
+byr:1966 eyr:2021
+ecl:hzl pid:161653223 eyr:2026 iyr:2017 byr:1980
+byr:1989 hcl:#23ef8c eyr:2026 hgt:167cm ecl:grn
+hcl:#fffffd iyr:2018 eyr:2022 pid:953490888
+eyr:2026 hcl:#c0946f hgt:165cm iyr:2016 byr:1921
+ecl:blu pid:490419824
+hgt:150cm hcl:#b6652a ecl:brn byr:1937 iyr:2013 pid:824096447 eyr:2027
+hcl:#733820 byr:1997 iyr:2015 cid:269 hgt:96 eyr:2022 pid:475968048
+byr:1985 hgt:186cm eyr:2022 ecl:gry
+pid:050842095 iyr:2014
+ecl:hzl byr:1942 cid:294 hgt:191cm pid:768437232
+eyr:2024 hcl:#623a2f
+byr:1974 eyr:2022 hcl:#afb1a8 ecl:oth
+pid:619988658 iyr:2018
+ecl:oth eyr:2029 hgt:175cm
+pid:548668762 byr:1982 iyr:2020 hcl:#c0946f
+ecl:gry hcl:#18171d
+hgt:166 pid:#3f6172 iyr:1978
+eyr:2031 byr:2021
+byr:1933 hcl:#c0946f ecl:gry eyr:2028
+cid:332 hcl:#623a2f iyr:2018 pid:706055429 byr:1971 eyr:2022 ecl:gry
+hgt:187cm hcl:#888785
+pid:224041851 eyr:2029
+ecl:blu iyr:2012 byr:1991
+hcl:099d45 byr:2015 eyr:1994
+iyr:2024 cid:229
+hgt:184cm ecl:grn byr:1938 pid:996091727
+hcl:#866857 iyr:2020 eyr:2020
+pid:883396674 iyr:2019
+eyr:2023 ecl:blu
+byr:1979 hcl:#733820 cid:125
+hgt:190cm cid:325 hcl:#866857 eyr:2027 ecl:gry
+iyr:2013 pid:317703100 byr:1968
+ecl:gry pid:652638412
+eyr:2025 iyr:2015 hgt:158cm byr:1953
+hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025
+pid:728272575 hgt:162cm
+cid:291 ecl:blu iyr:2020
+hgt:189cm byr:1980 hcl:#97fd64 ecl:grn iyr:2013
+pid:181599378 eyr:2029
+hcl:#007101 ecl:brn byr:1947 cid:265 hgt:159cm pid:288707610 eyr:2024
+hgt:62cm pid:2407695078
+eyr:2039 byr:2014
+iyr:1930 hcl:z
+byr:1994 eyr:2004 hcl:z cid:130 pid:863191800
+pid:125685599 byr:1995
+ecl:blu cid:57 hgt:172cm
+ecl:gry byr:1961
+iyr:2010 eyr:2022 pid:591409441
+ecl:hzl hcl:#efcc98 byr:1983 hgt:174cm
+eyr:2029 byr:1924 iyr:2013 pid:662719101
+ecl:amb cid:77
+iyr:2013 byr:1947 pid:532607157 hcl:#7d3b0c eyr:2030 hgt:191cm
+pid:528940525 hcl:#18171d
+iyr:2014 eyr:2029 cid:181
+ecl:gry hgt:64in
+hgt:71in iyr:2019 hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2029
+byr:1996 ecl:hzl cid:335
+pid:174cm hgt:79 hcl:z iyr:1970 cid:66 eyr:1993 ecl:lzr
+eyr:2025 cid:107 ecl:grn
+pid:286480470 hcl:#623a2f byr:1967
+eyr:2027 hcl:#7d3b0c cid:287
+pid:319840760 iyr:2017 hgt:179cm ecl:gry
+byr:1976 ecl:brn iyr:2020 eyr:2023 hgt:154cm pid:964286153
+iyr:2015 eyr:2027 hgt:173cm byr:1983 pid:500176757 ecl:amb hcl:#7d3b0c
+cid:282 pid:697942299 hgt:185cm
+eyr:2026 hcl:#7d3b0c iyr:2017 byr:2002 ecl:amb
+iyr:2014 hcl:#18171d pid:044482202
+hgt:163cm eyr:2021 byr:1982
+ecl:gry hcl:#7d3b0c
+iyr:2019 eyr:2020 hgt:187cm
+ecl:#5525a9 cid:123 byr:2009 pid:15381071 iyr:2028
+eyr:2021 hgt:165cm cid:207
+iyr:2010 ecl:gry
+byr:1929 hcl:#733820 pid:442632632
+pid:69132960 cid:84 hgt:107 eyr:2023
+ecl:gmt iyr:2016
+eyr:2027 pid:281765118 hcl:#ceb3a1 hgt:193cm
+byr:1955 ecl:gry cid:321 iyr:2010
+ecl:brn hgt:71in
+cid:189 byr:1962 eyr:2023 iyr:2018 pid:780797141 hcl:#866857
+pid:984503466 ecl:amb hgt:192cm byr:1942 hcl:#dcc50d iyr:2020 eyr:2030 cid:250
+hcl:#7d3b0c eyr:2028
+byr:2000 ecl:amb cid:199 eyr:2027 iyr:2020 pid:785585164 hcl:#888785
+iyr:2015 pid:619005249
+ecl:brn byr:1955 eyr:2028
+byr:1970 cid:339
+iyr:2011 hcl:#a97842 pid:952307953 eyr:2027 hgt:159cm
+hcl:ff4451 iyr:2022
+byr:1972 ecl:#86cbc5 pid:29044223 eyr:1985
+hcl:#623a2f iyr:2013 eyr:2023 hgt:164cm byr:1956
+eyr:2028 hcl:#733820 pid:767003752 byr:1935 hgt:167cm iyr:2016
+cid:125 ecl:amb
+iyr:2019 hcl:#18171d eyr:2022 hgt:163cm
+iyr:2019 hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929 pid:221011852
+cid:274 eyr:2026 hgt:158cm
+hcl:#a97842 iyr:2016 hgt:159cm
+byr:1998 ecl:hzl eyr:2020 cid:207
+byr:1975 hcl:#602927
+ecl:grn hgt:160cm eyr:2014
+ecl:#0b3ea5 hcl:z pid:#122ff0
+hgt:178 iyr:2013
+hgt:171cm hcl:#cfa07d pid:674448249
+ecl:hzl eyr:2026
+cid:297 byr:1928
+ecl:hzl eyr:2021 hcl:#b6652a pid:856617617
+hgt:153cm iyr:2015
+hgt:164cm ecl:gry
+pid:147932207 iyr:2011 byr:1984 hcl:#fffffd
+eyr:2027 hcl:#7d3b0c
+pid:377701492 ecl:gry byr:1971 hgt:174cm
+byr:2001 hcl:#4784a2 hgt:161cm iyr:2014 eyr:2025 pid:955262336

diff --git a/2020/resources/input05.txt b/2020/resources/input05.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input05.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@

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@@ -0,0 +1,2042 @@

diff --git a/2020/resources/input07.txt b/2020/resources/input07.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1390fba3afd7a0e2d60044dd00340162bbda4356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input07.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+mirrored gold bags contain 3 light teal bags.
+clear gold bags contain 5 light maroon bags, 4 pale tomato bags, 5 clear blue bags.
+dark olive bags contain 5 plaid black bags, 2 dim plum bags, 2 light cyan bags.
+bright white bags contain 2 pale violet bags, 5 mirrored orange bags, 3 faded beige bags.
+posh green bags contain 4 shiny gray bags.
+posh lime bags contain 3 muted lavender bags, 1 clear magenta bag, 5 muted orange bags, 3 mirrored cyan bags.
+striped turquoise bags contain 3 pale red bags, 4 wavy lime bags, 4 wavy aqua bags.
+pale fuchsia bags contain 1 striped purple bag.
+dark magenta bags contain 4 light indigo bags, 1 wavy lavender bag, 1 clear teal bag.
+drab teal bags contain 5 pale bronze bags.
+muted aqua bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 1 pale plum bag.
+vibrant brown bags contain 4 dull turquoise bags.
+vibrant green bags contain 5 dim violet bags, 2 dotted red bags, 2 dull indigo bags.
+wavy black bags contain 3 posh yellow bags, 5 wavy coral bags.
+light fuchsia bags contain 1 dull violet bag, 5 dim indigo bags, 4 plaid red bags, 5 dotted bronze bags.
+drab bronze bags contain 5 dim tan bags, 4 mirrored yellow bags, 5 dim indigo bags.
+plaid silver bags contain 4 pale orange bags.
+wavy red bags contain 3 muted chartreuse bags, 4 light silver bags.
+light aqua bags contain 4 dark cyan bags, 3 shiny aqua bags, 1 light olive bag, 3 wavy purple bags.
+wavy salmon bags contain 1 shiny blue bag, 2 bright green bags, 5 dark beige bags.
+vibrant indigo bags contain 4 drab lime bags, 5 plaid turquoise bags.
+striped violet bags contain 3 dim violet bags, 3 striped purple bags.
+dull salmon bags contain 5 vibrant turquoise bags, 5 muted black bags.
+dark lavender bags contain 5 pale gold bags, 5 pale silver bags.
+clear lavender bags contain 1 faded turquoise bag.
+striped crimson bags contain 2 dull turquoise bags, 1 dotted red bag, 5 striped yellow bags.
+posh chartreuse bags contain 2 wavy lavender bags, 2 striped black bags, 5 dim blue bags, 5 bright fuchsia bags.
+clear tomato bags contain 1 mirrored violet bag, 4 pale gold bags, 5 bright bronze bags.
+clear brown bags contain 3 plaid fuchsia bags.
+pale aqua bags contain 3 pale indigo bags, 1 dark lime bag, 4 dim magenta bags.
+bright maroon bags contain 4 wavy yellow bags, 4 bright tan bags, 2 posh indigo bags, 4 shiny white bags.
+wavy purple bags contain 1 faded beige bag, 2 drab salmon bags, 3 mirrored yellow bags.
+muted salmon bags contain 5 bright olive bags, 2 striped white bags, 3 dotted coral bags.
+dotted maroon bags contain 4 striped brown bags.
+wavy turquoise bags contain 1 dim indigo bag, 3 clear lavender bags.
+muted tomato bags contain 2 wavy turquoise bags, 4 pale crimson bags.
+faded teal bags contain 2 dotted yellow bags, 4 dull olive bags.
+dotted blue bags contain 4 striped plum bags, 4 striped cyan bags, 2 drab bronze bags.
+posh teal bags contain 2 vibrant purple bags, 4 plaid fuchsia bags, 2 light green bags, 3 light chartreuse bags.
+muted gold bags contain 1 muted green bag, 1 vibrant brown bag, 5 pale crimson bags.
+clear olive bags contain no other bags.
+dotted beige bags contain 4 posh beige bags, 2 pale silver bags.
+vibrant lavender bags contain 4 dark tomato bags, 5 dim black bags, 3 dim aqua bags.
+wavy maroon bags contain 1 drab turquoise bag, 1 shiny indigo bag.
+muted magenta bags contain 4 posh indigo bags, 4 faded brown bags.
+dull tomato bags contain 1 pale green bag, 1 plaid gold bag, 5 plaid yellow bags, 5 mirrored blue bags.
+mirrored black bags contain 5 drab crimson bags.
+dull green bags contain 4 shiny orange bags.
+dark cyan bags contain 3 pale gold bags.
+faded black bags contain 2 clear beige bags, 4 bright red bags, 1 striped black bag.
+wavy indigo bags contain 2 pale brown bags.
+dim white bags contain 3 clear violet bags, 3 vibrant indigo bags.
+muted green bags contain 1 bright white bag.
+posh coral bags contain 3 shiny purple bags, 2 light brown bags, 3 pale gray bags, 1 dull turquoise bag.
+dull white bags contain 5 bright plum bags, 5 light green bags, 3 plaid purple bags, 1 faded white bag.
+bright salmon bags contain 3 dull indigo bags, 3 muted plum bags, 3 muted bronze bags.
+dotted green bags contain 1 posh purple bag.
+posh salmon bags contain 1 shiny brown bag, 2 dark red bags, 3 drab gold bags.
+pale olive bags contain 4 shiny maroon bags, 3 shiny white bags, 2 dim lavender bags.
+dotted lime bags contain 4 mirrored plum bags, 2 dotted blue bags, 3 light salmon bags.
+dim blue bags contain 5 shiny lime bags, 5 wavy cyan bags, 3 dotted cyan bags, 5 vibrant turquoise bags.
+dim gold bags contain 3 wavy lavender bags, 4 dark silver bags, 4 striped green bags, 4 posh plum bags.
+drab lime bags contain 3 clear black bags.
+dim red bags contain 1 mirrored olive bag, 1 plaid violet bag.
+posh white bags contain 3 pale indigo bags, 1 pale black bag, 5 light green bags, 2 light maroon bags.
+dim brown bags contain 5 dotted black bags, 5 dotted red bags.
+drab gold bags contain 4 mirrored orange bags, 5 drab beige bags, 4 pale gold bags.
+shiny green bags contain 5 mirrored gray bags, 4 pale maroon bags, 1 striped coral bag.
+clear teal bags contain 3 vibrant crimson bags, 4 posh teal bags, 5 striped lime bags, 3 plaid green bags.
+wavy coral bags contain 3 drab beige bags, 2 drab magenta bags.
+plaid tan bags contain 4 faded yellow bags, 4 dull gray bags, 2 shiny lime bags.
+shiny blue bags contain 1 faded white bag, 5 dull turquoise bags.
+striped green bags contain 4 dull blue bags, 1 muted tan bag, 1 wavy lavender bag, 1 muted gray bag.
+wavy tan bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 2 pale plum bags, 2 plaid indigo bags, 2 light lavender bags.
+faded violet bags contain 5 dull turquoise bags, 4 bright orange bags, 5 drab lavender bags.
+striped magenta bags contain 5 dotted orange bags, 5 wavy red bags.
+drab beige bags contain 4 pale gold bags.
+shiny coral bags contain 3 mirrored bronze bags.
+faded indigo bags contain 5 clear violet bags, 5 vibrant fuchsia bags, 5 posh violet bags.
+muted maroon bags contain 4 wavy coral bags.
+pale violet bags contain 1 clear olive bag, 1 wavy fuchsia bag, 1 dull lime bag.
+wavy chartreuse bags contain 2 faded blue bags.
+faded purple bags contain 5 clear olive bags, 1 wavy orange bag, 2 posh beige bags, 1 mirrored salmon bag.
+dull fuchsia bags contain 2 dark tan bags.
+light gold bags contain 1 pale blue bag, 4 wavy cyan bags, 1 shiny chartreuse bag.
+bright tan bags contain 2 shiny brown bags, 4 drab gold bags.
+plaid fuchsia bags contain 4 shiny gold bags, 1 mirrored orange bag, 4 dark chartreuse bags, 1 faded tomato bag.
+striped indigo bags contain 4 clear brown bags, 3 wavy silver bags, 1 plaid teal bag, 3 pale maroon bags.
+drab salmon bags contain 1 wavy bronze bag, 2 pale violet bags, 5 plaid indigo bags.
+muted teal bags contain 1 wavy maroon bag, 2 pale purple bags, 4 clear blue bags, 2 bright salmon bags.
+clear violet bags contain 2 light chartreuse bags, 1 light silver bag, 4 dark brown bags.
+posh red bags contain 4 light lavender bags, 4 plaid brown bags.
+muted gray bags contain 1 pale olive bag.
+posh black bags contain 1 muted maroon bag.
+dotted silver bags contain 3 dull turquoise bags, 4 dotted black bags, 3 mirrored black bags.
+wavy olive bags contain 3 dotted coral bags, 5 dim silver bags.
+plaid olive bags contain 3 muted plum bags.
+dim lavender bags contain 2 pale gold bags, 5 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 dull lime bag, 1 dull beige bag.
+dark silver bags contain 4 light silver bags, 1 plaid fuchsia bag.
+shiny tomato bags contain 2 pale coral bags, 4 dim lavender bags, 1 dim purple bag, 3 wavy magenta bags.
+dull purple bags contain 1 shiny maroon bag.
+wavy orange bags contain 2 dim black bags, 1 wavy aqua bag, 4 dull turquoise bags, 3 wavy bronze bags.
+dim gray bags contain 2 faded bronze bags, 3 dull beige bags, 3 pale purple bags, 5 drab gold bags.
+muted yellow bags contain 4 wavy aqua bags.
+striped maroon bags contain 1 plaid plum bag, 5 dotted chartreuse bags, 3 dotted cyan bags, 2 bright plum bags.
+muted white bags contain 2 dark blue bags, 4 posh aqua bags, 5 mirrored violet bags, 5 posh lavender bags.
+wavy cyan bags contain 3 dim black bags, 2 striped lime bags.
+striped teal bags contain 2 bright blue bags, 1 vibrant black bag.
+posh olive bags contain 2 dim plum bags, 5 shiny turquoise bags, 1 vibrant tomato bag, 5 bright magenta bags.
+dotted crimson bags contain 2 clear gray bags.
+clear plum bags contain 4 vibrant teal bags.
+vibrant chartreuse bags contain 4 posh bronze bags, 5 light purple bags.
+vibrant teal bags contain 3 clear blue bags, 4 muted tan bags, 2 wavy fuchsia bags.
+striped beige bags contain 4 faded tomato bags.
+muted bronze bags contain 1 clear lavender bag, 4 mirrored gray bags.
+light lavender bags contain 2 plaid turquoise bags.
+dotted white bags contain 1 light yellow bag, 5 dull maroon bags, 5 posh brown bags, 2 clear olive bags.
+pale teal bags contain 4 dark aqua bags, 5 dull violet bags.
+wavy lime bags contain 2 drab red bags, 1 clear olive bag.
+vibrant black bags contain 3 dim tan bags.
+pale coral bags contain 5 dull gold bags.
+plaid maroon bags contain 2 light fuchsia bags.
+wavy aqua bags contain 5 dark coral bags, 5 mirrored orange bags, 3 muted aqua bags.
+bright blue bags contain 3 faded bronze bags, 1 bright red bag, 5 mirrored coral bags.
+wavy silver bags contain 1 posh olive bag, 1 shiny lime bag, 3 shiny beige bags.
+faded maroon bags contain 1 dull tan bag.
+light yellow bags contain 5 light lavender bags, 5 pale black bags, 1 plaid brown bag, 3 pale violet bags.
+wavy fuchsia bags contain no other bags.
+pale plum bags contain 4 light teal bags, 2 pale black bags, 1 pale green bag, 4 wavy bronze bags.
+drab white bags contain 3 dark tan bags, 5 muted orange bags, 5 dull violet bags, 1 mirrored fuchsia bag.
+pale salmon bags contain 5 faded violet bags, 1 clear cyan bag.
+clear crimson bags contain 4 pale lavender bags, 1 dull turquoise bag, 2 mirrored blue bags.
+posh gray bags contain 4 muted brown bags, 3 shiny teal bags.
+dark aqua bags contain 1 shiny maroon bag, 5 dim brown bags, 4 striped maroon bags, 5 dim blue bags.
+muted red bags contain 3 muted chartreuse bags, 4 wavy red bags, 1 drab tomato bag, 3 shiny yellow bags.
+mirrored purple bags contain 2 clear blue bags, 2 mirrored lavender bags, 1 pale gold bag, 3 bright silver bags.
+striped yellow bags contain 4 light silver bags, 2 dotted red bags, 3 mirrored black bags, 2 faded tomato bags.
+dotted teal bags contain 1 drab bronze bag, 3 muted red bags, 5 mirrored gray bags, 4 bright olive bags.
+clear turquoise bags contain 5 dim bronze bags, 3 faded silver bags, 1 dotted olive bag.
+dull lavender bags contain 5 clear olive bags, 1 mirrored orange bag.
+mirrored indigo bags contain 3 bright fuchsia bags, 3 dotted salmon bags.
+shiny salmon bags contain 2 bright turquoise bags, 1 light plum bag.
+plaid red bags contain 3 clear brown bags, 4 drab tomato bags, 2 plaid indigo bags.
+drab black bags contain 5 dull maroon bags, 2 dark silver bags, 5 bright red bags, 5 bright cyan bags.
+pale purple bags contain 5 light blue bags, 1 dull maroon bag.
+plaid crimson bags contain 2 dark turquoise bags, 5 mirrored bronze bags, 5 dull gold bags, 2 posh yellow bags.
+striped lime bags contain 2 wavy lime bags, 2 shiny teal bags.
+plaid yellow bags contain 5 muted chartreuse bags.
+dark violet bags contain 2 plaid fuchsia bags, 2 muted bronze bags, 3 posh green bags.
+bright red bags contain 4 faded plum bags, 3 dim lavender bags.
+striped purple bags contain 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 shiny yellow bag.
+shiny red bags contain 4 wavy coral bags, 3 vibrant salmon bags.
+striped cyan bags contain 2 dark yellow bags.
+posh magenta bags contain 3 vibrant indigo bags, 2 pale violet bags, 3 bright fuchsia bags, 1 shiny teal bag.
+drab cyan bags contain 3 plaid gold bags, 3 clear black bags, 5 striped green bags.
+dim chartreuse bags contain 2 wavy coral bags, 2 striped black bags, 4 dotted tomato bags, 1 muted maroon bag.
+faded beige bags contain 5 dim tomato bags, 3 plaid turquoise bags.
+mirrored teal bags contain 4 posh silver bags, 3 dotted brown bags.
+light turquoise bags contain 2 bright gray bags.
+drab fuchsia bags contain 4 shiny brown bags, 1 muted olive bag.
+mirrored bronze bags contain 3 dull turquoise bags, 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 2 drab red bags.
+shiny fuchsia bags contain 3 striped gray bags, 3 faded blue bags.
+dim beige bags contain 4 dark blue bags, 1 vibrant aqua bag, 2 shiny brown bags, 5 dull violet bags.
+drab gray bags contain 1 wavy maroon bag.
+drab orange bags contain 5 plaid brown bags, 1 vibrant yellow bag, 1 mirrored beige bag, 4 pale white bags.
+dull magenta bags contain 4 light purple bags, 3 dark brown bags.
+vibrant magenta bags contain 4 clear gray bags, 2 shiny aqua bags, 4 striped yellow bags, 3 shiny magenta bags.
+drab tomato bags contain 5 drab crimson bags, 2 dull gold bags, 4 light silver bags.
+wavy violet bags contain 3 faded plum bags.
+mirrored fuchsia bags contain 1 mirrored black bag.
+shiny white bags contain 4 light silver bags, 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 2 faded brown bags, 1 bright bronze bag.
+clear chartreuse bags contain 4 plaid cyan bags, 1 striped gold bag.
+muted turquoise bags contain 3 drab crimson bags, 3 drab olive bags.
+faded aqua bags contain 1 dotted teal bag.
+vibrant gold bags contain 2 light green bags, 1 dotted gold bag.
+drab plum bags contain 5 dim salmon bags, 3 dotted teal bags.
+dotted chartreuse bags contain 2 dull turquoise bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag, 4 faded tan bags, 1 mirrored lavender bag.
+dull silver bags contain 1 mirrored indigo bag.
+pale yellow bags contain 4 drab coral bags.
+clear black bags contain 3 dim coral bags.
+faded gold bags contain 3 faded chartreuse bags, 1 posh gray bag, 3 drab tomato bags.
+muted chartreuse bags contain 1 clear olive bag.
+shiny indigo bags contain 3 vibrant yellow bags, 2 plaid orange bags.
+dull indigo bags contain 5 bright fuchsia bags, 2 shiny yellow bags, 2 plaid indigo bags, 4 bright olive bags.
+faded silver bags contain 2 vibrant olive bags, 4 muted tomato bags.
+pale green bags contain 1 pale red bag, 5 dull lavender bags, 4 clear olive bags.
+dull violet bags contain 1 shiny black bag, 1 shiny fuchsia bag, 3 plaid indigo bags, 2 posh crimson bags.
+dotted lavender bags contain 2 striped lavender bags.
+clear orange bags contain 1 dotted cyan bag, 4 clear tomato bags.
+bright crimson bags contain 1 dull black bag, 2 dim tomato bags, 1 drab bronze bag, 4 wavy orange bags.
+dark orange bags contain 1 vibrant teal bag, 3 dull maroon bags, 4 light purple bags.
+bright teal bags contain 5 mirrored tomato bags, 4 dull lime bags, 4 shiny olive bags.
+vibrant beige bags contain 2 dark turquoise bags.
+dark yellow bags contain 5 dark orange bags, 4 pale red bags, 2 striped fuchsia bags, 5 faded turquoise bags.
+bright fuchsia bags contain 5 striped gray bags, 3 light teal bags, 5 mirrored orange bags.
+clear maroon bags contain 2 dotted yellow bags, 1 mirrored green bag, 4 dotted coral bags, 3 dull indigo bags.
+dim lime bags contain 3 dull fuchsia bags.
+striped olive bags contain 5 wavy fuchsia bags, 2 light purple bags.
+dull gray bags contain 4 dark beige bags, 1 mirrored white bag.
+dim orange bags contain 5 mirrored white bags.
+faded salmon bags contain 2 muted cyan bags.
+clear red bags contain 2 dim violet bags, 1 shiny purple bag, 3 faded salmon bags, 2 mirrored brown bags.
+plaid white bags contain 1 shiny aqua bag, 1 vibrant teal bag.
+shiny violet bags contain 3 striped lime bags, 5 mirrored chartreuse bags, 3 pale red bags, 1 muted orange bag.
+wavy green bags contain 2 dark tomato bags.
+pale lavender bags contain 3 pale orange bags.
+dark fuchsia bags contain 4 pale turquoise bags, 4 pale plum bags, 5 light purple bags, 3 dark beige bags.
+posh indigo bags contain 2 pale violet bags, 5 shiny coral bags, 1 faded chartreuse bag, 2 plaid indigo bags.
+light brown bags contain 1 posh black bag, 4 clear cyan bags.
+faded red bags contain 1 drab maroon bag.
+dark bronze bags contain 1 pale green bag, 4 shiny blue bags, 1 mirrored lime bag.
+pale orange bags contain 4 plaid violet bags, 5 dim silver bags, 1 dim cyan bag, 3 clear blue bags.
+dull brown bags contain 1 light tomato bag, 4 pale tomato bags.
+mirrored plum bags contain 1 shiny tan bag, 5 wavy brown bags.
+dull lime bags contain 4 mirrored orange bags.
+drab yellow bags contain 3 clear teal bags, 3 posh aqua bags, 4 posh fuchsia bags, 3 posh turquoise bags.
+bright cyan bags contain 5 muted lavender bags, 1 wavy purple bag.
+drab chartreuse bags contain 1 wavy tan bag.
+drab tan bags contain 5 drab bronze bags, 5 pale green bags, 1 wavy fuchsia bag.
+shiny tan bags contain 1 pale red bag, 5 clear aqua bags.
+dotted black bags contain 2 dim black bags.
+dull blue bags contain 3 clear blue bags, 5 bright gold bags, 4 pale tomato bags, 4 drab beige bags.
+light olive bags contain 2 mirrored salmon bags, 2 drab violet bags, 2 bright beige bags.
+mirrored magenta bags contain 4 drab tomato bags, 5 clear teal bags, 3 dark coral bags, 5 shiny white bags.
+bright silver bags contain 1 posh brown bag.
+vibrant blue bags contain 3 clear tan bags.
+dark indigo bags contain 3 dim aqua bags, 5 bright aqua bags.
+bright brown bags contain 3 muted purple bags, 1 muted blue bag, 1 light green bag, 1 dark red bag.
+dark salmon bags contain 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 2 dim tan bags.
+mirrored maroon bags contain 2 posh purple bags.
+faded crimson bags contain 1 posh white bag, 2 muted blue bags, 3 dark fuchsia bags, 3 light red bags.
+bright lavender bags contain 4 bright chartreuse bags, 5 muted purple bags, 4 dull aqua bags, 1 shiny blue bag.
+mirrored orange bags contain no other bags.
+wavy bronze bags contain no other bags.
+wavy yellow bags contain 2 mirrored yellow bags, 1 muted maroon bag, 2 striped purple bags, 4 pale silver bags.
+drab magenta bags contain 3 dim indigo bags, 2 wavy bronze bags, 5 shiny yellow bags.
+wavy blue bags contain 3 mirrored gold bags, 3 shiny lavender bags, 1 dim teal bag, 4 clear crimson bags.
+clear purple bags contain 2 dark beige bags.
+light cyan bags contain 1 dotted white bag, 5 muted yellow bags, 1 wavy lime bag.
+clear yellow bags contain 2 plaid olive bags, 1 muted red bag, 1 mirrored bronze bag, 5 striped violet bags.
+light plum bags contain 5 dotted fuchsia bags, 4 vibrant white bags, 5 muted red bags, 5 drab red bags.
+vibrant fuchsia bags contain 1 posh green bag.
+pale maroon bags contain 5 light purple bags, 5 shiny aqua bags, 3 clear teal bags, 2 clear green bags.
+dark teal bags contain 2 dark lavender bags, 4 striped black bags, 1 drab lime bag, 2 dim teal bags.
+clear fuchsia bags contain 2 shiny violet bags, 4 posh aqua bags, 4 bright red bags.
+dotted magenta bags contain 2 dull olive bags, 1 clear magenta bag, 5 light beige bags, 1 dark brown bag.
+muted black bags contain 2 clear blue bags, 2 muted red bags.
+dim magenta bags contain 4 plaid silver bags, 4 plaid olive bags.
+striped lavender bags contain 4 clear blue bags.
+dull beige bags contain no other bags.
+wavy lavender bags contain 2 shiny blue bags, 3 faded tomato bags, 5 dotted tan bags, 5 dull maroon bags.
+light maroon bags contain 5 dim violet bags, 3 wavy turquoise bags, 3 mirrored salmon bags.
+plaid green bags contain 1 dim teal bag, 5 pale brown bags, 2 striped chartreuse bags.
+shiny plum bags contain 1 posh lavender bag, 3 vibrant red bags, 5 dark maroon bags, 1 dotted bronze bag.
+plaid turquoise bags contain 4 light silver bags.
+dim cyan bags contain 1 shiny coral bag, 4 bright lime bags.
+shiny lime bags contain 3 wavy green bags, 5 posh white bags, 1 striped purple bag.
+dim maroon bags contain 1 muted crimson bag.
+dim aqua bags contain 1 dotted silver bag, 3 faded blue bags, 4 striped purple bags.
+muted blue bags contain 2 posh yellow bags, 3 bright tan bags, 1 vibrant salmon bag.
+vibrant olive bags contain 5 clear aqua bags.
+plaid black bags contain 3 striped orange bags.
+vibrant violet bags contain 2 pale gold bags.
+light bronze bags contain 1 shiny maroon bag, 3 light blue bags.
+pale magenta bags contain 5 pale tomato bags.
+vibrant yellow bags contain 4 striped gray bags, 4 dotted yellow bags, 1 wavy fuchsia bag, 3 wavy purple bags.
+shiny black bags contain 5 shiny yellow bags, 3 light purple bags, 1 pale olive bag, 1 clear blue bag.
+dim crimson bags contain 5 posh gray bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag.
+plaid salmon bags contain 2 wavy fuchsia bags, 1 posh olive bag, 2 dim tan bags.
+shiny cyan bags contain 5 light green bags, 1 clear olive bag, 5 pale olive bags.
+pale silver bags contain 3 mirrored orange bags, 1 light lavender bag, 2 faded tomato bags, 1 muted chartreuse bag.
+light red bags contain 4 shiny gray bags, 4 wavy salmon bags, 4 clear lime bags.
+dark turquoise bags contain 4 mirrored orange bags, 4 vibrant brown bags, 4 striped brown bags, 4 mirrored purple bags.
+dark gray bags contain 1 pale violet bag, 5 striped turquoise bags, 2 wavy red bags, 2 light bronze bags.
+pale gray bags contain 5 drab tan bags, 3 clear gray bags.
+striped gold bags contain 2 dotted beige bags.
+muted cyan bags contain 2 light bronze bags, 3 clear green bags.
+faded white bags contain 3 striped tomato bags, 4 shiny black bags, 2 drab tomato bags.
+clear lime bags contain 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 3 vibrant purple bags, 1 shiny bronze bag, 3 muted green bags.
+dull bronze bags contain 5 plaid turquoise bags, 4 dark crimson bags, 3 pale yellow bags, 3 posh chartreuse bags.
+mirrored cyan bags contain 4 clear olive bags, 2 vibrant purple bags, 4 dull olive bags.
+pale bronze bags contain 3 vibrant purple bags, 4 dotted silver bags, 2 mirrored black bags.
+pale blue bags contain 1 dark brown bag, 2 light brown bags, 2 drab lime bags.
+clear bronze bags contain 4 clear blue bags, 2 light chartreuse bags, 1 pale violet bag.
+clear aqua bags contain 2 clear cyan bags.
+plaid plum bags contain 3 faded plum bags.
+mirrored lime bags contain 4 posh brown bags.
+plaid lavender bags contain 1 bright beige bag, 5 bright lime bags, 4 faded aqua bags.
+drab crimson bags contain 2 shiny yellow bags, 1 posh brown bag.
+shiny beige bags contain 2 muted aqua bags, 1 vibrant purple bag, 4 pale black bags, 3 dark chartreuse bags.
+dim green bags contain 4 bright yellow bags, 1 shiny fuchsia bag, 1 wavy tomato bag, 4 shiny black bags.
+drab coral bags contain 5 dark coral bags.
+posh turquoise bags contain 1 dim violet bag, 2 faded turquoise bags.
+dotted plum bags contain 2 dull salmon bags, 5 light green bags, 3 pale red bags, 2 posh yellow bags.
+posh yellow bags contain 1 mirrored salmon bag, 1 drab tomato bag, 3 dark tomato bags, 2 dark chartreuse bags.
+faded orange bags contain 1 drab yellow bag.
+dull teal bags contain 2 plaid crimson bags, 5 shiny violet bags, 1 dull coral bag.
+faded brown bags contain 5 muted red bags.
+bright chartreuse bags contain 5 clear lime bags.
+mirrored tan bags contain 4 striped lavender bags, 4 light plum bags.
+clear indigo bags contain 5 plaid fuchsia bags, 2 plaid brown bags, 5 striped gray bags.
+light teal bags contain 1 dull beige bag, 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 1 mirrored orange bag, 5 wavy bronze bags.
+shiny gold bags contain 2 dark coral bags, 1 mirrored orange bag.
+striped white bags contain 5 dull fuchsia bags.
+wavy white bags contain 5 dull chartreuse bags, 5 wavy green bags.
+mirrored beige bags contain 4 bright white bags, 5 plaid magenta bags, 3 plaid crimson bags, 1 shiny teal bag.
+muted purple bags contain 5 pale black bags, 5 wavy aqua bags.
+vibrant crimson bags contain 5 dim bronze bags, 2 vibrant plum bags.
+striped aqua bags contain 3 plaid cyan bags, 3 light beige bags, 2 drab cyan bags.
+dull crimson bags contain 1 light white bag, 3 drab indigo bags, 1 clear fuchsia bag.
+clear magenta bags contain 4 light brown bags.
+posh maroon bags contain 1 faded plum bag, 3 light olive bags.
+bright violet bags contain 2 dotted bronze bags, 4 clear teal bags, 3 striped magenta bags, 3 muted indigo bags.
+faded coral bags contain 5 dark violet bags, 3 plaid teal bags.
+faded bronze bags contain 5 dotted fuchsia bags, 5 wavy bronze bags, 2 dotted purple bags, 5 dim black bags.
+light beige bags contain 2 shiny olive bags.
+mirrored white bags contain 1 dark indigo bag, 1 drab maroon bag, 3 shiny beige bags, 5 light blue bags.
+muted silver bags contain 4 wavy lime bags, 1 dark tomato bag, 1 bright fuchsia bag, 4 dotted olive bags.
+wavy gray bags contain 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 5 light lavender bags, 3 muted chartreuse bags.
+clear salmon bags contain 5 bright tomato bags, 2 wavy aqua bags.
+dull turquoise bags contain 1 pale tomato bag.
+shiny yellow bags contain 4 dull lime bags, 3 shiny maroon bags, 3 light silver bags.
+mirrored aqua bags contain 3 posh magenta bags, 4 drab tomato bags.
+dull orange bags contain 5 dim teal bags, 3 light olive bags, 2 light magenta bags, 2 plaid orange bags.
+plaid blue bags contain 3 pale purple bags, 1 shiny turquoise bag.
+dim olive bags contain 3 shiny tomato bags, 4 dim black bags, 1 light plum bag.
+dim fuchsia bags contain 1 dark chartreuse bag, 1 mirrored cyan bag, 3 plaid red bags.
+dark plum bags contain 1 light yellow bag, 1 mirrored lime bag, 2 bright salmon bags.
+faded tomato bags contain 2 muted chartreuse bags, 4 dark chartreuse bags.
+dotted aqua bags contain 2 dull lavender bags, 4 pale tomato bags.
+plaid lime bags contain 3 vibrant indigo bags, 1 muted red bag, 1 posh silver bag, 1 dim indigo bag.
+vibrant lime bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 2 vibrant chartreuse bags, 4 clear blue bags.
+posh brown bags contain 2 wavy red bags, 2 drab beige bags.
+bright beige bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 muted red bags, 5 mirrored lavender bags, 2 pale red bags.
+dotted yellow bags contain 5 striped gray bags, 3 pale gold bags, 2 clear olive bags, 5 mirrored yellow bags.
+dull gold bags contain 5 clear tomato bags, 5 drab beige bags, 4 bright silver bags, 4 drab crimson bags.
+dark maroon bags contain 2 wavy turquoise bags, 4 dark chartreuse bags.
+drab olive bags contain 4 faded bronze bags.
+posh plum bags contain 2 dull tan bags.
+light indigo bags contain 2 wavy yellow bags.
+vibrant tan bags contain 5 shiny teal bags.
+dim purple bags contain 5 light olive bags, 5 mirrored violet bags.
+vibrant gray bags contain 3 bright turquoise bags, 4 dim maroon bags, 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 2 faded turquoise bags.
+pale tan bags contain 2 light salmon bags, 3 dotted silver bags, 5 clear lime bags, 1 shiny teal bag.
+dark tan bags contain 5 dim indigo bags, 3 shiny beige bags, 5 dim tan bags, 2 pale black bags.
+dotted tomato bags contain 3 shiny black bags, 3 pale crimson bags, 2 dim tan bags.
+posh violet bags contain 4 posh crimson bags, 1 muted fuchsia bag, 4 pale cyan bags, 3 mirrored gold bags.
+clear tan bags contain 2 bright tan bags, 5 faded beige bags.
+bright bronze bags contain no other bags.
+dotted brown bags contain 2 dotted black bags, 3 wavy coral bags.
+muted violet bags contain 3 faded magenta bags, 3 bright magenta bags.
+faded plum bags contain 2 dull lime bags, 4 dim coral bags, 5 shiny maroon bags, 3 pale red bags.
+dark lime bags contain 4 dim tomato bags.
+dull aqua bags contain 4 drab beige bags, 4 drab maroon bags.
+posh purple bags contain 2 vibrant purple bags, 5 shiny gold bags, 2 plaid turquoise bags.
+dull plum bags contain 5 dark brown bags, 4 muted black bags, 1 striped lavender bag.
+faded turquoise bags contain 3 shiny yellow bags, 4 faded plum bags, 5 pale violet bags, 4 dim lavender bags.
+striped bronze bags contain 1 muted bronze bag, 4 clear green bags, 4 shiny fuchsia bags, 5 pale red bags.
+mirrored blue bags contain 4 clear tomato bags, 5 shiny orange bags, 1 dull beige bag, 1 striped silver bag.
+shiny orange bags contain 2 light bronze bags, 4 dark tomato bags, 2 drab gold bags.
+shiny gray bags contain 1 dark maroon bag.
+drab red bags contain 5 wavy purple bags.
+posh fuchsia bags contain 3 mirrored chartreuse bags, 3 vibrant teal bags.
+light crimson bags contain 2 shiny aqua bags, 2 plaid chartreuse bags, 1 shiny gold bag, 1 wavy maroon bag.
+vibrant white bags contain 1 shiny brown bag, 5 light purple bags, 4 dull olive bags, 5 clear cyan bags.
+dark green bags contain 5 drab indigo bags, 1 striped coral bag.
+striped fuchsia bags contain 5 vibrant plum bags.
+bright turquoise bags contain 1 striped fuchsia bag, 3 posh purple bags, 5 dim aqua bags.
+striped tan bags contain 1 dotted cyan bag.
+shiny magenta bags contain 2 dark yellow bags, 1 faded silver bag, 4 muted orange bags, 3 bright fuchsia bags.
+dim violet bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 1 bright bronze bag.
+vibrant orange bags contain 2 faded chartreuse bags, 2 vibrant turquoise bags, 2 dull white bags.
+pale gold bags contain 5 light lavender bags, 4 mirrored orange bags, 4 muted chartreuse bags.
+pale red bags contain no other bags.
+plaid brown bags contain 3 mirrored orange bags.
+posh aqua bags contain 5 light blue bags, 1 dark indigo bag, 1 pale red bag, 2 vibrant turquoise bags.
+muted lime bags contain 1 dim chartreuse bag, 1 dotted olive bag, 4 pale violet bags, 3 muted fuchsia bags.
+dotted fuchsia bags contain 4 light teal bags, 1 muted chartreuse bag, 3 dark chartreuse bags, 4 dim lavender bags.
+dim turquoise bags contain 4 clear beige bags, 1 posh magenta bag, 3 faded brown bags.
+muted coral bags contain 4 dark salmon bags, 1 pale tomato bag, 2 shiny brown bags.
+dull chartreuse bags contain 3 shiny white bags, 4 shiny blue bags, 1 pale crimson bag.
+muted indigo bags contain 4 posh silver bags, 1 pale maroon bag, 1 dotted red bag, 1 drab coral bag.
+dim salmon bags contain 5 pale black bags, 3 dark salmon bags, 3 pale red bags, 5 dotted purple bags.
+dotted bronze bags contain 1 dim aqua bag, 2 mirrored maroon bags, 4 muted olive bags, 3 dull fuchsia bags.
+drab silver bags contain 2 dim coral bags, 3 dim salmon bags.
+striped salmon bags contain 2 dotted purple bags, 2 posh green bags, 3 plaid beige bags.
+mirrored tomato bags contain 5 faded tomato bags, 4 wavy red bags.
+dotted cyan bags contain 1 posh white bag, 3 striped lime bags, 4 dotted purple bags, 2 muted red bags.
+striped blue bags contain 4 dark silver bags, 4 pale silver bags.
+faded green bags contain 3 dotted violet bags, 3 pale turquoise bags.
+striped gray bags contain 2 pale tomato bags, 2 dark chartreuse bags, 5 muted red bags, 3 pale violet bags.
+pale lime bags contain 4 posh maroon bags, 2 drab plum bags, 3 drab coral bags.
+posh beige bags contain 4 wavy purple bags, 2 shiny gold bags, 1 dark tan bag.
+dotted tan bags contain 2 bright silver bags, 1 posh bronze bag, 2 dim coral bags, 2 dim tomato bags.
+shiny brown bags contain 4 dim violet bags, 5 bright silver bags.
+mirrored silver bags contain 1 striped blue bag, 2 shiny teal bags, 2 light coral bags, 1 dim beige bag.
+clear silver bags contain 4 mirrored fuchsia bags, 5 dull olive bags, 1 plaid crimson bag.
+dotted orange bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 3 wavy lime bags, 3 dotted yellow bags, 5 muted lavender bags.
+shiny purple bags contain 1 shiny beige bag, 3 plaid chartreuse bags.
+drab brown bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 3 mirrored cyan bags, 1 dim crimson bag.
+vibrant tomato bags contain 5 faded plum bags.
+light tan bags contain 1 dark gold bag, 3 light salmon bags.
+vibrant cyan bags contain 4 shiny aqua bags.
+dotted purple bags contain 4 wavy coral bags.
+vibrant red bags contain 4 faded tan bags, 1 drab aqua bag, 4 striped black bags.
+faded lime bags contain 3 light olive bags, 3 striped yellow bags.
+posh gold bags contain 1 dull indigo bag, 1 mirrored chartreuse bag.
+shiny aqua bags contain 2 vibrant turquoise bags.
+light orange bags contain 3 vibrant violet bags, 2 dotted yellow bags, 1 dark gray bag, 5 striped chartreuse bags.
+pale black bags contain 1 plaid brown bag, 2 muted chartreuse bags.
+drab violet bags contain 5 clear cyan bags, 1 pale gold bag, 4 drab salmon bags, 2 posh orange bags.
+dim silver bags contain 5 clear cyan bags.
+muted beige bags contain 1 dim tomato bag, 3 light olive bags.
+drab turquoise bags contain 3 plaid orange bags, 1 light purple bag.
+dark red bags contain 2 vibrant yellow bags, 4 mirrored fuchsia bags, 5 posh bronze bags, 2 dark gold bags.
+vibrant maroon bags contain 5 drab beige bags, 1 dark beige bag, 1 dark brown bag, 4 pale maroon bags.
+wavy magenta bags contain 3 light tomato bags, 5 muted gold bags, 3 muted cyan bags.
+shiny chartreuse bags contain 5 pale yellow bags.
+dull cyan bags contain 4 bright maroon bags, 4 faded bronze bags.
+light black bags contain 4 shiny teal bags, 5 faded beige bags, 1 muted gold bag, 4 plaid silver bags.
+bright green bags contain 5 striped lime bags, 4 muted yellow bags, 4 light beige bags, 4 plaid violet bags.
+striped orange bags contain 1 mirrored orange bag, 2 bright salmon bags.
+muted plum bags contain 3 mirrored orange bags, 1 muted chartreuse bag, 2 dull olive bags, 4 dull brown bags.
+pale white bags contain 5 light silver bags.
+mirrored gray bags contain 1 mirrored violet bag, 5 striped gray bags, 5 dim aqua bags, 4 wavy fuchsia bags.
+wavy beige bags contain 2 shiny beige bags.
+dotted red bags contain 4 dotted purple bags, 3 muted aqua bags, 2 pale tomato bags, 4 pale bronze bags.
+posh lavender bags contain 2 dotted tomato bags, 3 dim lavender bags, 2 muted gray bags, 3 light plum bags.
+mirrored yellow bags contain 4 wavy gold bags.
+wavy brown bags contain 3 dim fuchsia bags, 4 dull turquoise bags.
+plaid chartreuse bags contain 5 plaid red bags.
+shiny turquoise bags contain 2 faded turquoise bags, 3 muted tan bags.
+mirrored brown bags contain 4 dotted fuchsia bags, 4 dim red bags, 2 dotted plum bags.
+dim tan bags contain 1 drab tomato bag, 3 wavy red bags, 1 plaid turquoise bag, 2 clear lavender bags.
+faded yellow bags contain 1 clear bronze bag, 3 clear olive bags.
+bright orange bags contain 5 mirrored blue bags, 3 shiny blue bags.
+striped red bags contain 5 bright green bags, 3 wavy yellow bags.
+bright indigo bags contain 2 light maroon bags, 5 shiny bronze bags, 2 bright white bags.
+light gray bags contain 2 dotted maroon bags.
+light silver bags contain no other bags.
+bright gold bags contain 2 striped fuchsia bags.
+drab purple bags contain 5 light silver bags, 2 dull yellow bags, 2 shiny teal bags.
+mirrored coral bags contain 4 dim plum bags.
+light coral bags contain 3 dim lavender bags, 5 wavy green bags, 2 light bronze bags.
+plaid indigo bags contain 3 mirrored orange bags, 5 pale gold bags.
+dark crimson bags contain 4 dark turquoise bags, 4 plaid green bags, 4 clear fuchsia bags.
+wavy teal bags contain 1 pale silver bag, 4 mirrored chartreuse bags, 4 shiny black bags.
+dull tan bags contain 4 muted magenta bags.
+light violet bags contain 4 faded yellow bags, 5 light maroon bags, 3 clear teal bags, 2 pale crimson bags.
+striped silver bags contain 3 plaid fuchsia bags.
+shiny crimson bags contain 5 muted yellow bags.
+mirrored salmon bags contain 1 dim tan bag.
+dotted coral bags contain 5 dark tan bags.
+wavy gold bags contain 2 wavy turquoise bags, 4 dim indigo bags, 3 wavy bronze bags.
+vibrant bronze bags contain 1 pale purple bag.
+posh silver bags contain 4 posh chartreuse bags, 3 bright salmon bags, 1 dotted bronze bag, 3 shiny coral bags.
+bright purple bags contain 5 clear beige bags, 3 pale yellow bags, 1 wavy tomato bag, 5 pale lavender bags.
+muted tan bags contain 4 bright white bags, 5 dotted silver bags, 2 clear blue bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags.
+light white bags contain 2 shiny purple bags, 1 dull aqua bag, 2 vibrant blue bags.
+faded fuchsia bags contain 2 dark green bags, 3 shiny violet bags, 4 drab plum bags, 3 vibrant olive bags.
+clear gray bags contain 2 muted red bags.
+dark tomato bags contain 4 dotted purple bags, 3 faded turquoise bags.
+light magenta bags contain 1 dull fuchsia bag.
+light purple bags contain 3 drab magenta bags, 4 dark coral bags, 3 light silver bags.
+vibrant turquoise bags contain 4 dotted black bags.
+dim indigo bags contain 4 muted chartreuse bags.
+dim bronze bags contain 3 drab gold bags, 4 clear brown bags, 2 muted tan bags.
+clear green bags contain 2 plaid fuchsia bags, 1 wavy bronze bag.
+dull maroon bags contain 2 wavy yellow bags, 1 dotted fuchsia bag, 4 mirrored yellow bags.
+dotted gray bags contain 5 dotted white bags, 2 pale tomato bags, 5 bright tan bags, 3 plaid turquoise bags.
+plaid gray bags contain 5 wavy lime bags, 4 dull aqua bags.
+mirrored crimson bags contain 1 shiny lavender bag, 4 plaid purple bags.
+shiny silver bags contain 5 vibrant lavender bags, 3 light coral bags, 5 dark aqua bags.
+dotted salmon bags contain 3 pale tomato bags.
+muted crimson bags contain 4 clear olive bags, 3 dull plum bags, 1 dark gray bag, 1 wavy lime bag.
+muted lavender bags contain 1 bright chartreuse bag, 3 pale yellow bags, 3 pale crimson bags.
+posh tan bags contain 4 faded tomato bags, 3 dotted olive bags, 4 striped maroon bags.
+vibrant salmon bags contain 4 vibrant indigo bags, 1 plaid orange bag.
+faded chartreuse bags contain 2 mirrored orange bags, 1 pale crimson bag.
+striped tomato bags contain 3 dim tan bags, 2 wavy gold bags.
+dim yellow bags contain 1 clear purple bag, 1 wavy red bag, 1 drab bronze bag.
+wavy tomato bags contain 5 dotted tomato bags, 3 dim salmon bags, 5 light tan bags, 3 dull brown bags.
+bright lime bags contain 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 3 dotted tan bags, 3 posh black bags, 5 wavy gold bags.
+muted brown bags contain 4 shiny indigo bags, 4 muted tan bags, 3 wavy tan bags.
+pale cyan bags contain 1 dotted black bag.
+drab green bags contain 1 muted cyan bag.
+dim teal bags contain 4 faded lavender bags, 2 pale violet bags.
+drab lavender bags contain 1 pale gold bag, 5 vibrant brown bags, 4 posh indigo bags, 1 plaid olive bag.
+dotted turquoise bags contain 2 muted lime bags, 4 striped indigo bags.
+clear white bags contain 2 bright lime bags, 1 mirrored coral bag.
+dark purple bags contain 5 wavy crimson bags, 5 light olive bags.
+light tomato bags contain 4 posh black bags, 1 faded blue bag, 5 dim black bags, 3 dull lime bags.
+bright aqua bags contain 3 clear tomato bags.
+bright tomato bags contain 1 clear green bag, 3 bright gray bags, 3 mirrored cyan bags, 5 posh chartreuse bags.
+dull yellow bags contain 5 wavy purple bags, 3 light purple bags, 5 clear cyan bags, 2 wavy coral bags.
+striped coral bags contain 3 mirrored black bags, 5 wavy coral bags, 2 posh white bags.
+shiny bronze bags contain 2 dim tomato bags, 3 dull lime bags.
+vibrant aqua bags contain 4 dull olive bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 vibrant teal bag.
+faded magenta bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 5 plaid white bags, 1 drab lime bag, 3 mirrored fuchsia bags.
+pale beige bags contain 3 wavy gray bags, 5 mirrored tomato bags, 1 bright beige bag.
+pale crimson bags contain 1 pale violet bag, 4 pale black bags, 5 dim tomato bags, 1 mirrored turquoise bag.
+dark blue bags contain 4 dark maroon bags, 1 faded brown bag, 2 wavy red bags.
+posh tomato bags contain 2 posh beige bags, 4 dark maroon bags.
+dim plum bags contain 2 muted crimson bags, 1 striped coral bag, 2 plaid yellow bags, 5 striped violet bags.
+dull black bags contain 3 posh tomato bags, 1 vibrant yellow bag, 4 mirrored salmon bags, 2 light green bags.
+wavy plum bags contain 4 wavy blue bags.
+bright coral bags contain 4 posh gold bags, 2 plaid lime bags, 3 shiny black bags, 5 dim magenta bags.
+posh blue bags contain 2 dotted turquoise bags, 2 bright olive bags, 2 plaid gold bags.
+vibrant purple bags contain 2 mirrored orange bags, 4 dull lavender bags, 2 pale red bags.
+dark white bags contain 4 drab lime bags.
+wavy crimson bags contain 2 dark salmon bags, 5 wavy yellow bags, 2 bright bronze bags, 2 drab crimson bags.
+clear coral bags contain 4 vibrant blue bags.
+muted olive bags contain 3 plaid brown bags, 1 dim fuchsia bag, 2 posh yellow bags.
+plaid violet bags contain 4 muted aqua bags.
+plaid teal bags contain 4 bright tan bags, 2 dark tomato bags.
+plaid purple bags contain 3 posh teal bags.
+pale turquoise bags contain 2 faded purple bags, 4 mirrored maroon bags, 1 mirrored salmon bag.
+muted fuchsia bags contain 5 bright bronze bags, 4 muted gold bags.
+bright olive bags contain 2 faded blue bags, 3 faded turquoise bags, 5 light bronze bags, 3 dim tan bags.
+bright gray bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted orange bags.
+light blue bags contain 1 dotted purple bag, 3 dim black bags, 3 posh purple bags, 2 mirrored violet bags.
+posh bronze bags contain 3 plaid fuchsia bags, 1 drab gold bag, 4 mirrored orange bags, 4 light teal bags.
+faded olive bags contain 3 striped blue bags, 3 dim salmon bags, 4 pale red bags, 2 dull maroon bags.
+dull coral bags contain 2 wavy gold bags, 1 dark magenta bag.
+dull olive bags contain 3 plaid turquoise bags, 3 plaid fuchsia bags, 4 wavy lime bags, 1 dotted black bag.
+plaid orange bags contain 1 dark salmon bag, 1 striped turquoise bag.
+clear blue bags contain 3 dim tan bags, 3 muted red bags, 3 faded tomato bags.
+dark chartreuse bags contain 4 bright bronze bags, 1 dim indigo bag.
+plaid tomato bags contain 5 shiny turquoise bags, 4 clear tan bags, 2 dotted bronze bags, 5 muted magenta bags.
+mirrored green bags contain 2 light silver bags, 3 light brown bags, 4 vibrant purple bags, 2 posh green bags.
+drab blue bags contain 4 drab indigo bags.
+vibrant silver bags contain 3 striped violet bags, 1 striped white bag, 2 bright blue bags.
+shiny olive bags contain 3 drab tomato bags.
+dull red bags contain 4 dim cyan bags, 3 wavy lime bags.
+vibrant plum bags contain 3 wavy coral bags, 2 light lavender bags.
+faded cyan bags contain 1 dim brown bag, 5 posh indigo bags.
+dotted violet bags contain 1 pale tomato bag, 5 dim plum bags.
+striped brown bags contain 5 dim coral bags, 4 clear blue bags.
+dotted indigo bags contain 5 clear salmon bags, 4 dim bronze bags.
+posh cyan bags contain 2 vibrant magenta bags.
+clear beige bags contain 1 bright olive bag.
+dark black bags contain 4 dull crimson bags, 3 plaid green bags.
+mirrored lavender bags contain 5 dark silver bags.
+bright black bags contain 4 shiny brown bags, 1 vibrant crimson bag, 2 posh white bags, 3 wavy gold bags.
+pale indigo bags contain 5 shiny gold bags, 3 light bronze bags, 3 striped turquoise bags.
+plaid cyan bags contain 1 shiny tan bag, 4 dark tan bags, 1 dull yellow bag.
+bright plum bags contain 1 pale chartreuse bag, 3 plaid red bags, 1 faded beige bag, 1 posh gray bag.
+drab maroon bags contain 3 dull olive bags, 1 pale green bag, 2 mirrored turquoise bags.
+pale chartreuse bags contain 4 dim tomato bags.
+striped black bags contain 4 vibrant turquoise bags, 3 faded white bags, 4 light plum bags, 1 pale black bag.
+dotted gold bags contain 5 posh teal bags, 5 striped violet bags.
+posh orange bags contain 1 clear green bag.
+light green bags contain 5 wavy turquoise bags, 2 pale red bags, 3 dark tomato bags, 3 dull turquoise bags.
+plaid beige bags contain 4 light silver bags, 4 plaid turquoise bags, 5 drab purple bags, 4 clear lime bags.
+mirrored violet bags contain 2 wavy fuchsia bags, 5 bright bronze bags.
+striped plum bags contain 2 plaid indigo bags, 5 bright yellow bags, 1 wavy magenta bag.
+bright yellow bags contain 3 wavy yellow bags.
+drab aqua bags contain 5 dark red bags, 2 light gold bags.
+plaid bronze bags contain 1 drab magenta bag.
+faded tan bags contain 4 shiny aqua bags, 2 light chartreuse bags.
+drab indigo bags contain 5 dotted beige bags, 3 dull lime bags, 1 striped violet bag, 4 vibrant tan bags.
+dark gold bags contain 4 mirrored lime bags, 3 dark salmon bags.
+muted orange bags contain 1 dull yellow bag, 2 shiny brown bags.
+plaid gold bags contain 4 drab coral bags, 5 shiny cyan bags.
+posh crimson bags contain 3 light brown bags, 3 bright bronze bags, 3 shiny yellow bags.
+bright magenta bags contain 5 dim lavender bags.
+light chartreuse bags contain 2 drab bronze bags, 3 dim coral bags.
+dim tomato bags contain no other bags.
+dark beige bags contain 3 mirrored yellow bags, 2 dull olive bags, 5 striped brown bags.
+clear cyan bags contain 5 drab beige bags, 1 shiny yellow bag, 5 wavy purple bags, 5 dark chartreuse bags.
+dark coral bags contain 3 dim lavender bags, 3 pale green bags, 4 mirrored orange bags, 1 dim coral bag.
+light lime bags contain 5 mirrored brown bags.
+shiny lavender bags contain 5 drab tan bags.
+faded lavender bags contain 1 light salmon bag, 2 dotted purple bags, 5 pale gold bags, 3 muted gold bags.
+pale tomato bags contain 5 dim coral bags.
+plaid coral bags contain 3 dull blue bags, 1 posh white bag, 3 light orange bags.
+dim coral bags contain no other bags.
+dotted olive bags contain 5 mirrored green bags, 3 drab aqua bags, 2 dull beige bags, 3 dim indigo bags.
+dark brown bags contain 1 muted tan bag, 5 wavy lime bags.
+mirrored red bags contain 5 vibrant aqua bags, 3 bright gray bags, 4 striped gray bags, 2 light lavender bags.
+mirrored olive bags contain 5 dark chartreuse bags, 1 dim lavender bag, 5 faded plum bags.
+dim black bags contain 1 shiny yellow bag, 4 plaid indigo bags.
+shiny maroon bags contain 1 mirrored orange bag, 1 muted chartreuse bag, 5 wavy bronze bags, 1 dull lavender bag.
+pale brown bags contain 4 light teal bags, 1 light plum bag, 3 bright aqua bags.
+striped chartreuse bags contain 2 shiny maroon bags.
+mirrored chartreuse bags contain 4 dotted tan bags, 4 bright bronze bags.
+plaid magenta bags contain 1 vibrant yellow bag, 5 wavy aqua bags, 5 dull turquoise bags, 2 wavy fuchsia bags.
+light salmon bags contain 3 muted tan bags, 3 faded turquoise bags, 4 drab bronze bags, 3 bright bronze bags.
+faded blue bags contain 1 wavy red bag, 5 wavy fuchsia bags, 4 bright bronze bags, 3 faded turquoise bags.
+plaid aqua bags contain 1 pale tan bag, 3 light white bags.
+mirrored turquoise bags contain 5 drab beige bags, 1 faded plum bag, 4 mirrored orange bags.
+shiny teal bags contain 2 pale black bags, 4 dull indigo bags, 4 vibrant teal bags.
+vibrant coral bags contain 3 drab turquoise bags, 4 striped beige bags, 1 wavy turquoise bag, 4 light crimson bags.
+faded gray bags contain 3 striped purple bags.

diff --git a/2020/resources/input08.txt b/2020/resources/input08.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2aacf1d97e45e6bedf087c8d108304b404723bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input08.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+jmp +1
+acc -15
+acc +14
+acc +18
+jmp +443
+jmp +286
+acc +27
+jmp +522
+jmp +1
+acc -19
+acc +22
+acc +37
+jmp +111
+acc +28
+acc +43
+acc +18
+nop +597
+jmp +479
+jmp +604
+jmp +499
+acc +0
+acc +22
+acc +13
+jmp +566
+acc -12
+acc +0
+nop +153
+jmp +173
+jmp +192
+jmp +292
+acc +36
+acc +7
+jmp +440
+acc -17
+acc +40
+acc +24
+acc -7
+jmp +519
+nop +16
+acc +15
+acc +42
+jmp +445
+jmp +350
+acc +42
+acc +12
+acc +2
+jmp +133
+acc +12
+acc +3
+acc +27
+jmp +186
+acc +25
+acc +46
+jmp +285
+acc +32
+acc -11
+acc -6
+jmp +565
+nop +215
+acc +1
+acc +35
+jmp +1
+jmp +502
+acc +27
+acc +19
+acc -8
+acc -8
+jmp +531
+jmp -21
+nop +292
+acc +8
+acc -13
+jmp +26
+acc +1
+acc +45
+nop -42
+jmp +323
+jmp +39
+jmp +336
+acc +19
+jmp -51
+acc +45
+acc +26
+jmp +278
+jmp +6
+acc +40
+nop +271
+acc -10
+nop -4
+jmp +272
+nop -61
+acc +4
+acc -14
+acc +27
+jmp -70
+acc -9
+acc +29
+jmp +416
+acc +25
+acc +45
+jmp +19
+jmp +39
+acc -19
+acc +7
+jmp +248
+acc +11
+acc +36
+jmp +515
+acc +45
+acc +49
+jmp +329
+acc +30
+acc +31
+acc +28
+acc +26
+jmp +8
+jmp +283
+acc +32
+jmp +127
+acc +4
+acc +20
+jmp +92
+jmp +50
+jmp +133
+acc +5
+acc +8
+jmp +313
+acc +38
+acc +34
+jmp +395
+acc +14
+acc +29
+jmp +392
+nop +246
+jmp +374
+nop +429
+nop +388
+acc +3
+acc +0
+jmp +432
+acc -1
+acc +35
+acc +35
+jmp +148
+acc +8
+acc +11
+acc +12
+acc -10
+jmp +434
+acc -19
+jmp +330
+nop +329
+acc +30
+jmp +239
+acc -6
+jmp -136
+jmp +418
+nop +385
+jmp +1
+acc +34
+acc +9
+jmp +410
+nop -13
+acc +31
+acc +15
+acc +37
+jmp -142
+jmp +109
+acc -16
+nop +405
+nop +343
+jmp +8
+acc +44
+acc -15
+acc +7
+acc +9
+jmp +185
+acc +6
+jmp +35
+nop -25
+jmp +93
+acc +22
+acc -17
+acc +15
+acc +39
+jmp +41
+nop -123
+acc +15
+acc +6
+jmp -35
+acc +48
+jmp +422
+acc -7
+nop +67
+nop +66
+acc +48
+jmp -29
+acc -11
+acc +16
+jmp +92
+acc +45
+jmp +92
+jmp +212
+acc -3
+acc -18
+nop -186
+nop +7
+jmp -28
+nop +292
+acc +7
+nop -120
+acc +46
+jmp +48
+acc -3
+acc -16
+acc +50
+jmp -44
+acc -2
+acc -11
+jmp +236
+jmp +344
+acc +33
+acc +44
+acc +39
+nop -45
+jmp -53
+acc -11
+nop +380
+acc +35
+jmp +113
+nop +203
+acc +40
+jmp +167
+acc +44
+jmp +394
+jmp +229
+jmp -167
+jmp -204
+acc +21
+acc +49
+jmp +25
+acc -19
+acc -17
+acc +44
+jmp -11
+acc +40
+acc +12
+jmp +253
+acc +21
+jmp +349
+jmp +285
+acc +0
+nop +261
+acc +15
+acc +38
+jmp +10
+acc +27
+jmp +1
+jmp +373
+jmp -151
+acc +6
+jmp -48
+acc +14
+acc -8
+jmp -61
+acc +8
+acc +20
+jmp +1
+jmp +1
+jmp +208
+acc -18
+acc +32
+jmp +94
+jmp +262
+acc +0
+jmp -156
+nop +188
+nop +312
+acc +21
+acc +6
+jmp -123
+acc +47
+jmp +316
+acc +25
+nop +290
+jmp +62
+acc -7
+acc +36
+nop +212
+acc +14
+jmp +332
+jmp +291
+jmp +226
+acc +30
+jmp -161
+acc +39
+acc +38
+jmp +203
+nop +63
+nop -6
+acc -15
+nop -56
+jmp +72
+acc +1
+acc +34
+acc +22
+acc +19
+jmp -135
+acc +27
+jmp -303
+acc +1
+acc +48
+acc -19
+jmp +142
+acc +50
+jmp +298
+acc +43
+acc +0
+acc +50
+acc +12
+jmp +137
+acc +41
+nop +252
+jmp -310
+acc +13
+acc +34
+acc -15
+acc +43
+jmp +236
+acc +5
+acc -8
+acc +25
+acc +45
+jmp +153
+acc -12
+acc +31
+acc -1
+jmp +120
+jmp +236
+acc +38
+nop -238
+jmp -328
+jmp +81
+acc +48
+acc +15
+acc -9
+jmp -73
+nop -49
+jmp -271
+acc -17
+acc -17
+jmp +106
+nop +212
+jmp -290
+acc +36
+nop +109
+jmp +186
+jmp -310
+acc +4
+acc +16
+jmp +117
+jmp +1
+acc +10
+jmp +20
+acc +12
+jmp -311
+acc +12
+acc +30
+nop +182
+jmp -315
+acc +25
+acc +12
+acc +30
+jmp +50
+acc -19
+jmp -333
+acc +30
+nop +87
+jmp -199
+acc +8
+jmp +112
+acc -8
+jmp -313
+acc +7
+acc +32
+jmp +1
+jmp +230
+acc +25
+acc +45
+acc +20
+acc +0
+jmp -307
+acc +30
+nop -253
+acc +7
+acc +39
+jmp -113
+acc -12
+jmp +209
+acc +42
+acc +17
+acc -19
+acc +24
+jmp -170
+acc +30
+acc +9
+acc -1
+jmp -328
+acc +19
+acc +45
+jmp +132
+nop -244
+nop +35
+jmp +34
+acc -10
+acc +26
+acc +35
+nop -238
+jmp +54
+acc +15
+nop -378
+acc +42
+jmp -43
+acc -9
+acc -5
+acc -11
+nop -307
+jmp -129
+nop -202
+acc -9
+nop -376
+acc +11
+jmp -75
+jmp +14
+acc -1
+acc +32
+acc -14
+acc +16
+jmp +39
+acc +42
+acc +32
+jmp -133
+acc +1
+acc +17
+nop +85
+acc +35
+jmp +83
+acc +27
+acc +0
+acc -12
+jmp -93
+acc +48
+acc +35
+nop +154
+jmp -287
+jmp -347
+jmp -348
+acc +18
+jmp -374
+acc -15
+jmp +36
+jmp -123
+acc -11
+jmp +55
+acc +19
+acc +23
+jmp -339
+nop +5
+acc +44
+acc +2
+jmp +1
+jmp -417
+acc +23
+jmp -253
+acc -9
+acc -3
+jmp -138
+jmp -227
+acc +12
+jmp -437
+acc +47
+acc +19
+acc -6
+jmp -245
+acc +2
+jmp -328
+acc -14
+acc +25
+acc +4
+acc -2
+jmp -411
+jmp -351
+jmp -459
+acc +3
+acc +48
+jmp -134
+nop +54
+acc -14
+jmp -298
+jmp -401
+acc -14
+acc +25
+nop -55
+acc -10
+jmp -312
+acc -7
+acc +45
+jmp -74
+acc +30
+jmp -462
+acc +5
+acc -8
+jmp -355
+acc +9
+acc +44
+acc +44
+jmp -150
+jmp -484
+acc +14
+acc +19
+acc -6
+jmp -474
+acc -18
+jmp -166
+jmp -264
+acc -15
+acc +17
+acc +29
+jmp -149
+nop -273
+acc +31
+acc +0
+acc -2
+jmp -410
+jmp -411
+acc +47
+acc -6
+nop -287
+jmp -436
+acc +4
+nop +88
+jmp -158
+acc +32
+jmp +1
+acc -15
+jmp -319
+acc -6
+acc -18
+acc +49
+jmp -256
+acc -18
+acc +31
+acc +27
+acc +27
+jmp -351
+jmp +58
+acc +12
+jmp +1
+acc +32
+nop -151
+jmp -411
+acc +19
+acc +7
+jmp -287
+acc +30
+jmp -496
+acc -11
+acc +5
+acc +42
+acc +25
+jmp -249
+acc -1
+jmp -243
+jmp -190
+acc +32
+acc +32
+acc +14
+jmp +12
+acc +5
+acc +30
+acc +34
+jmp -46
+acc -13
+acc +5
+acc +45
+jmp -271
+acc +29
+acc +37
+jmp -323
+nop -18
+acc -2
+acc +21
+acc -12
+jmp -453
+acc -14
+acc +19
+nop -173
+jmp -411
+acc +24
+acc -7
+nop -136
+acc +6
+jmp -357
+acc -1
+acc -1
+acc +32
+jmp -264
+acc +26
+jmp -175
+acc +10
+acc +35
+nop -361
+jmp -493
+acc +14
+jmp -206
+jmp -138
+acc -1
+jmp -156
+acc +3
+acc +11
+acc -2
+jmp -213
+acc +35
+acc -13
+acc +47
+acc +45
+jmp -376
+jmp -543
+jmp -479
+acc +29
+jmp -532
+acc +28
+acc +47
+acc -11
+acc -14
+jmp +1

diff --git a/2020/resources/input09.txt b/2020/resources/input09.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3102d884ecfd78e795cfe802218b37de5885672e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input09.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@

diff --git a/2020/resources/input10.txt b/2020/resources/input10.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0028b97b8543c4ebe00aa075668ea6f93769d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input10.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@

diff --git a/2020/resources/input11.txt b/2020/resources/input11.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85142c6dfa1d49b11cd3b35a2c3794e04fb2e248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input11.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@

diff --git a/2020/resources/input12.txt b/2020/resources/input12.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85892eab86ba12ad042e0b4cd9af1b93c915b941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input12.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@

diff --git a/2020/resources/input13.txt b/2020/resources/input13.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78137a2f0556423c156c823ef0328e3bd353a303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/resources/input13.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/core.clj b/2020/src/aoc/core.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ddabcb526200731ceb11d493d20e53c6dbc951d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(ns aoc.core
+  (:gen-class)
+  (:require [aoc.day13 :as day13]))
+(defn -main
+  [& args]
+  (day13/main))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day01.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day01.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19290da98555f562ee0272f29c8aa9f01a45bc56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day01.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(ns aoc.day01
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(defn lines [s]
+  (clojure.string/split s #"\n"))
+;; ------------
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> "input01.txt"
+       io/resource
+       slurp
+       lines
+       (map read-string)))
+(defn produce-matches-1 [input]
+  (for [x input]
+    (for [y input]
+      (when (= 2020 (+ x y))
+        [x y]))))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (->> (produce-matches-1 input)
+       flatten
+       (remove nil?)
+       (take 2)
+       (apply *)))
+(defn produce-matches-2 [input]
+  (for [x input]
+    (for [y input]
+      (for [z input]
+        (when (= 2020 (+ x y z))
+          [x y z])))))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (->> (produce-matches-2 input)
+       flatten
+       (remove nil?)
+       (take 3)
+       (apply *)))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day02.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day02.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..578f6b5312cffbfe71335bda1d55f8565860d913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day02.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+(ns aoc.day02
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example "1-3 a: abcde
+1-3 b: cdefg
+2-9 c: ccccccccc")
+(defmacro xor
+  "Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right.  If only one form returns
+  a logical true value (neither nil nor false), returns true.  If more than one
+  value returns logical true or no value returns logical true, retuns a logical
+  false value.  As soon as two logically true forms are encountered, no
+  remaining expression is evaluated.  (xor) returns nil."
+  ([] nil)
+  ([f & r]
+     `(loop [t# false f# '[~f ~@r]]
+        (if-not (seq f#) t#
+                (let [fv# (eval (first f#))]
+                  (cond
+                   (and t# fv#) false
+                   (and (not t#) fv#) (recur true (rest f#))
+                   :else (recur t# (rest f#))))))))
+(defn parse-line [line]
+  (zipmap [:min :max :letter :password]
+          (rest
+            (re-find #"(\d+)-(\d+) (\w): (\w+)" line))))
+(defn string-to-char [s]
+  (first (char-array s)))
+(defn password-valid? [p]
+  (let [min          (read-string (:min p))
+        max          (read-string (:max p))
+        freqs        (frequencies (:password p))
+        letter       (string-to-char (:letter p))
+        letter-count (get freqs letter 0)]
+    (and
+     (>= letter-count min)
+     (<= letter-count max))))
+(defn password-valid-2? [p]
+  (let [pass (:password p)
+        idx-1 (get pass (dec (read-string (:min p))))
+        idx-2 (get pass (dec (read-string (:max p))))
+        letter (string-to-char (:letter p))]
+    (xor
+     (= idx-1 letter)
+     (= idx-2 letter))))
+(defn check-passwords [acc val]
+  (if (password-valid? val)
+    (inc acc)
+    acc))
+(defn check-passwords-2 [acc val]
+  (if (password-valid-2? val)
+    (inc acc)
+    acc))
+;; ----
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> (io/resource "input02.txt")
+       slurp
+       clojure.string/split-lines
+       (map parse-line)))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (reduce check-passwords 0 input))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (reduce check-passwords-2 0 input))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day03.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day03.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b3ee50ca76655faec3e48d657bfabffb1bd3ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day03.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+(ns aoc.day03
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example
+  "..##.......
+(def paths
+  [[1 1]
+   [3 1]
+   [5 1]
+   [7 1]
+   [1 2]])
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> (slurp (io/resource "input03.txt"))
+       clojure.string/split-lines))
+(defn all-coordinates [[x y]]
+  (iterate (fn [[xx yy]]
+             [(+ x xx)
+              (+ y yy)])
+           [0 0]))
+(defn tree? [s]
+  (= s \#))
+(defn count-trees [lines]
+  (fn [acc [x y]]
+    (let [line (nth lines y)
+          spot (nth line x)]
+      (if (tree? spot)
+        (inc acc)
+        acc))))
+(defn compute [input coords]
+  (let [infinite-lines (map cycle input)
+        needed-coords (take-while #(< (second %)
+                                      (count input))
+                                  coords)]
+    (reduce (count-trees infinite-lines) 0 needed-coords)))
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (let [infinite-lines (map cycle input)
+        infinite-coords (all-coordinates [3 1])
+        needed-coords (take-while #(< (second %)
+                                      (count input)) infinite-coords)]
+    (reduce (count-trees infinite-lines) 0 needed-coords)))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (let [c (partial compute input)
+        coords (map all-coordinates paths)]
+    (->> coords
+         (map c)
+         (apply *))))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day04.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day04.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d22a5faf793c23ae539143623b798b4679c29211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day04.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+(ns aoc.day04
+  (:require [ :as io]
+            [clojure.set]))
+(def fields #{:byr :iyr :eyr :hgt :hcl :ecl :pid :cid})
+(def height-pattern #"(\d+)(cm|in)")
+(def hcolor-pattern #"#[a-f0-9]{6}")
+(def eye-color-set #{"amb" "blu" "brn" "gry" "grn" "hzl" "oth"})
+(def pid-pattern #"\d{9}")
+(def validation
+  {:byr (fn [v]
+          (when (= 4 (count v))
+            (let [n (read-string v)]
+              (<= 1920 n 2002))))
+   :iyr (fn [v]
+          (when (= 4 (count v))
+            (let [n (read-string v)]
+              (<= 2010 n 2020))))
+   :eyr (fn [v]
+          (when (= 4 (count v))
+            (let [n (read-string v)]
+              (<= 2020 n 2030))))
+   :hgt (fn [v]
+          (when-let [[_ digits u] (re-find height-pattern v)]
+            (let [n (read-string digits)]
+              (case u
+                "cm" (<= 150 n 193)
+                "in" (<= 59 n 76)))))
+   :hcl (fn [v]
+          (re-matches hcolor-pattern v))
+   :ecl (fn [v]
+          (contains? eye-color-set v))
+   :pid (fn [v]
+          (re-matches pid-pattern v))
+   :cid (fn [v] true)})
+(def optional-fields (set [:cid]))
+(def required-fields
+  (clojure.set/difference fields optional-fields))
+(defn collect-pair [acc p]
+  (let [[k v] (clojure.string/split p #":")]
+    (assoc acc (keyword k )v)))
+(defn parse-passport [s]
+  (let [lines (clojure.string/split-lines s)
+        joined (clojure.string/join " " lines)
+        pairs (clojure.string/split joined #" ")]
+    (reduce collect-pair {} pairs)))
+(defn valid? [p]
+  (let [pfields (set (keys p))]
+    (=
+      (clojure.set/intersection required-fields pfields)
+      required-fields)))
+(defn valid-2? [p]
+  (when (valid? p)
+    (let [ok (map (fn [field]
+                       (let [f (get validation field (constantly true))
+                             v (get p field)]
+                         (f v)))
+                     required-fields)]
+       (every? identity ok))))
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> (clojure.string/split (slurp (io/resource "input04.txt")) #"\n\n")
+       (map parse-passport)))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (count
+   (filter valid? input)))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (count
+   (filter valid-2? input)))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day05.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day05.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e80f6789d380702945f82d149e973770e2782d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day05.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+(ns aoc.day05
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example "FBFBBFFRLR") ;; 44 5
+(defn reduce-range [lower upper]
+  (fn [coll direction]
+    (let [size (/ (count coll) 2)]
+    (condp = direction
+      lower (take size coll)
+      upper (drop size coll)))))
+(defn find-row [directions]
+  (first
+    (reduce
+      (reduce-range \F \B)
+      (range 0 128)
+      directions)))
+(defn find-column [directions]
+  (first
+    (reduce
+      (reduce-range \L \R)
+      (range 0 8)
+      directions)))
+(defn find-seat [boarding-pass]
+  {:row (find-row (take 7 boarding-pass))
+   :column (find-column (drop 7 boarding-pass))})
+(defn seat-id [{:keys [row column]}]
+  (+ (* row 8)
+     column))
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> (slurp (io/resource "input05.txt"))
+       (clojure.string/split-lines)))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (->> input
+       (map find-seat)
+       (map seat-id)
+       sort
+       reverse
+       first))
+(defn all-seat-ids [input]
+  (->> input
+       (map find-seat)
+       (map seat-id)
+       sort))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (let [seat-ids (all-seat-ids input)
+        coll (range (first seat-ids) (inc (last seat-ids)))]
+    (clojure.set/difference
+     (set coll)
+     (set seat-ids))))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day06.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day06.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b5fa69763a0bb472325cc7c86fb03467a275cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day06.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+(ns aoc.day06
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example "abc
+(defn group-said-yes [group]
+  (apply clojure.set/union
+         (map set group)))
+(defn group-all-said-yes [group]
+  (apply clojure.set/intersection
+         (map set group)))
+;; ----
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> (clojure.string/split (slurp (io/resource "input06.txt")) #"\n\n")
+       (map clojure.string/split-lines)))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (->> input
+       (map group-said-yes)
+       (map count)
+       (apply +))
+  )
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (->> input
+       (map group-all-said-yes)
+       (map count)
+       (apply +)))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day07.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day07.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..798e0a6e50fa7cbb062db0ea1c1b8d457732d961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day07.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+(ns aoc.day07
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example
+  "light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
+dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
+bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.
+muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
+shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.
+dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.
+vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.
+faded blue bags contain no other bags.
+dotted black bags contain no other bags.")
+(def rule-pattern #"(\d+) (\w+ \w+)")
+(def mine "shiny gold")
+(defn parse-sub [s]
+  (let [[_ number color] (re-find rule-pattern s)]
+    {:color color
+     :number (read-string number)}))
+(defn parse-contents [s]
+  (when-not (clojure.string/starts-with? s "no")
+    (let [rules (clojure.string/split s #", ")]
+      (map parse-sub rules))))
+(defn parse-rule [s]
+  (let [[bag contents] (clojure.string/split s #" contain ")
+        [shade color _] (clojure.string/split bag #" ")
+        contents (parse-contents contents)]
+    {:color (str shade " " color)
+     :contents contents}))
+(defn graph [rules]
+  (reduce (fn [acc {:keys [color contents]}]
+            (reduce (fn [acc content]
+                      (update acc (:color content) conj {:color color
+                                                         :number (:number content)}))
+                    acc contents))
+          {} rules))
+(defn graph2 [rules]
+  (reduce (fn [acc {:keys [color contents]}]
+            (reduce (fn [acc2 content]
+                      (update acc2 color conj content))
+                    acc contents))
+          {} rules))
+(defn get-parents [graph color]
+  (get graph color))
+(defn fold [g]
+  (loop [r (into #{} (->> (get-parents g mine)
+                          (map :color)))]
+    (let [r2 (reduce (fn [acc color]
+                        (into acc
+                              (->> 
+                                (get-parents g color)
+                                (map :color))))
+                      r r)]
+      (if (= r r2)
+        r
+        (recur r2)))))
+(defn count-contents [g c]
+  (let [contents (get-parents g c)]
+    (if (seq contents)
+      (reduce
+       (fn [acc {:keys [color number]}]
+         (+ acc (* number (count-contents g color))))
+       1
+       contents)
+      1)))
+;; ---
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> (slurp (io/resource "input07.txt"))
+       (clojure.string/split-lines)))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (let [rules (map parse-rule input)
+        g (graph rules)]
+    (count (fold g))))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (let [rules (map parse-rule input)
+        g (graph2 rules)]
+    (dec
+      (count-contents g mine))))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day08.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day08.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a969f09d5caf70362723efedd8a951a63e8986b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day08.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+(ns aoc.day08
+  (:require [ :as io])
+(def example "nop +0
+acc +1
+jmp +4
+acc +3
+jmp -3
+acc -99
+acc +1
+jmp -4
+acc +6")
+(def example-terminating "nop +0
+acc +1
+jmp +4
+acc +3
+jmp -3
+acc -99
+acc +1
+nop -4
+acc +6")
+(defn parse-instruction [s]
+  (let [[op n] (clojure.string/split s #" ")]
+    (assoc {}
+           :op (keyword op)
+           :value (read-string n))))
+(defn accumulate [acc value]
+  (if (>= value 0)
+    (+ acc value)
+    (- acc value)))
+(defn step [acc index {:keys [op value]}]
+  (case op
+    :acc [(+ acc value) (inc index)]
+    :jmp [acc (+ index value)]
+    :nop [acc (inc index)]))
+(defn run-computer [coll]
+  (loop [index 0
+         acc 0
+         log #{}]
+    (if (contains? log index)
+      acc
+      (let [[new-acc new-index] (step acc index (nth coll index))]
+        (recur new-index new-acc (conj log index))))))
+(defn run-computer-2 [coll]
+  (loop [index 0
+         acc 0
+         log #{}]
+    (cond
+      (contains? log index) :infinite-loop
+      (= index (count coll)) acc
+      :else (let [[new-acc new-index] (step acc index (nth coll index))]
+              (recur new-index new-acc (conj log index))))))
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> (slurp (io/resource "input08.txt"))
+       clojure.string/split-lines
+       (map parse-instruction)))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (run-computer input))
+(defn reverse-it [op]
+  ;; LOL
+  (get {:jmp :nop
+        :nop :jmp}
+       op))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (let [input (vec input)
+        indexes (range (count input))
+        possibilities (map (fn [i]
+                          (let [{:keys [op]} (nth input i)]
+                            (if (contains? #{:jmp :nop} op)
+                              (assoc-in input [i :op] (reverse-it op))
+                              input)))
+                        indexes)]
+    (->> possibilities
+         (map run-computer-2)
+         (remove #(= :infinite-loop %))
+         first)))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day09.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day09.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee3f16be045660e1b7da38f1c6ccc2e57a8ec4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day09.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+(ns aoc.day09
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example
+  "35
+(defn valid? [n coll]
+  (seq (for [x coll
+          y coll
+          :when (not= x y)
+          :when (= n (+ x y))]
+      [x y])))
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> (io/resource "input09.txt")
+       io/reader
+       line-seq
+       (map read-string)))
+(defn read-example-input []
+  (->> example
+       clojure.string/split-lines
+       (map read-string)))
+(defn compute-1 [input size]
+  (loop [step 0]
+    (let [without-old (drop step input)
+          pool (take size without-old)
+          candidate (nth without-old size)]
+      (if-not (valid? candidate pool)
+        candidate
+        (recur (inc step))))))
+(defn adds-up? [coll n]
+  (loop [nums []
+         index 0]
+    (cond
+      (= (apply + nums) n) nums
+      (> (apply + nums) n) nil
+      :else (recur (conj nums (nth coll index))
+                   (inc index)))))
+(defn find-range [input n]
+  (loop [coll input]
+    (let [r (adds-up? coll n)]
+      (if-not (nil? r)
+        r
+        (recur (rest coll))))))
+(defn compute-2 [input n]
+  (let [result (find-range input n)]
+    (+ (apply min result)
+       (apply max result))))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)
+        size 25
+        n (compute-1 input size)]
+    (println n)
+    (println (compute-2 input n))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day10.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day10.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fc7c1445bf345c02ee7480e937e6e293e616781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day10.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+(ns aoc.day10
+  (:require [ :as io])
+  (:gen-class))
+;; (defn read-input []
+;;   (line-seq
+;;     (io/reader
+;;       (io/resource "input10.txt"))))
+(def example "16
+(def example2 "28
+(defn read-input []
+  (->>
+       (io/resource "input10.txt")
+       io/reader
+       line-seq
+       ;; example2
+       ;; clojure.string/split-lines
+       (map read-string)))
+(defn builtin [ratings]
+  (->> (apply max ratings)
+       (+ 3)))
+(defn jolts [input]
+  (let [device (builtin input)
+        input (conj input device)
+        input (sort input)]
+    (reduce (fn [acc adap]
+              (let [prev (:i acc)
+                    diff (- adap prev)]
+                (if (= 3 diff)
+                  (assoc acc :i adap :j3 (inc (:j3 acc)))
+                  (assoc acc :i adap :j1 (inc (:j1 acc))))))
+            {:i 0 :j1 0 :j3 0}
+            input)))
+(defn next-coll [[n & coll]]
+  (filter #(and
+              (> % n)
+               (<= 1 (- % n) 3))
+          coll))
+(declare jp)
+(defn jolt-possibilities [coll]
+  (let [nexts (next-coll coll)]
+    (if-not (seq nexts)
+      coll
+      (mapcat (fn [next]
+                (jp
+                (filter #(>= % next) coll))) nexts))))
+(def jp (memoize jolt-possibilities))
+(defn jolt-possibilities-2 [coll]
+  (loop [acc #{}
+         current 0]
+    (let [nexts (next-coll coll)]
+      )))
+;; the recursive solution didn't work on the puzzle input because memory :(
+;; the `part-2` fn is someone else's
+(defn part-2 [adapters]
+  (let [device (+ (apply max adapters) 3)
+        ;; The number of routes to each adapter is the sum of the number of
+        ;; routes to each of the possible previous adapters (it's like a messy
+        ;; Pascal's triangle) so we can get the solution in one pass.
+        routes (reduce
+                 (fn [r a]
+                   (assoc r a
+                     (apply + (map #(get r % 0) (range (- a 3) a)))))
+                 {0 1}
+                 (sort (conj adapters device)))]
+    (get routes device)))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (let [{:keys [j1 j3]} (jolts input)]
+    (* j1 j3)))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (let [input (cons 0 input)
+        device (builtin input)
+        input (conj input device)
+        input (sort input)]
+    (count (jp input))))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (part-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day11.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day11.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b382b3d13e0de31966ea5d029fbf936b40d451cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day11.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+(ns aoc.day11
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example "L.LL.LL.LL
+(declare parse-floor)
+(defn read-input []
+  (->>
+   (io/resource "input11.txt")
+   slurp
+       ;; example
+   clojure.string/split-lines
+   parse-floor))
+(defn adjacent [m [sx sy]]
+  (for [x [-1 0 1]
+        y [-1 0 1]
+        :when (not= [x y] [0 0])]
+    (let [fx (+ x sx)
+          fy (+ y sy)]
+      [[fx fy] (get m [fx fy] :empty)])))
+(defn visible [m [sx sy]]
+  (for [x [-1 0 1]
+        y [-1 0 1]
+        :when (not= [x y] [0 0])]
+    (let [fx (+ x sx)
+          fy (+ y sy)]
+      (some (fn [[[x y] spot]]
+              (#{:taken :empty} spot))
+            (map (fn [[a b]]
+                   [[a b] (get m [a b] :empty)])
+                 (rest (iterate
+                        (fn [[xx yy]] [(+ xx x) (+ yy y)])
+                        [sx sy])))))))
+(defn taken-adjacent [m [sx sy]]
+  (filter #(= :taken (second %))
+          (adjacent m [sx sy])))
+(defn taken-visible [m [sx sy]]
+  (filter #(= :taken %)
+          (visible m [sx sy])))
+(defn parse-floor [input]
+  (into {}
+        (for [y (range (count input))
+              x (range (count (first input)))]
+          (let [spot (get-in input [y x])
+                tile (case spot
+                       \L :empty
+                       \# :taken
+                       \. :floor)]
+            [[x y] tile]))))
+(defn run [input]
+  (into {} (map (fn [[[x y] seat]]
+                  (let [taken-count (count (taken-adjacent input [x y]))]
+                    (case seat
+                      :empty [[x y] (if (zero? taken-count) :taken :empty)]
+                      :taken [[x y] (if (>= taken-count 4) :empty :taken)]
+                      [[x y] seat])))
+                input)))
+(defn run-2 [input]
+  (into {} (map (fn [[[x y] seat]]
+                  (let [taken-count (count (taken-visible input [x y]))]
+                    (case seat
+                      :empty [[x y] (if (zero? taken-count) :taken :empty)]
+                      :taken [[x y] (if (>= taken-count 5) :empty :taken)]
+                      [[x y] seat])))
+                input)))
+(defn reduce-1 [input]
+  (loop [input input]
+    (let [res (run input)]
+      (if (= input res)
+        res
+        (recur res)))))
+(defn reduce-2 [input]
+  (loop [input input]
+    (let [res (run-2 input)]
+      (if (= input res)
+        res
+        (recur res)))))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (->> input
+       reduce-1
+       vals
+       frequencies
+       :taken))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (->> input
+       reduce-2
+       vals
+       frequencies
+       :taken))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day12.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day12.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebfcc64fc577217da6a45e57b6d8dac4a7834d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day12.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+(ns aoc.day12
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example "F10
+(def start-pos {:facing :east
+                :north 0
+                :east 0})
+(def start-pos-2 {:wp {:north 1
+                       :east 10}
+                  :ship {:north 0
+                         :east 0}})
+(defn translate [direction [x y]]
+  (case direction
+      :right [y (- x)]
+      :left [(- y) x]))
+(defn translate-wp [pos direction]
+  (update-in pos [:wp] (fn [{:keys [north east]}]
+                         (let [[x y] (translate direction [east north])]
+                           {:north y :east x}))))
+(defn parse-inst [[h & body]]
+  {:direction (case h
+                \N :north
+                \E :east
+                \S :south
+                \W :west
+                \F :forward
+                \L :left
+                \R :right)
+   :value (read-string (clojure.string/join body))})
+(defn read-input []
+  (->> 
+       (io/resource "input12.txt")
+       slurp
+       ;; example
+       clojure.string/split-lines
+       (map parse-inst)
+       ))
+(defn move [direction value]
+  (fn [old]
+    (let [op (case direction
+               :north +
+               :south -
+               :east +
+               :west -)]
+      (if (nil? op)
+        old
+        (op old value)))))
+(def right-turns (cycle [:east :south :west :north]))
+(def left-turns (cycle [:east :north :west :south]))
+(defn turn-count [n]
+  (case n
+    90 1
+    180 2
+    270 3
+    0 0))
+(defn turn [pos {:keys [value direction]}]
+  (let [current-direction (:facing pos)
+        tc (turn-count value)
+        turns (case direction
+                :left left-turns
+                :right right-turns
+                [])
+        next-turns (drop-while #(not= current-direction %) turns)]
+    (nth next-turns tc)))
+(defn move-forward [pos {:keys [value direction]}]
+  (let [facing (:facing pos)
+        op (case facing
+             :north +
+             :east +
+             :south -
+             :west -)]
+    (if (contains? #{:north :south} facing)
+      (assoc pos :north (op (:north pos) value))
+      (assoc pos :east (op (:east pos) value)))))
+(defn navigate [pos {:keys [value direction]}]
+  (case direction
+    :north   (update pos :north (move direction value))
+    :south   (update pos :north (move direction value))
+    :east    (update pos :north (move direction value))
+    :west    (update pos :north (move direction value))
+    :left    (assoc  pos :facing (turn pos {:direction direction :value value}))
+    :right   (assoc  pos :facing (turn pos {:direction direction :value value}))
+    :forward (move-forward pos {:direction direction :value value})
+    pos))
+(defn should-move-wp? [direction]
+  (not= direction :forward))
+(defn should-move-ship? [direction]
+  (= direction :forward))
+(defn move-ship [pos {:keys [value]}]
+  (let [wx (get-in pos [:wp :east])
+        wy (get-in pos [:wp :north])
+        pos (update-in pos [:ship :east] #(+ % (* wx value)))
+        pos (update-in pos [:ship :north] #(+ % (* wy value)))]
+    pos))
+;; (move-ship {:wp {:east -1 :north -2} :ship {:east 1 :north 1}}
+;;            {:value 0})
+(defn rotate-wp [pos {:keys [value direction]}]
+  (let [tc (turn-count value)]
+    (reduce (fn [acc _]
+              (translate-wp acc direction))
+            pos
+            (range tc))))
+(defn move-wp [pos {:keys [value direction] :as i}]
+  (case direction
+    :north (update-in pos [:wp :north] #(+ % value))
+    :south (update-in pos [:wp :north] #(- % value))
+    :east  (update-in pos [:wp :east ] #(+ % value))
+    :west  (update-in pos [:wp :east ] #(- % value))
+    :right (rotate-wp pos i)
+    :left  (rotate-wp pos i)))
+(defn navigate-2 [pos {:keys [value direction] :as i}]
+  (cond
+    (should-move-wp? direction) (move-wp pos i)
+    (should-move-ship? direction) (move-ship pos i)
+    :else pos))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (let [final (reduce navigate start-pos input)]
+    (+ (Math/abs (:north final))
+       (Math/abs (:east final)))))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (let [final (reduce navigate-2 start-pos-2 input)]
+    (+ (Math/abs (get-in final [:ship :north]))
+       (Math/abs (get-in final [:ship :east])))))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/2020/src/aoc/day13.clj b/2020/src/aoc/day13.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a69a9e96aef542fc05b26aeb6ba34d6e0d04e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/src/aoc/day13.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+(ns aoc.day13
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(def example "939
+(defn parse-input [[earliest timetable]]
+  {:earliest (read-string earliest)
+   :timetable (->> (clojure.string/split timetable #",")
+                   (remove #{"x"})
+                   (map read-string))})
+(defn parse-input-2 [[_ timetable]]
+   (->> (clojure.string/split timetable #",")
+        (map read-string)))
+(defn read-input []
+  (->>
+   ;; (io/resource "input13.txt")
+   ;; slurp
+       example
+       clojure.string/split-lines
+       parse-input
+   ))
+(defn short-example [s]
+  (->> (clojure.string/split s #",")
+       (map read-string)))
+(defn read-input-2 []
+  (->>
+   ;; (io/resource "input13.txt")
+   ;; slurp
+       example
+       clojure.string/split-lines
+       parse-input-2
+   ))
+(defn tt [earliest t]
+  (->> (iterate #(+ t %) 0)
+       (drop-while #(< % earliest))
+       first
+       (conj [t])
+       reverse
+       vec))
+(defn infinite-timetables-by-id [timetable]
+  (->> timetable
+       (remove symbol?)
+       (map (fn [t] [t (iterate #(+ t %) 0)]))
+       (into {})))
+(defn compute-1 [{:keys [earliest timetable]}]
+  (let [
+        tts (map (partial tt earliest) timetable)
+        tts (into {} tts)
+        departure (apply min (keys tts))
+        minutes (- departure earliest)
+        bus-id (tts departure)]
+    (* minutes bus-id)))
+(defn bus-valid [m t bus]
+  (cond
+    (nil? bus) :end
+    (= bus "x") true
+    (symbol? bus) true
+    (zero? t) true
+    :else
+    (let [i (get m bus)]
+      (->> (drop-while #(< % t) i)
+           first
+           (= t)))))
+(let [tts (infinite-timetables-by-id [6])
+      t 5]
+  (bus-valid tts t nil)
+  )
+(defn run-2 [tts timetable start-t]
+  (loop [t start-t
+         buses timetable]
+    (let [bus (first buses)
+          res (bus-valid tts t bus)]
+      (if (contains? #{:end false} res)
+          start-t
+          (recur (inc t) (rest buses))))))
+(defn compute-2 [timetable]
+  (let [tts (infinite-timetables-by-id timetable)]
+    (loop [t 100000000000000]
+      (println "computing" t)
+      (let [res (run-2 tts timetable t)]
+        (if (contains? #{:end} res)
+          t
+          (recur (inc t)))))))
+(defn compute-example [timetable t]
+  (= (run-2 (infinite-timetables-by-id timetable)
+            timetable
+            t)
+     t))
+(compute-example (short-example "67,7,59,61") 754018)
+(compute-example (short-example "17,x,13,19") 3417)
+(compute-example (short-example "67,x,7,59,61") 779210)
+(compute-example (short-example "67,7,x,59,61") 1261476)
+(compute-example (short-example "1789,37,47,1889") 1202161486)
+  )
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)
+        input2 (read-input-2)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input2))))
+;; (main)

diff --git a/2020/template.clj b/2020/template.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a08ac6011f4a4875f5e2f4d8deb8bddcfceedbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/template.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(ns aoc.dayxx
+  (:require [ :as io]))
+(defn read-input []
+  (->>
+   (io/resource "inputxx.txt")
+   io/reader
+   line-seq
+       ;; example
+       ;; clojure.string/split-lines
+   ))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  input)
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  input)
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index c023e04fe03b711ea568eaa7564dd8239e51840d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/project.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-(defproject aoc "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
-  :description "FIXME: write description"
-  :url ""
-  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]]
-  :main ^:skip-aot aoc.core
-  :target-path "target/%s"
-  :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all
-                       :jvm-opts [""]}})

diff --git a/resources/input01.txt b/resources/input01.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c039b7ba24e88f68dce34a38df090ffe61bbba8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input01.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@

diff --git a/resources/input02.txt b/resources/input02.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f4997c30891eed45500c538ec98feed1af7d4301..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input02.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
-6-10 s: snkscgszxsssscss
-6-7 b: bbbbbxkb
-2-4 n: nnnjn
-1-2 j: jjjj
-5-9 z: jgzzzqhbj
-4-11 m: mfmmmpmjmkdr
-12-15 t: twqrxttwttthtkxbz
-8-9 z: ftzjzzzzr
-17-18 h: cpkhssvpphzvprfnft
-7-8 b: bjbbbbbb
-4-5 p: pppppppppgppps
-16-18 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
-9-16 v: vvvrpvbvvvvvvvvvwvvh
-11-15 d: ddddddddddddddjd
-9-14 g: ggbggghggggggggw
-1-5 d: ddddbd
-1-4 x: xxxwxxx
-1-2 l: bdjjddlqg
-1-4 b: lbbxb
-15-16 f: ffffffffffffffmz
-10-16 m: mmlmmmvmmmbhmmmq
-4-15 v: vlfvvqphhjfvlgt
-5-12 m: mmmmjmwmmmmcmmm
-7-8 q: qqqqqqxkq
-4-9 h: hhzhhhhhhhhhsh
-3-7 t: thltdtjtstzrtwtt
-6-7 k: kkkkkkk
-1-5 q: jqwqd
-4-13 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-1-4 l: llfl
-6-12 n: nnffnfnnmnffnx
-4-6 m: xmvxnmpmm
-5-7 m: mmmmbmmmmmmmmm
-9-17 f: ffffflffbfffffcffff
-4-10 k: kkklkkkkkhktkkbkzq
-8-15 z: kdxxzzlhpzgbzjzz
-2-5 q: qrqqbqqqqqqqkqq
-3-5 t: zrttht
-9-12 t: ttxgntjmvntctpfrt
-2-3 k: kkkk
-8-10 j: jjjjjjjjjj
-2-9 k: vkwkhcqnk
-9-10 t: ttttttthtt
-4-6 b: bbbbbbbb
-9-12 n: xnvnnvldhthlsn
-2-4 w: wwwwwwj
-6-10 t: tttttwttttvtt
-3-10 j: jqjjjxjdjnjjjj
-15-18 q: kqlncdqwclqpjzrbnq
-7-8 p: gpwbjppp
-3-13 m: mmmmlsmfvmhmmmm
-7-10 s: wdshsrsgsl
-8-16 f: fffffffxfffffffcf
-16-18 s: ssskswhsvslwsssrsq
-12-14 j: gjjjjkjgjkjhjvj
-13-14 t: gtttvftwtgvhlt
-6-7 v: vvvvvgbv
-2-8 l: ssldslmvl
-3-9 l: bflzllqkqlkll
-8-9 n: rrnnnnnnsn
-7-14 p: bqsrxgplkpdvbpkn
-2-5 z: wzbclnsxt
-2-4 k: knkxk
-6-8 d: drddjddjdd
-15-16 p: ztgptpfpcwppqrzppps
-1-3 k: nmsqksv
-7-10 n: pwhbcwnlznfnvrlnds
-13-15 t: tttttttttttttttttt
-10-12 b: bbbbbbdbbgfxbbbf
-3-5 w: rwwwj
-18-19 x: xxxxmxxxxwpxxxfxgln
-1-4 g: lfsjtgggg
-13-15 x: mxzgtxhrxjhxtnf
-13-14 d: ddddddddddddlx
-3-5 r: rrrtrrtmlr
-1-7 t: thttttttttt
-2-5 g: sngggj
-8-9 n: tnnnnnnnn
-6-10 w: wkwwjfwltk
-12-18 n: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnsnnh
-14-18 m: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
-5-15 v: fvvfrcqkvkggnpl
-13-19 f: ffffffftfffdnffffpsf
-13-15 k: kgkkkmkkkgftklb
-4-6 h: hhhchvh
-7-14 l: qmbdhdjbrglxql
-13-17 w: kwwwwwwwwwwwdpwww
-1-5 q: pqqqdqqqq
-8-9 p: vhwphvpfp
-2-4 h: hljmh
-1-2 c: tmcc
-3-5 f: dpnvwffhlp
-3-5 m: mmmmmm
-10-12 c: ngjnczmcscxc
-2-4 x: mxxj
-4-6 m: xbmkmm
-1-6 l: kllllsblqhngl
-11-18 x: xprkjcrxkgxxgwtbmx
-4-6 k: vwxshkkkkbtfbhl
-11-15 z: dzzkzjjzzzzzzzlmzbn
-5-6 f: ffffnfffflfjff
-3-6 d: ddddddbd
-6-9 r: wrrrvrrrr
-8-9 n: nnnnjnnnt
-2-7 b: bxptdkctbrxfllpvj
-3-4 x: hxxv
-5-14 n: nrnnnlsnznnzrqnjxnp
-1-3 w: wwww
-9-12 x: xxmxxxxxxxxxtxx
-10-14 j: jjnjjjjlvjkcsjjdllvj
-4-6 w: wgwbwwww
-10-12 t: ttqttttttttl
-10-11 t: ttwtttttttv
-9-15 t: ttttttttftttttttt
-2-3 p: pfgp
-2-4 z: brrksnvqjzwqjvjs
-8-9 n: knnnftzjbqj
-6-7 w: swjwwdwwwwwwwww
-1-2 j: xjlrkjjztrjfpss
-13-14 l: llllllllllllvlllllr
-7-12 l: lllllllllllblllll
-7-8 j: gqdcmjqh
-3-9 g: gchkbvgvgw
-15-17 b: bbbbcbbbgbbbbbmbg
-1-7 h: qlmhhcdhhhhhhhhhh
-2-15 c: ccccccccccccccscccc
-1-2 q: xvch
-3-9 w: wwwwwwxwww
-2-4 x: jskx
-3-7 t: btwsnvts
-9-11 g: gkhgwctggbm
-2-7 g: xvgwwltdvnzscbtqwb
-1-11 k: kkqkpkkdkkkkkkkhkk
-4-12 h: nbqlhjbqhxtnxlzlr
-3-4 d: dwdd
-8-9 k: kkkzbckklqqkhfkqkk
-7-8 c: pcxmqdwc
-2-4 v: qbvwvvnvvp
-3-9 c: pfqcblwxcrmx
-1-9 t: fwgtcrftktt
-7-8 p: pppppppp
-6-13 w: dnwfhwkjffpdwgzdf
-10-14 k: kkkkkkhkkwkkkkkk
-2-4 s: zscssddtpmqblmd
-11-13 b: dbvzwthlcmbkb
-1-4 k: kqlxwvbkckwzmqxvtcc
-2-10 s: sxssssgsssxsssnss
-3-9 w: nxrmwlpgw
-10-13 w: wwsgwwwwwwwkw
-9-13 v: vhvvwjvcvbvvg
-5-7 n: fbvnjpt
-3-4 x: xxxx
-9-10 l: rlllmlllll
-7-9 d: ddddddddhd
-4-8 z: zzzhzzzf
-11-12 m: mmmmmmmmmmkf
-4-8 m: bmfzppcqttct
-2-4 m: mfmcmmmcx
-2-9 p: rppzgvshn
-7-8 r: rrrrrrrrrrvr
-6-7 p: hkltppp
-7-10 m: mmmmmfmmtmmmpbmm
-6-14 p: pppppppppppppxp
-4-6 p: wbspppnlmc
-2-4 n: xnfnl
-2-5 q: nqkcqmvwp
-2-3 d: ddkbkdjd
-5-9 b: qxjbblbrb
-14-16 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbqbbb
-5-6 p: dppppp
-5-8 j: kxztnjjn
-14-18 k: krkkkkckkkkmktkkkkd
-7-8 n: nnngxnfpnn
-16-17 c: ccmccccccccccccfcccc
-1-3 g: wggg
-1-2 c: cqcckc
-2-8 g: gjwdkbds
-10-17 s: hswqssmttskspdlkkss
-14-16 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbpbbrbbbb
-12-16 r: srrmcbrrcrzrdwzng
-2-3 h: fcws
-9-13 p: gkgpqpghpjbpz
-9-10 m: mmmmmmmmmmm
-3-4 b: brbb
-2-3 p: gncvqdhp
-2-7 g: gdggggggggggggg
-2-7 j: jjjjjjrjqjjj
-3-5 v: ltptjlntf
-1-7 w: gwwwwwfww
-7-10 z: zzzzzzmzzzz
-10-12 x: xxhxxxxxxgxsxxxx
-11-12 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbd
-16-17 v: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvjht
-1-4 x: bxxx
-16-19 g: gggggggwggggggjgggg
-5-10 q: qjpqqvlnkqxmlv
-4-6 p: qrpffplvpp
-7-9 r: rrrrrrgrb
-2-3 g: bgjg
-10-12 t: ttjttttnttdtt
-2-4 g: dgng
-11-12 r: rrmrrrlrtrrj
-1-5 v: qvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-3-18 p: ftnfnpmjprmrzmhbnxj
-10-12 w: dqnsjjxsqrwq
-2-4 z: lzgkzsb
-8-9 n: dwclxdtnndtpcgqmx
-10-11 w: zjwdsphbbwlhp
-2-9 d: zzprkgzczbs
-14-19 c: gpjfrvsrcnbxbclctxc
-1-9 f: fmhfvfffrfws
-12-14 d: ddrddbddddddddhmdg
-14-15 s: sslsssmsnssdxsj
-2-10 v: ljppzjfvfnfp
-1-2 z: qbwbzknrzzs
-18-19 l: llllllllfllllllllll
-2-3 p: ppgp
-13-15 k: knkkkkkckkkkhkxk
-3-6 v: vbjvmv
-4-8 h: hmhcxfhg
-12-14 v: vvngcvvvvkvgvs
-2-3 j: xdjjrk
-5-13 s: sssssrqsssssq
-1-7 s: sssssssss
-6-14 b: ptlvmbbrbxnvqbrmp
-16-18 w: wwwswwnwwmwwwwwwwf
-1-4 k: kkknkkkkk
-1-4 g: ggrbk
-9-11 r: rrrhrrrrrrrrr
-11-13 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxnx
-3-8 x: nsxvlvdfbkpxsgscn
-12-15 h: hghhchvjhhhhlvhhhhh
-11-12 n: nnnnnnnnnnjqn
-10-13 r: jrzfzrzrqblmks
-7-8 w: wwwwwwwh
-3-4 k: kkbft
-1-9 c: cccccjccccccn
-2-7 r: rrvnrxrvrzsrbrs
-3-10 l: llgdldmlplqlhdlll
-4-8 m: mmzmbmgm
-5-6 q: sfxqnftnbnqwq
-5-6 v: vvvvgvvqv
-9-14 h: dhmwrhzqqvhhhfhfhhht
-4-7 p: jwwppvpklc
-9-13 z: zzzzzzzzzpzzzx
-13-14 l: fllklltlllllcphllll
-12-15 m: htmbmqgljcmvmclgnm
-9-10 b: bbbbbbbnbb
-6-12 x: nxjbxxhxxxxgdxx
-6-7 t: tttbwlk
-8-11 q: fqqjtlswqgkqdqc
-16-20 t: xplwqxbwtsfptbvtvcxt
-3-4 k: kklkkkkkkxkkkk
-3-9 m: kmmsvmpmxmgmb
-6-12 j: jjtjjjjjjjjpjjwj
-3-4 m: kkmbmzkx
-7-8 f: gmfxlgfjtfst
-1-3 w: wwwn
-1-7 k: knkktkkn
-13-16 v: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvmvv
-10-11 h: rhvdhnfhvtchlfhh
-10-12 x: xgxwbqxkxxcwsfd
-10-14 m: mmmrdxpcmcmmmkmmmmm
-2-5 x: vvxpx
-8-9 h: hhhhhhhmfh
-16-19 j: jmwjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjz
-2-3 r: sqrnr
-14-19 p: ppppppppppppppppppk
-2-5 w: wwwww
-15-16 q: dppxtnhmxrhmncrqq
-4-5 v: drhpp
-1-4 p: pkhn
-3-6 q: gwmrfwh
-6-10 v: dlvvfhvvkb
-1-8 q: qqqqqqqqqdqqqqqqqq
-17-18 n: nnnnnnnnnxnnznnpnng
-3-7 m: gmxzffwmbdm
-12-14 m: dmzmcmmhjmqltm
-3-16 w: drcbwtvqgbppbwzvm
-8-10 d: ddbddddzdddddkpd
-8-9 m: mmmmmmmmmmmm
-1-3 l: glll
-7-11 x: fxrxxdxxxqxnxx
-6-7 d: ddddxgdd
-7-8 g: hgggbggg
-2-3 w: pwwtww
-7-10 h: lhwbhjhzhx
-3-14 b: bbbrvrbsfbnxrgqbbq
-4-7 l: jzqkxlnpxlglfsll
-6-7 b: hbpbbbb
-2-4 w: pskwwxzpjvmwcnfr
-13-15 m: mmmmmmmmxmpmxmmm
-4-9 k: krxkzqzkkhrpqth
-4-7 f: xfffkvfqzwhcfwkhq
-4-10 q: qqqqqcqbqqq
-14-15 s: lgszsdststlpgjbs
-7-12 s: sspbsssskfns
-7-8 d: cdddqpnd
-13-15 p: ppppppppppppxppp
-10-11 r: rrrfxrrrrrrrrr
-10-12 z: zzzzzzzzzvzvzz
-3-4 l: lllwll
-7-9 p: ppppkpppqpppppsvx
-3-4 k: kkkrk
-4-5 v: zxmmvmhvr
-14-15 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrrfjr
-6-10 b: vwbgbbbbdbqsbb
-5-7 j: jsjjjkv
-3-4 m: tzmhr
-11-13 r: rrrrrrrrrrqrhrr
-1-4 s: psqmcssnk
-5-6 z: zdkzzzz
-3-5 p: cnpmbtknqdppmcjpzvcn
-13-14 g: ggggkggggmtggd
-14-17 c: nxmzcczccnvdcxpcmb
-6-10 w: wlwwbdwwwwwwww
-9-17 l: llllllllllllllllll
-2-12 j: jpjdjjjzmjxj
-1-3 n: szjntnnl
-7-8 l: dpxlmhlbts
-5-16 s: sssssssssssssssrs
-1-6 m: pmqvlc
-7-15 f: ffffffffqfkfffdxff
-10-11 w: wwwwwwwwwwswwww
-7-12 p: tkppvfpwksrp
-4-7 f: fdjdgdvsksbfbnjkspc
-4-11 b: bjmvfrmlmlbndl
-1-3 r: rrrnxhgbwr
-5-10 h: xhhmhhhlhbh
-10-11 h: hghhhhhhdlhhh
-5-6 g: gptglg
-9-11 t: wtgtxtttqtmttt
-5-11 f: jxqffhfsfmz
-4-7 f: frjffbf
-1-15 m: mmmmmmmmxmmmmmmmm
-1-12 d: drwlbpdbzdgdjpnzmj
-9-14 n: nfnmktjnncnnnln
-1-2 h: pshhjhhhhf
-2-4 t: tgttttttfb
-2-4 w: dwpwhnxbf
-7-11 b: vbcbzhbwhpb
-4-5 k: hknck
-5-12 m: mmmmtdmmmmmmmm
-5-7 w: qwflwxq
-2-5 g: jdnxdlclplvb
-5-7 t: ttrtttttkr
-8-18 l: lwscjwlmdlzlllnsllpw
-2-8 c: cccxtccchbrkr
-1-3 q: qqtqqqqq
-3-13 d: dddddddbddddddd
-1-7 r: jkpzrpfnrgpkc
-9-10 t: ttttttttttt
-11-12 w: wjwplwwwwwmw
-9-12 r: rpsvrhrbnrwqch
-6-11 p: zpzbpkpmtnptsnpbswc
-4-6 t: jhzstt
-3-4 t: ddpkcgpzhd
-4-6 s: cvzshjfrsslxnslqddwt
-1-3 c: cgsczhl
-1-4 d: lddqdqd
-6-7 v: vvvvvvb
-5-8 w: wwwwwwwwww
-5-11 p: ddswpbpppsqpp
-5-6 x: dfzxxxhhqjvj
-3-7 m: mmmmmmmmmm
-4-8 g: ggggggggg
-5-6 j: jjcjjn
-5-6 n: nndtns
-4-5 t: ltxkdpst
-2-8 b: ldwkbzbxgpbbbb
-11-12 w: wwqwdqwwwqhvwww
-15-17 k: klkcxqbwrktxcmqlnb
-5-6 k: tkqhkkkkrkjfd
-12-13 x: nxxxrjxxxdjlxxbt
-9-12 m: mmzmmmrmmfmgmmmmb
-2-5 v: tkbhvlvp
-12-14 v: dvbvvvvhrcvvvxxvvvvv
-14-16 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxxx
-6-7 v: xvswnvvm
-6-9 c: vcpcksxwbdlc
-5-11 s: sssssjssssrsdjsssq
-6-16 j: jjjjjmjjjjjjjjjnj
-8-12 g: ggggwggggggnggg
-4-5 c: ccczk
-14-15 l: lllllllllllllkm
-10-11 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrr
-3-5 n: dwnvnlj
-2-4 x: xdxxxx
-5-6 j: jjjjjjj
-3-9 k: kkkkkhlrkktt
-3-7 t: stqtgfdprtqjsgznrtjh
-11-16 n: hsnnnnnnnnfnvnpqnnn
-13-16 v: kdvbvxvvtvhvvvvq
-1-3 v: vwpvkvdpxgc
-14-17 v: vvvvvvvvvvvvvnvvhv
-14-15 m: mmmmmmmmmmmmmtm
-6-10 m: mmmmmhmmmm
-5-8 t: tttjrttdsttfttwstf
-6-7 c: ccqcvcc
-2-5 v: vvvvvv
-8-16 c: cccccccccwcpcccmcccc
-4-5 t: ztvttktttttt
-10-11 n: rnmnnnnnnnnnnnnpt
-5-6 g: lgsggggg
-15-18 s: lcsmgkjqzdpcgvsrng
-2-6 p: wwpppp
-9-10 v: vvvvsvvvmvv
-6-11 c: qrmdjxzsmxcmcccgrr
-17-18 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-6-10 t: thtxgtpxwt
-2-8 f: xkgbrpqfsrhhbnfpdg
-3-8 c: gqkkvgkcqfwdc
-5-6 c: jjcsjf
-8-16 q: fbwdmlwljqqcrqsq
-3-10 m: mjmmsmmmmmmcmm
-5-15 x: xmrvcsjwxxdpsrxzcrzj
-3-7 x: rxngzxxg
-17-19 z: mmvfgzpmbvzsrmkgmmmb
-3-4 z: zdzz
-4-5 v: vzcvb
-3-11 z: tzllpgzzmwxznh
-8-11 x: ptgvnbxzsxwdb
-2-3 r: rrrrr
-6-10 b: bbmbbbbbbb
-6-11 q: wvmqrzrllhxfzmpkp
-13-17 v: vvrgvvsvvcqkvvvvbvvw
-16-18 p: ppppppppnppgppppclp
-13-15 g: gglggggggngggggggggg
-15-17 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-3-6 t: tpwzktlzkdt
-2-3 m: lmvtnfjzmm
-1-7 j: jzjjfjx
-15-17 r: rtfdnhrrhrrdcswrl
-1-3 d: gdfdmddddwdddlsd
-3-4 r: qrtr
-10-11 m: mmmmmmmmmkc
-2-5 n: gntnnnncc
-9-14 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-10-13 f: fxfffznffffzwffflz
-5-12 j: vjjrjjjjngjjjjm
-6-8 k: kkkrkklkkkkkkk
-5-7 r: rrhzsxrjjw
-17-18 g: gggggggggggggggggf
-2-3 h: ghhvrh
-1-3 j: hjjxjjjj
-3-5 q: gbqnqkprckxqglkhw
-17-18 n: ngnnnnnqnnnnnnnnnnnn
-2-3 m: xlhmmq
-6-7 p: kvvphgj
-9-12 k: kpkzkkzkkkkkbwk
-9-10 k: kkrkkkkkmt
-5-10 t: tttttttttttttttt
-10-11 l: ztdvlllzfltlwlglkhcj
-7-12 t: bttttqtqttttttttg
-3-4 z: xzvb
-5-10 h: lhcdhkhhhhb
-1-6 z: jqzzqzzzzzzzzzzzzz
-6-7 x: qxxxxtxz
-13-14 g: gggngggggggrgsgg
-1-2 t: tttt
-11-15 w: hpwhwmwlkbwtwmwlj
-8-10 r: rnrhrrmprnrrr
-5-12 z: rshzhwgzhfjb
-15-16 s: sssqssssssssmsss
-9-12 z: zdzzzzzzkzmz
-10-12 c: mfgpskncfcfctjmt
-5-10 p: sppwnpdpptppwdppppp
-3-14 q: mnzfgfmvmsdlqg
-1-13 s: sssssssfssssbsss
-6-8 d: ddddddddd
-2-5 j: vsbbjh
-14-16 m: nmklmsrpjxwpdbmj
-3-8 v: rfvvvjqv
-18-20 p: pppppppppqhpflppbppp
-7-11 x: xxxxxxwxxxx
-3-4 l: llmvlll
-8-9 w: grmvwtwbz
-2-11 m: mmmmmmqmmmsmmmmmmmmm
-6-13 h: hhhhhrshshhhlhhhh
-3-12 t: tnttblttttcvrtttx
-5-18 f: cfffcffvgffffrmlfx
-1-3 n: rnjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
-1-2 w: smmdq
-1-5 v: vvvvvv
-5-15 s: tssssscssffhsswssss
-3-11 b: bbbbbbbbsbkbbbr
-13-15 j: xjjpjjcjjjjjjcj
-5-10 g: bvjvgpzgdgkmmzwnwrxz
-2-7 q: qqqqqrq
-10-12 d: fddddbdddxdqpd
-5-7 c: hsccjccrlm
-11-15 r: nrrrlrrvrdlrprw
-13-14 r: drrtbrrrrrrrrcrrr
-8-10 c: ccccxcchfjcccccxpc
-8-9 s: sssssssss
-1-10 r: rvlgkrrrrm
-8-13 w: jwbwcwmwwvwwwwww
-7-12 k: fxkkcnkkbvkxbkphx
-7-8 l: llllmlvll
-11-15 q: qdjpqwgfqjdqnnq
-8-9 m: mmmmmmmvmmm
-6-7 k: kkkksmkb
-4-6 h: hhhlhhhhfhhhhhh
-2-5 k: xzjlwb
-3-12 j: sjwqrjzjgqrj
-5-18 p: ppppppppppppppppphpp
-1-3 g: gggrggggg
-14-15 n: nnnnnnnnnnxnnhnnn
-19-20 d: jkpzsxwsddzccjdkcptj
-2-4 v: wpdz
-1-8 w: dwjtngwwwrwhp
-13-15 t: tttttctttttxvfrt
-6-11 h: ksvshqhhdth
-8-9 k: khfkdkppl
-11-12 d: whlmcdmfgfddd
-11-12 p: htvxpkfngthz
-6-9 v: vqvmvvbbv
-5-8 m: lghmmmrmmw
-14-16 q: dtmqqrqqqqqgpgqtqr
-2-11 f: bfjskxzlgvfml
-10-19 p: kpppppppphppppppppp
-5-7 j: rfbpzmjtjj
-9-10 p: kpppppppqpp
-3-15 k: hgkgrqblnjmsbvrghzdk
-6-7 r: rrtwrwlfrswwr
-3-4 k: fkkdv
-12-20 g: ggggggggkggggggggkgh
-3-5 x: xxxxpxxxxxxxxxb
-8-10 k: kkkkkkkzkh
-4-10 q: qqqmqqqqqcqq
-4-12 t: ttgtqblzqzpttcxdtfn
-18-20 s: sssbbsscsjvslsvsssss
-3-6 x: xxxxxxx
-4-5 t: tttttt
-5-7 q: xqqqqqqqxkqqqqqqqtqq
-2-4 s: zsvq
-6-7 b: mmbcklx
-1-13 z: zzfzkshpslwcn
-1-14 d: ddpddtdddddmmf
-8-13 j: jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjz
-5-6 c: cjjlxb
-10-12 v: vvvvvvtvvmvv
-2-3 b: wfbbg
-1-10 l: llllllllllllllllll
-5-10 d: hdbhdgxcjd
-10-13 t: ttttttttttttnt
-5-6 h: vhmhhh
-16-17 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsqx
-6-14 g: gzggggzhggggzgg
-15-20 f: ffbfxffffvfffffffhfd
-2-3 d: xdvw
-5-7 g: zgggjgq
-2-12 g: ggggggggmgggggg
-6-8 h: hhhhhhphhhlhjhhxfh
-3-10 j: knjklstqxwcsjf
-2-3 h: hvnwjxhpsc
-7-8 w: wwwlwwgw
-14-16 s: chgtpswssxsqtwzrsqt
-5-6 d: zdbdkl
-3-4 p: lwkpbrbp
-8-14 c: cbhtccjmrccrcp
-2-3 s: tctflmgdtsjjfxpl
-3-4 g: gggjkctwdsgl
-2-4 h: ghbh
-4-13 h: fczphhvflghhhd
-3-10 x: jkzhgljwsblcrmbwfx
-12-13 p: npfgppprzpppc
-7-12 l: sqbplmqnlmwph
-1-8 p: hpppvpprppp
-12-18 n: nhbznznxncnkcchscl
-9-10 g: grjxmgzpgk
-6-7 g: rcmkggggggg
-1-7 b: bbbbbbbb
-2-3 t: ttftzqt
-8-10 l: twbjlnblhck
-1-2 c: cvbc
-4-9 d: mfpdddsnd
-5-8 f: flpvbdrfl
-7-12 s: rhspsxlbpsmsclzrdsfc
-2-4 h: vhhh
-1-10 k: bhkkkkkkxkkkzk
-5-15 q: qqqqqqqqqqqqdqdqql
-12-15 c: ljvcklwjvngfgfgrjsv
-8-10 w: pwwtpbwwvwwrwww
-5-13 b: tbjmbfmknjhbb
-1-2 v: cssd
-2-5 s: ssssss
-3-4 h: bhhxxhfh
-3-5 p: pfppp
-13-20 l: lcxxllcfjmllclljllfl
-2-4 p: sqpzk
-2-4 l: xlllb
-1-7 t: ttttttrttttrttttttxt
-10-12 m: bwmmghzmqmmpmj
-5-8 l: jtlljpql
-5-6 d: lddddd
-6-8 c: nljczccdwvnmrlqvlsc
-8-9 d: dzdddcddt
-10-11 z: zzzzzzzzmqj
-3-4 s: msssss
-3-5 z: xzvdzbzt
-2-18 v: bvcbpwkbdmclbnbmsv
-9-12 b: jrcccsndstzbxprkvtq
-3-11 n: vlntglzvvcnngn
-3-8 v: rpgckwptlvdqsrqqt
-6-11 q: qdqdkqvkvhdrdqm
-9-12 b: khbmbgbbvbqb
-9-10 g: gtggggggczgg
-3-5 c: zqctcs
-15-18 z: kbzsdhbbzxfzzqdjzc
-7-8 g: ggggggzx
-9-10 s: sswssrssqms
-14-17 g: ggggcggggggggpggcgg
-10-15 g: qgzmbkjlggrhgkg
-9-11 j: jjjjjjjjqqjjjjjj
-5-6 c: cgcdcchcccbcc
-2-4 g: gggg
-5-13 h: plkhhrmxhxhmh
-11-16 v: vkkqrvbvbcvvnvvvvv
-6-7 c: rlfmqphqrhqkhch
-3-5 z: hzspz
-8-9 d: kddmdddpdvddln
-5-11 k: wkqkcfkpvnkvh
-4-7 r: fnzzwxrxr
-15-16 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrwr
-2-19 f: fvffffffffffffffffwf
-9-11 v: hbvbvvgcvvvj
-2-4 m: mrxpv
-13-14 z: zztzgzzpzzzzzg
-4-10 t: qtvtcrfmlkrgtwsvwtw
-3-7 g: ggggggfgggggggg
-5-8 c: ccccfcccnmccc
-6-12 z: bzfcjzdznzwzrzbzzqrn
-14-15 c: ccccccccccccczkccccc
-3-4 j: jjjjjjf
-1-2 x: kxxxx
-3-4 s: sksj
-17-19 c: hvchccvccdxgccnxdcc
-3-6 r: trrrrrrr
-10-11 c: ckcjzcrzcbc
-1-7 p: pmqplfpvgq
-3-4 h: hhmx
-5-6 n: nnwndln
-5-10 v: bkkvfgvqwdt
-7-14 h: hkjlwvhdnhxhwcnhs
-4-12 f: xxwfjfcwslrfzrxfkxj
-2-3 c: ccccc
-4-13 k: kkkdkkkkkkkkkkk
-8-10 b: mqlljkpbbbxbrbfx
-1-4 p: pppp
-14-17 n: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngnn
-5-6 d: dddddddvw
-9-10 r: rjtrrrmqrrrzrrrrjrrm
-7-11 x: bxxxxxrwxpmn
-13-14 w: gwmwwwlwwjwjwx
-2-4 d: dddddvddd
-7-9 p: pjmdppgpspcslh
-13-16 l: tllllzllpvllvlzd
-9-11 q: qzmwqqzqtqqq
-4-5 d: dvdngdd
-9-11 j: xxxvjrmgjpk
-3-4 c: rvvcn
-15-16 r: rxvmlslkpmqdqtdd
-2-5 b: sbflb
-4-5 w: wntpw
-8-16 n: nnnnnnnhnqnnnnnnn
-5-6 n: nnnnnnn
-2-5 q: bsjfhq
-6-18 r: prrrqkmrrrvbrrrrdfrv
-3-5 g: xnxlp
-4-11 s: jsstsssjssfssss
-14-16 d: dddddddddsdddddd
-18-19 n: vgngvbhdjfrbnznhhjzn
-11-13 f: ffffffffffgfgf
-5-11 n: dbgvngchnkngt
-3-4 f: gsff
-2-4 r: rfdrlznkzg
-10-18 z: zzgzwzzzzzzdzzmzhzzn
-4-5 s: qscmbssss
-11-15 x: xbxxxxgxxxbxxzw
-2-10 h: dkrnxknmthcv
-12-13 b: bbbbvbsbbbbgcbnb
-4-5 m: mmlmmsmmh
-3-6 j: njrjjkcr
-10-12 x: xxxxwdnxxxxx
-14-16 g: hggggggggngggggg
-8-9 x: gjqfxxxtxxxb
-16-17 f: ffffffffjffkffffmffb
-2-8 z: tsktkzfxntrv
-2-6 v: hvvswd
-1-2 w: xddl
-2-6 k: svwvvkqmzwjkx
-9-12 p: ppppppppbppspppb
-12-19 m: mdjmlhsmxmwcmmmmmmm
-3-5 x: rxjxb
-17-18 r: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwk
-2-9 b: cbfbqcfwbmwd
-1-11 h: hhhhhbhhhhmvhhhh
-2-3 j: jkjjgjhxj
-5-6 f: fffffffffhf
-17-18 j: jprvtszvgsbtxlrhljsz
-1-4 m: mmhmmmp
-2-6 p: xvfkpkc
-1-2 f: xqtfcf
-1-5 r: brrrrrr
-7-10 w: wwhwwwdwwj
-1-4 w: vwwdh
-1-3 f: hnpvgfwth
-10-12 k: kkkkkkkkkdkq
-5-13 r: rrpqrrvrqrswzr
-9-17 x: xjxxvxvbtxxxtpxpx
-12-13 j: njrjkcjgbjjnj
-2-4 l: lvll
-12-17 p: dpppprpbppnvpppprp
-4-18 b: zftbmbxgzfzdvdnvhb
-12-16 r: lcqgqjthprlxrzrrx
-2-7 m: msclccmxhsmf
-3-4 b: bfkb
-2-6 k: skfgrk
-4-5 q: qqqhhx
-6-8 c: cccmvcch
-16-17 l: bxnlvbvwzvfvbcmxl
-7-12 c: cccccccccccc
-6-7 b: bbbbjsjbbbs
-2-7 q: phxnfxqrqv
-4-5 h: hhhhhh
-9-15 n: nqnnglsjnnghxrn
-3-4 h: hkkh
-5-11 r: rlsjvrrrrrl
-5-7 b: bbbbzbwbbbb
-2-3 f: qczff
-8-14 c: fccqccccccclccccck
-1-8 r: rrbfmjsr
-4-5 p: dpphz
-11-13 d: wdmwkcqddrdvdz
-8-15 h: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
-6-10 l: dhgdclhlkltnc
-14-15 t: tttntttnthtttzw
-4-6 p: pppppdp
-13-14 l: dvlnvlgtbpnhll
-11-12 s: brsqgfsnpmwskhdnm
-6-7 j: httjvjj
-2-14 w: wwwfwjzwrzfwnwjwwm
-8-9 w: wwrwwwwgt
-2-5 r: dvrwb
-7-9 b: wwvqbsbjb
-1-12 l: lljxlbslwlgn
-11-12 m: mmmmmmhmmmwbmkmmt
-10-11 l: lblllmllldl
-3-9 w: wwpwwwwbfwwwm
-9-10 q: pcrqfqlskz
-7-9 l: llvlllblklllx
-6-7 g: qgggjmwg
-5-10 v: vvvvvxbrvvp
-9-10 d: hqddgkkdrpdd
-17-18 q: qqqqqqqlqqqqqqqqdt
-6-10 h: hspnhhzldxphdh
-8-13 l: vvvscdnlblllml
-6-12 p: ppkrprpxwpppwx
-4-5 k: tkslb
-7-8 d: hdjdhnzdd
-9-10 x: wkxtblgxxjxxlqnfxxlx
-8-9 g: rggggggdk
-10-20 d: kcgdtbbswwdtvgdgxfwd
-3-4 g: gggggg
-16-17 l: llnzlqllllzllllmllll
-4-10 r: nsrrrbzrfzcrrzrrdqk
-4-6 k: kkkkkpkk
-4-8 n: nnnmntnnrnnn
-12-14 l: lllllllllwlqllll
-3-6 r: rrrrrrr
-1-6 s: ssskcshsxtd
-7-15 d: ndrbdnntdmkddxd
-9-10 j: pjjjjgjsjhjj
-7-10 k: pkbkkkkkgkq
-4-8 m: mmxmmmdmmmmm
-9-13 c: ngjcrcccvbcvqdjmph
-3-5 q: qqqqqq
-7-10 s: fcssnsssssslxspr
-3-5 k: kkkkvv
-5-10 f: tlbcvgwfzlf
-5-9 x: xxxxqxxxx
-2-10 q: qrprhbrhjhb
-3-4 g: gggmgg
-8-10 j: jjjjjjjgjpjjj
-2-4 v: dvzvvtfm
-7-12 q: zvzqprjhqdcqfzr
-12-13 f: ffffffffffffqf
-2-3 f: fffsdwq
-10-11 z: ztzzjzjzzzlzzz
-5-7 k: kkkkqtkkkkk
-6-9 z: dfbzhgsrzsp
-2-4 b: wpqb
-9-15 c: cwchcdhxlqzccxbb
-8-11 q: qqxptqqvqrgqg
-5-7 t: ttttztcvtjtkts
-2-6 n: nnbmdnjxclwkffrnxff
-3-7 p: pppppph
-9-12 d: xhmfndzcddfddvgddf
-1-5 h: hthmhvlthhhhh
-6-7 m: mmmmmmm
-6-7 j: jjjvjjjrj
-1-5 q: mqnqwqqqqqjq
-10-11 b: bmbbbdbpbbbbzbb
-1-4 k: gvccvdltkwcdd
-12-16 s: sssssssssssjssshs
-4-10 k: wzvlkmdhcklhdp
-10-13 z: zzzzzzzzzfzzj
-6-12 g: bmzmvvggpgtm
-3-11 m: nvcpfgvnsqmwxmmz
-1-5 n: dnwnnnnnnnbndnnn
-4-5 h: lhhhh
-4-5 g: gggdg
-2-5 h: xthqhfj
-2-4 f: lfkf
-4-6 k: rqbhrtzktmvmrxck
-4-5 q: jqdsc
-10-11 h: hhhhhhhhhvjh
-2-17 r: rrrrrrrprwrrrfjrr
-16-17 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbb
-3-5 z: pkvzzfrljrjctw
-13-14 w: wwwwwwwjwwwwww
-8-10 d: dddddddldzpq
-1-4 b: sbbgb
-2-10 d: vnhpzmvpcddhs
-8-15 t: zftpwtrtqjqtfntp
-11-12 j: djjjjjjjcjjcj
-4-7 r: jrrtrrrvmzzrrvsl
-2-4 r: rpkp
-3-4 b: qbxc
-10-11 w: wwwwwwfzkdmnwwv
-6-14 z: mztxzzztmzwzzqvm
-12-14 w: wwwwwwmsgwdwsqwjwww
-6-10 f: zfhqjfhnjfdvwsfftf
-2-11 q: mwbbqdncdfq
-8-11 v: zvtvvwvfvvq
-6-8 n: xnwhzmdskwhn
-8-15 q: qqqqkqqqqqqqqqst
-1-4 n: nnnnn
-5-18 c: sqczchcwcccclccccccc
-3-4 j: klgr
-11-12 m: mmmmmmmmmmmm
-2-3 d: qdxfmqwbmdnvj
-1-5 m: cmmmm
-6-7 l: llllllll
-1-9 m: zmmmmmmmlmmmmmmm
-9-11 m: dwspwrmjsxpc
-5-6 p: qpppfz
-10-19 t: fvtphwzsptqzntbkxqt
-7-9 m: mpcmpmmmvptmm
-3-9 h: hhhpqqwhhtm
-11-16 p: pppppppppppppppvp
-1-9 k: ktkklkkkkkkk
-10-17 q: rthtqvgspqkvfkgkqfhj
-11-14 g: ggxgggggxggzggcnggg
-3-4 t: tttt
-9-10 t: sqtbdttthtttm
-1-4 t: ttkbgdzztbxd
-3-8 f: gxfcrrsfntftvffnfqff
-9-11 q: qqqqqqqjlqqq
-12-13 v: vvvvvvvvvvvvk
-7-11 b: nbxbbbsmbtkb
-7-8 k: kkkkkknn
-4-6 j: jjjjlv
-13-16 m: mmcmmmmmmmmmmmmvs
-7-9 k: kdkkkkrkgkk
-1-4 c: crcdlrdbzc
-1-16 k: kkkkkkkkkkgmkkktkkk
-2-12 l: llllrlllllllll
-4-9 g: gggbkgpgz
-6-7 q: qqqqqqjq
-6-7 v: hvvvvpm
-10-14 t: ttfxmqtgtttttbtct
-5-7 h: hwhhfrnch
-4-13 w: zdlrqvxwwzsfrfq
-4-5 h: hhhshhhh
-2-4 n: vhjfnz
-5-6 s: sssssss
-11-13 n: nnwrnnnlnngnn
-3-4 s: wbss
-3-4 s: wnss
-16-17 p: ppfprptkpmzkbjppp
-2-4 v: pvxv
-8-9 w: swwwwwwhwwnwwwxj
-4-6 s: pzhkvss
-4-5 x: wnxpx
-4-5 f: fsfwp
-4-5 z: zzdjz
-3-6 v: vnvvvvvvvvvvv
-5-6 f: wfxfff
-4-7 z: zzzqfzz
-3-5 q: qqjqsqqqf
-3-7 w: kwwkmww
-6-7 h: hhhhhhgh
-2-5 v: vvbzvvkn
-8-15 r: svrqpqrgrrhmzbms
-9-17 n: jnnnncnnnnnxnnnnnp
-5-6 n: dgnhsc
-5-7 l: lplltbv
-4-6 n: mmrnsbcqr
-7-8 w: wwjwwwwww
-1-16 c: bccccccfcccccccdcc
-6-9 l: sjnlmxwllg
-3-9 q: cqvhkwhtstwrl
-5-9 h: khvxhhhgfchhknhhhz
-8-9 c: ccccccccdc
-2-19 n: jjxbmbwmnqbblfbgzsz
-3-4 p: pppp
-1-3 b: jzxbbb
-3-6 h: hhhgjhhw
-2-8 f: vfxftzkmlzk
-11-19 h: mmdptdzhwdbjhvkccrhk
-4-14 s: sssvsdpsssssspns
-11-12 f: fffffffflfbk
-2-13 h: nhbgtbjvbpmrnhf
-1-3 t: ttttttttttttttttttm
-3-4 t: tsttr
-2-9 n: fnkknptqn
-1-8 j: qjpjjjjjjtpxjqjw
-2-12 c: clccccccccckccc
-18-19 f: dpftffzcfhqffddfpff
-1-4 j: trjj
-9-11 z: zwzmzzczsdd
-5-8 g: vrpbggfn
-2-5 k: qksvzkj
-2-4 f: wfdfjlfwmjrdmxx
-4-12 l: bnplnlgqcwql
-13-14 n: nqlfdnnnnnnnvbnwnlh
-4-8 l: dgxhsrql
-10-11 k: qvwcrkxtkjxlq
-5-6 g: ckgggg
-6-14 h: xbhhvzvxbhhhhhbhkzhh
-6-9 w: whwdwrxgc
-7-9 b: bbrbnjbfb
-7-8 w: brwwkfvwwwww
-2-11 g: gmggghngggg
-12-17 l: bgslljzntbmvtkbgllgg
-12-18 g: gggggggggggkggggggg
-1-3 l: gllllllll
-14-16 k: jkkqkkgkrkvxkkkkskgb
-2-3 v: vljvgnvm
-7-8 r: jrjvrprr
-7-8 f: xxffrnff
-2-18 j: jhjjjjjjjjjtjjfjjpjr
-8-9 q: rfllhmnqtrkv
-2-3 n: lnndv
-2-15 s: hzzsrprnnjlwdfs
-1-5 q: vqqqq
-9-18 b: gxbpbbppbrbbnlkmbb
-2-13 b: bbbbbbbbbbbbpb
-6-7 t: mtrftthtttftttztttst
-1-7 z: nfzzzzvzzczzzzzzzz
-4-12 m: mmmcmmmmmmmmmm
-9-11 p: jpswppqbmpfpzpg
-10-11 c: ccccccpcccc
-2-6 t: ztscdrkxxctdft
-3-13 q: mqfqqqqjqqfqdqqq
-16-20 z: zzjcxdmzgzzzppbtztzz
-5-15 w: wwwpwhwqcwwwwwgw
-2-4 p: pczp
-5-7 d: ddddmdfd
-2-3 f: fftc
-1-3 v: vvmv
-11-15 k: tjkcvkkkkgkzkkxqv
-4-6 b: vdkvbn
-7-8 c: wbcjhswc
-9-10 l: lllbqrllll
-4-5 s: sjnlw
-12-14 j: mjtmzfjjtsgvgtq
-1-3 l: llrllml
-12-13 d: dngddlqdtgdcd
-3-5 l: cblhld
-3-4 r: trrq
-1-3 c: kcccc
-9-10 g: bgbgjggpvgpgpggg
-3-6 d: szwlfm
-13-14 f: ffffffffffffzfff
-6-7 d: ddddddddddnnddddr
-7-16 h: xmbpwmhsznmldhnxflc
-4-6 q: qqqnqqqg
-2-7 t: ttwbpmnthmjr
-8-16 x: xbcxxbwxxrpxnfxd
-2-3 d: dngdd
-9-10 n: qkxfdljnnl
-4-5 f: ftfffff
-12-15 n: nnnnnncnnnnnnnsnn
-1-2 d: dkdd
-2-5 v: vvvvgv
-1-14 v: jvvvvvvvvvvvvmvvv
-5-6 r: rrrrrr
-2-3 b: bnvbbbtbjgxfchnkhcjb
-1-14 g: wjggxgggggggxgmrvcg
-1-6 x: bhvxhxxxx
-1-2 r: rprr
-6-7 c: cccccccqc
-4-8 b: bbgplbbcdtbbdbgbbhbz
-1-4 w: wjgw
-1-3 h: zhzzt
-2-11 j: sjjrtjkjhjj
-6-7 m: mlmrrmm

diff --git a/resources/input03.txt b/resources/input03.txt
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index e1bd0f655fb0729445f15cd68aeb4a8e8cd5887c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input03.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@

diff --git a/resources/input04.txt b/resources/input04.txt
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index cecabe26162287d74e0cfc706e175c7bc43bce1c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-eyr:2023 ecl:amb iyr:2010
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-iyr:2018 hgt:185cm
-byr:1929 eyr:2024
-hcl:#cfa07d pid:184cm hgt:187in ecl:#e97c0d iyr:2022 eyr:2013
-hgt:176cm iyr:2019 eyr:2024 ecl:brn byr:1943
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-pid:171225044 hcl:#888785 byr:1992 ecl:amb iyr:2012 eyr:2030
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-ecl:#c1ae72 pid:458692331 hcl:#b6652a eyr:1966 byr:1951 iyr:2023
-cid:253 pid:9096156879 hcl:9911e5
-iyr:2019 eyr:2033 hgt:181cm
-ecl:oth pid:180428876 iyr:2019 byr:2001 eyr:2024 hgt:172cm hcl:#7d3b0c
-byr:2007 eyr:2030
-iyr:1961 ecl:lzr hcl:#cfa07d
-pid:377737133 hgt:160cm byr:1958 hcl:#866857 ecl:oth iyr:2015 eyr:2022 cid:350
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-iyr:2015 pid:321192707
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-iyr:2012 pid:303690324 hcl:#7d3b0c
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-iyr:2019 eyr:2031 hcl:#341e13 hgt:161cm byr:1950
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-iyr:2012 hgt:176cm
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-iyr:2012 ecl:amb hgt:170cm pid:221200950 eyr:2028
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-iyr:2011 hgt:157cm eyr:2030
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-hcl:#fffffd byr:1957
-cid:284 eyr:2026
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-eyr:2019 byr:2019 hgt:167in
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-byr:1972 iyr:2018 hcl:#fffffd
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-eyr:2026 iyr:2011
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-cid:315 iyr:2011
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-eyr:2029 hcl:z
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-iyr:2013 eyr:2023
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-iyr:2016 ecl:hzl hgt:171cm
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-iyr:2012 ecl:brn
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-ecl:amb iyr:2010
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-hgt:118 ecl:#f0f31e
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-cid:131 hgt:169cm
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-eyr:2021 ecl:grn
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-iyr:2018 hgt:156cm ecl:oth
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-iyr:2002 eyr:1958
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-iyr:2014 eyr:2029 cid:181
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-byr:1929 hcl:#733820 pid:442632632
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-ecl:gmt iyr:2016
-eyr:2027 pid:281765118 hcl:#ceb3a1 hgt:193cm
-byr:1955 ecl:gry cid:321 iyr:2010
-ecl:brn hgt:71in
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-cid:125 ecl:amb
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-iyr:2019 hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929 pid:221011852
-cid:274 eyr:2026 hgt:158cm
-hcl:#a97842 iyr:2016 hgt:159cm
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-ecl:#0b3ea5 hcl:z pid:#122ff0
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-hgt:171cm hcl:#cfa07d pid:674448249
-ecl:hzl eyr:2026
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-ecl:hzl eyr:2021 hcl:#b6652a pid:856617617
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-hgt:164cm ecl:gry
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-pid:377701492 ecl:gry byr:1971 hgt:174cm
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--- a/resources/input05.txt
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diff --git a/resources/input06.txt b/resources/input06.txt
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--- a/resources/input06.txt
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diff --git a/resources/input07.txt b/resources/input07.txt
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/resources/input07.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,594 +0,0 @@
-mirrored gold bags contain 3 light teal bags.
-clear gold bags contain 5 light maroon bags, 4 pale tomato bags, 5 clear blue bags.
-dark olive bags contain 5 plaid black bags, 2 dim plum bags, 2 light cyan bags.
-bright white bags contain 2 pale violet bags, 5 mirrored orange bags, 3 faded beige bags.
-posh green bags contain 4 shiny gray bags.
-posh lime bags contain 3 muted lavender bags, 1 clear magenta bag, 5 muted orange bags, 3 mirrored cyan bags.
-striped turquoise bags contain 3 pale red bags, 4 wavy lime bags, 4 wavy aqua bags.
-pale fuchsia bags contain 1 striped purple bag.
-dark magenta bags contain 4 light indigo bags, 1 wavy lavender bag, 1 clear teal bag.
-drab teal bags contain 5 pale bronze bags.
-muted aqua bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 1 pale plum bag.
-vibrant brown bags contain 4 dull turquoise bags.
-vibrant green bags contain 5 dim violet bags, 2 dotted red bags, 2 dull indigo bags.
-wavy black bags contain 3 posh yellow bags, 5 wavy coral bags.
-light fuchsia bags contain 1 dull violet bag, 5 dim indigo bags, 4 plaid red bags, 5 dotted bronze bags.
-drab bronze bags contain 5 dim tan bags, 4 mirrored yellow bags, 5 dim indigo bags.
-plaid silver bags contain 4 pale orange bags.
-wavy red bags contain 3 muted chartreuse bags, 4 light silver bags.
-light aqua bags contain 4 dark cyan bags, 3 shiny aqua bags, 1 light olive bag, 3 wavy purple bags.
-wavy salmon bags contain 1 shiny blue bag, 2 bright green bags, 5 dark beige bags.
-vibrant indigo bags contain 4 drab lime bags, 5 plaid turquoise bags.
-striped violet bags contain 3 dim violet bags, 3 striped purple bags.
-dull salmon bags contain 5 vibrant turquoise bags, 5 muted black bags.
-dark lavender bags contain 5 pale gold bags, 5 pale silver bags.
-clear lavender bags contain 1 faded turquoise bag.
-striped crimson bags contain 2 dull turquoise bags, 1 dotted red bag, 5 striped yellow bags.
-posh chartreuse bags contain 2 wavy lavender bags, 2 striped black bags, 5 dim blue bags, 5 bright fuchsia bags.
-clear tomato bags contain 1 mirrored violet bag, 4 pale gold bags, 5 bright bronze bags.
-clear brown bags contain 3 plaid fuchsia bags.
-pale aqua bags contain 3 pale indigo bags, 1 dark lime bag, 4 dim magenta bags.
-bright maroon bags contain 4 wavy yellow bags, 4 bright tan bags, 2 posh indigo bags, 4 shiny white bags.
-wavy purple bags contain 1 faded beige bag, 2 drab salmon bags, 3 mirrored yellow bags.
-muted salmon bags contain 5 bright olive bags, 2 striped white bags, 3 dotted coral bags.
-dotted maroon bags contain 4 striped brown bags.
-wavy turquoise bags contain 1 dim indigo bag, 3 clear lavender bags.
-muted tomato bags contain 2 wavy turquoise bags, 4 pale crimson bags.
-faded teal bags contain 2 dotted yellow bags, 4 dull olive bags.
-dotted blue bags contain 4 striped plum bags, 4 striped cyan bags, 2 drab bronze bags.
-posh teal bags contain 2 vibrant purple bags, 4 plaid fuchsia bags, 2 light green bags, 3 light chartreuse bags.
-muted gold bags contain 1 muted green bag, 1 vibrant brown bag, 5 pale crimson bags.
-clear olive bags contain no other bags.
-dotted beige bags contain 4 posh beige bags, 2 pale silver bags.
-vibrant lavender bags contain 4 dark tomato bags, 5 dim black bags, 3 dim aqua bags.
-wavy maroon bags contain 1 drab turquoise bag, 1 shiny indigo bag.
-muted magenta bags contain 4 posh indigo bags, 4 faded brown bags.
-dull tomato bags contain 1 pale green bag, 1 plaid gold bag, 5 plaid yellow bags, 5 mirrored blue bags.
-mirrored black bags contain 5 drab crimson bags.
-dull green bags contain 4 shiny orange bags.
-dark cyan bags contain 3 pale gold bags.
-faded black bags contain 2 clear beige bags, 4 bright red bags, 1 striped black bag.
-wavy indigo bags contain 2 pale brown bags.
-dim white bags contain 3 clear violet bags, 3 vibrant indigo bags.
-muted green bags contain 1 bright white bag.
-posh coral bags contain 3 shiny purple bags, 2 light brown bags, 3 pale gray bags, 1 dull turquoise bag.
-dull white bags contain 5 bright plum bags, 5 light green bags, 3 plaid purple bags, 1 faded white bag.
-bright salmon bags contain 3 dull indigo bags, 3 muted plum bags, 3 muted bronze bags.
-dotted green bags contain 1 posh purple bag.
-posh salmon bags contain 1 shiny brown bag, 2 dark red bags, 3 drab gold bags.
-pale olive bags contain 4 shiny maroon bags, 3 shiny white bags, 2 dim lavender bags.
-dotted lime bags contain 4 mirrored plum bags, 2 dotted blue bags, 3 light salmon bags.
-dim blue bags contain 5 shiny lime bags, 5 wavy cyan bags, 3 dotted cyan bags, 5 vibrant turquoise bags.
-dim gold bags contain 3 wavy lavender bags, 4 dark silver bags, 4 striped green bags, 4 posh plum bags.
-drab lime bags contain 3 clear black bags.
-dim red bags contain 1 mirrored olive bag, 1 plaid violet bag.
-posh white bags contain 3 pale indigo bags, 1 pale black bag, 5 light green bags, 2 light maroon bags.
-dim brown bags contain 5 dotted black bags, 5 dotted red bags.
-drab gold bags contain 4 mirrored orange bags, 5 drab beige bags, 4 pale gold bags.
-shiny green bags contain 5 mirrored gray bags, 4 pale maroon bags, 1 striped coral bag.
-clear teal bags contain 3 vibrant crimson bags, 4 posh teal bags, 5 striped lime bags, 3 plaid green bags.
-wavy coral bags contain 3 drab beige bags, 2 drab magenta bags.
-plaid tan bags contain 4 faded yellow bags, 4 dull gray bags, 2 shiny lime bags.
-shiny blue bags contain 1 faded white bag, 5 dull turquoise bags.
-striped green bags contain 4 dull blue bags, 1 muted tan bag, 1 wavy lavender bag, 1 muted gray bag.
-wavy tan bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 2 pale plum bags, 2 plaid indigo bags, 2 light lavender bags.
-faded violet bags contain 5 dull turquoise bags, 4 bright orange bags, 5 drab lavender bags.
-striped magenta bags contain 5 dotted orange bags, 5 wavy red bags.
-drab beige bags contain 4 pale gold bags.
-shiny coral bags contain 3 mirrored bronze bags.
-faded indigo bags contain 5 clear violet bags, 5 vibrant fuchsia bags, 5 posh violet bags.
-muted maroon bags contain 4 wavy coral bags.
-pale violet bags contain 1 clear olive bag, 1 wavy fuchsia bag, 1 dull lime bag.
-wavy chartreuse bags contain 2 faded blue bags.
-faded purple bags contain 5 clear olive bags, 1 wavy orange bag, 2 posh beige bags, 1 mirrored salmon bag.
-dull fuchsia bags contain 2 dark tan bags.
-light gold bags contain 1 pale blue bag, 4 wavy cyan bags, 1 shiny chartreuse bag.
-bright tan bags contain 2 shiny brown bags, 4 drab gold bags.
-plaid fuchsia bags contain 4 shiny gold bags, 1 mirrored orange bag, 4 dark chartreuse bags, 1 faded tomato bag.
-striped indigo bags contain 4 clear brown bags, 3 wavy silver bags, 1 plaid teal bag, 3 pale maroon bags.
-drab salmon bags contain 1 wavy bronze bag, 2 pale violet bags, 5 plaid indigo bags.
-muted teal bags contain 1 wavy maroon bag, 2 pale purple bags, 4 clear blue bags, 2 bright salmon bags.
-clear violet bags contain 2 light chartreuse bags, 1 light silver bag, 4 dark brown bags.
-posh red bags contain 4 light lavender bags, 4 plaid brown bags.
-muted gray bags contain 1 pale olive bag.
-posh black bags contain 1 muted maroon bag.
-dotted silver bags contain 3 dull turquoise bags, 4 dotted black bags, 3 mirrored black bags.
-wavy olive bags contain 3 dotted coral bags, 5 dim silver bags.
-plaid olive bags contain 3 muted plum bags.
-dim lavender bags contain 2 pale gold bags, 5 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 dull lime bag, 1 dull beige bag.
-dark silver bags contain 4 light silver bags, 1 plaid fuchsia bag.
-shiny tomato bags contain 2 pale coral bags, 4 dim lavender bags, 1 dim purple bag, 3 wavy magenta bags.
-dull purple bags contain 1 shiny maroon bag.
-wavy orange bags contain 2 dim black bags, 1 wavy aqua bag, 4 dull turquoise bags, 3 wavy bronze bags.
-dim gray bags contain 2 faded bronze bags, 3 dull beige bags, 3 pale purple bags, 5 drab gold bags.
-muted yellow bags contain 4 wavy aqua bags.
-striped maroon bags contain 1 plaid plum bag, 5 dotted chartreuse bags, 3 dotted cyan bags, 2 bright plum bags.
-muted white bags contain 2 dark blue bags, 4 posh aqua bags, 5 mirrored violet bags, 5 posh lavender bags.
-wavy cyan bags contain 3 dim black bags, 2 striped lime bags.
-striped teal bags contain 2 bright blue bags, 1 vibrant black bag.
-posh olive bags contain 2 dim plum bags, 5 shiny turquoise bags, 1 vibrant tomato bag, 5 bright magenta bags.
-dotted crimson bags contain 2 clear gray bags.
-clear plum bags contain 4 vibrant teal bags.
-vibrant chartreuse bags contain 4 posh bronze bags, 5 light purple bags.
-vibrant teal bags contain 3 clear blue bags, 4 muted tan bags, 2 wavy fuchsia bags.
-striped beige bags contain 4 faded tomato bags.
-muted bronze bags contain 1 clear lavender bag, 4 mirrored gray bags.
-light lavender bags contain 2 plaid turquoise bags.
-dotted white bags contain 1 light yellow bag, 5 dull maroon bags, 5 posh brown bags, 2 clear olive bags.
-pale teal bags contain 4 dark aqua bags, 5 dull violet bags.
-wavy lime bags contain 2 drab red bags, 1 clear olive bag.
-vibrant black bags contain 3 dim tan bags.
-pale coral bags contain 5 dull gold bags.
-plaid maroon bags contain 2 light fuchsia bags.
-wavy aqua bags contain 5 dark coral bags, 5 mirrored orange bags, 3 muted aqua bags.
-bright blue bags contain 3 faded bronze bags, 1 bright red bag, 5 mirrored coral bags.
-wavy silver bags contain 1 posh olive bag, 1 shiny lime bag, 3 shiny beige bags.
-faded maroon bags contain 1 dull tan bag.
-light yellow bags contain 5 light lavender bags, 5 pale black bags, 1 plaid brown bag, 3 pale violet bags.
-wavy fuchsia bags contain no other bags.
-pale plum bags contain 4 light teal bags, 2 pale black bags, 1 pale green bag, 4 wavy bronze bags.
-drab white bags contain 3 dark tan bags, 5 muted orange bags, 5 dull violet bags, 1 mirrored fuchsia bag.
-pale salmon bags contain 5 faded violet bags, 1 clear cyan bag.
-clear crimson bags contain 4 pale lavender bags, 1 dull turquoise bag, 2 mirrored blue bags.
-posh gray bags contain 4 muted brown bags, 3 shiny teal bags.
-dark aqua bags contain 1 shiny maroon bag, 5 dim brown bags, 4 striped maroon bags, 5 dim blue bags.
-muted red bags contain 3 muted chartreuse bags, 4 wavy red bags, 1 drab tomato bag, 3 shiny yellow bags.
-mirrored purple bags contain 2 clear blue bags, 2 mirrored lavender bags, 1 pale gold bag, 3 bright silver bags.
-striped yellow bags contain 4 light silver bags, 2 dotted red bags, 3 mirrored black bags, 2 faded tomato bags.
-dotted teal bags contain 1 drab bronze bag, 3 muted red bags, 5 mirrored gray bags, 4 bright olive bags.
-clear turquoise bags contain 5 dim bronze bags, 3 faded silver bags, 1 dotted olive bag.
-dull lavender bags contain 5 clear olive bags, 1 mirrored orange bag.
-mirrored indigo bags contain 3 bright fuchsia bags, 3 dotted salmon bags.
-shiny salmon bags contain 2 bright turquoise bags, 1 light plum bag.
-plaid red bags contain 3 clear brown bags, 4 drab tomato bags, 2 plaid indigo bags.
-drab black bags contain 5 dull maroon bags, 2 dark silver bags, 5 bright red bags, 5 bright cyan bags.
-pale purple bags contain 5 light blue bags, 1 dull maroon bag.
-plaid crimson bags contain 2 dark turquoise bags, 5 mirrored bronze bags, 5 dull gold bags, 2 posh yellow bags.
-striped lime bags contain 2 wavy lime bags, 2 shiny teal bags.
-plaid yellow bags contain 5 muted chartreuse bags.
-dark violet bags contain 2 plaid fuchsia bags, 2 muted bronze bags, 3 posh green bags.
-bright red bags contain 4 faded plum bags, 3 dim lavender bags.
-striped purple bags contain 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 shiny yellow bag.
-shiny red bags contain 4 wavy coral bags, 3 vibrant salmon bags.
-striped cyan bags contain 2 dark yellow bags.
-posh magenta bags contain 3 vibrant indigo bags, 2 pale violet bags, 3 bright fuchsia bags, 1 shiny teal bag.
-drab cyan bags contain 3 plaid gold bags, 3 clear black bags, 5 striped green bags.
-dim chartreuse bags contain 2 wavy coral bags, 2 striped black bags, 4 dotted tomato bags, 1 muted maroon bag.
-faded beige bags contain 5 dim tomato bags, 3 plaid turquoise bags.
-mirrored teal bags contain 4 posh silver bags, 3 dotted brown bags.
-light turquoise bags contain 2 bright gray bags.
-drab fuchsia bags contain 4 shiny brown bags, 1 muted olive bag.
-mirrored bronze bags contain 3 dull turquoise bags, 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 2 drab red bags.
-shiny fuchsia bags contain 3 striped gray bags, 3 faded blue bags.
-dim beige bags contain 4 dark blue bags, 1 vibrant aqua bag, 2 shiny brown bags, 5 dull violet bags.
-drab gray bags contain 1 wavy maroon bag.
-drab orange bags contain 5 plaid brown bags, 1 vibrant yellow bag, 1 mirrored beige bag, 4 pale white bags.
-dull magenta bags contain 4 light purple bags, 3 dark brown bags.
-vibrant magenta bags contain 4 clear gray bags, 2 shiny aqua bags, 4 striped yellow bags, 3 shiny magenta bags.
-drab tomato bags contain 5 drab crimson bags, 2 dull gold bags, 4 light silver bags.
-wavy violet bags contain 3 faded plum bags.
-mirrored fuchsia bags contain 1 mirrored black bag.
-shiny white bags contain 4 light silver bags, 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 2 faded brown bags, 1 bright bronze bag.
-clear chartreuse bags contain 4 plaid cyan bags, 1 striped gold bag.
-muted turquoise bags contain 3 drab crimson bags, 3 drab olive bags.
-faded aqua bags contain 1 dotted teal bag.
-vibrant gold bags contain 2 light green bags, 1 dotted gold bag.
-drab plum bags contain 5 dim salmon bags, 3 dotted teal bags.
-dotted chartreuse bags contain 2 dull turquoise bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag, 4 faded tan bags, 1 mirrored lavender bag.
-dull silver bags contain 1 mirrored indigo bag.
-pale yellow bags contain 4 drab coral bags.
-clear black bags contain 3 dim coral bags.
-faded gold bags contain 3 faded chartreuse bags, 1 posh gray bag, 3 drab tomato bags.
-muted chartreuse bags contain 1 clear olive bag.
-shiny indigo bags contain 3 vibrant yellow bags, 2 plaid orange bags.
-dull indigo bags contain 5 bright fuchsia bags, 2 shiny yellow bags, 2 plaid indigo bags, 4 bright olive bags.
-faded silver bags contain 2 vibrant olive bags, 4 muted tomato bags.
-pale green bags contain 1 pale red bag, 5 dull lavender bags, 4 clear olive bags.
-dull violet bags contain 1 shiny black bag, 1 shiny fuchsia bag, 3 plaid indigo bags, 2 posh crimson bags.
-dotted lavender bags contain 2 striped lavender bags.
-clear orange bags contain 1 dotted cyan bag, 4 clear tomato bags.
-bright crimson bags contain 1 dull black bag, 2 dim tomato bags, 1 drab bronze bag, 4 wavy orange bags.
-dark orange bags contain 1 vibrant teal bag, 3 dull maroon bags, 4 light purple bags.
-bright teal bags contain 5 mirrored tomato bags, 4 dull lime bags, 4 shiny olive bags.
-vibrant beige bags contain 2 dark turquoise bags.
-dark yellow bags contain 5 dark orange bags, 4 pale red bags, 2 striped fuchsia bags, 5 faded turquoise bags.
-bright fuchsia bags contain 5 striped gray bags, 3 light teal bags, 5 mirrored orange bags.
-clear maroon bags contain 2 dotted yellow bags, 1 mirrored green bag, 4 dotted coral bags, 3 dull indigo bags.
-dim lime bags contain 3 dull fuchsia bags.
-striped olive bags contain 5 wavy fuchsia bags, 2 light purple bags.
-dull gray bags contain 4 dark beige bags, 1 mirrored white bag.
-dim orange bags contain 5 mirrored white bags.
-faded salmon bags contain 2 muted cyan bags.
-clear red bags contain 2 dim violet bags, 1 shiny purple bag, 3 faded salmon bags, 2 mirrored brown bags.
-plaid white bags contain 1 shiny aqua bag, 1 vibrant teal bag.
-shiny violet bags contain 3 striped lime bags, 5 mirrored chartreuse bags, 3 pale red bags, 1 muted orange bag.
-wavy green bags contain 2 dark tomato bags.
-pale lavender bags contain 3 pale orange bags.
-dark fuchsia bags contain 4 pale turquoise bags, 4 pale plum bags, 5 light purple bags, 3 dark beige bags.
-posh indigo bags contain 2 pale violet bags, 5 shiny coral bags, 1 faded chartreuse bag, 2 plaid indigo bags.
-light brown bags contain 1 posh black bag, 4 clear cyan bags.
-faded red bags contain 1 drab maroon bag.
-dark bronze bags contain 1 pale green bag, 4 shiny blue bags, 1 mirrored lime bag.
-pale orange bags contain 4 plaid violet bags, 5 dim silver bags, 1 dim cyan bag, 3 clear blue bags.
-dull brown bags contain 1 light tomato bag, 4 pale tomato bags.
-mirrored plum bags contain 1 shiny tan bag, 5 wavy brown bags.
-dull lime bags contain 4 mirrored orange bags.
-drab yellow bags contain 3 clear teal bags, 3 posh aqua bags, 4 posh fuchsia bags, 3 posh turquoise bags.
-bright cyan bags contain 5 muted lavender bags, 1 wavy purple bag.
-drab chartreuse bags contain 1 wavy tan bag.
-drab tan bags contain 5 drab bronze bags, 5 pale green bags, 1 wavy fuchsia bag.
-shiny tan bags contain 1 pale red bag, 5 clear aqua bags.
-dotted black bags contain 2 dim black bags.
-dull blue bags contain 3 clear blue bags, 5 bright gold bags, 4 pale tomato bags, 4 drab beige bags.
-light olive bags contain 2 mirrored salmon bags, 2 drab violet bags, 2 bright beige bags.
-mirrored magenta bags contain 4 drab tomato bags, 5 clear teal bags, 3 dark coral bags, 5 shiny white bags.
-bright silver bags contain 1 posh brown bag.
-vibrant blue bags contain 3 clear tan bags.
-dark indigo bags contain 3 dim aqua bags, 5 bright aqua bags.
-bright brown bags contain 3 muted purple bags, 1 muted blue bag, 1 light green bag, 1 dark red bag.
-dark salmon bags contain 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 2 dim tan bags.
-mirrored maroon bags contain 2 posh purple bags.
-faded crimson bags contain 1 posh white bag, 2 muted blue bags, 3 dark fuchsia bags, 3 light red bags.
-bright lavender bags contain 4 bright chartreuse bags, 5 muted purple bags, 4 dull aqua bags, 1 shiny blue bag.
-mirrored orange bags contain no other bags.
-wavy bronze bags contain no other bags.
-wavy yellow bags contain 2 mirrored yellow bags, 1 muted maroon bag, 2 striped purple bags, 4 pale silver bags.
-drab magenta bags contain 3 dim indigo bags, 2 wavy bronze bags, 5 shiny yellow bags.
-wavy blue bags contain 3 mirrored gold bags, 3 shiny lavender bags, 1 dim teal bag, 4 clear crimson bags.
-clear purple bags contain 2 dark beige bags.
-light cyan bags contain 1 dotted white bag, 5 muted yellow bags, 1 wavy lime bag.
-clear yellow bags contain 2 plaid olive bags, 1 muted red bag, 1 mirrored bronze bag, 5 striped violet bags.
-light plum bags contain 5 dotted fuchsia bags, 4 vibrant white bags, 5 muted red bags, 5 drab red bags.
-vibrant fuchsia bags contain 1 posh green bag.
-pale maroon bags contain 5 light purple bags, 5 shiny aqua bags, 3 clear teal bags, 2 clear green bags.
-dark teal bags contain 2 dark lavender bags, 4 striped black bags, 1 drab lime bag, 2 dim teal bags.
-clear fuchsia bags contain 2 shiny violet bags, 4 posh aqua bags, 4 bright red bags.
-dotted magenta bags contain 2 dull olive bags, 1 clear magenta bag, 5 light beige bags, 1 dark brown bag.
-muted black bags contain 2 clear blue bags, 2 muted red bags.
-dim magenta bags contain 4 plaid silver bags, 4 plaid olive bags.
-striped lavender bags contain 4 clear blue bags.
-dull beige bags contain no other bags.
-wavy lavender bags contain 2 shiny blue bags, 3 faded tomato bags, 5 dotted tan bags, 5 dull maroon bags.
-light maroon bags contain 5 dim violet bags, 3 wavy turquoise bags, 3 mirrored salmon bags.
-plaid green bags contain 1 dim teal bag, 5 pale brown bags, 2 striped chartreuse bags.
-shiny plum bags contain 1 posh lavender bag, 3 vibrant red bags, 5 dark maroon bags, 1 dotted bronze bag.
-plaid turquoise bags contain 4 light silver bags.
-dim cyan bags contain 1 shiny coral bag, 4 bright lime bags.
-shiny lime bags contain 3 wavy green bags, 5 posh white bags, 1 striped purple bag.
-dim maroon bags contain 1 muted crimson bag.
-dim aqua bags contain 1 dotted silver bag, 3 faded blue bags, 4 striped purple bags.
-muted blue bags contain 2 posh yellow bags, 3 bright tan bags, 1 vibrant salmon bag.
-vibrant olive bags contain 5 clear aqua bags.
-plaid black bags contain 3 striped orange bags.
-vibrant violet bags contain 2 pale gold bags.
-light bronze bags contain 1 shiny maroon bag, 3 light blue bags.
-pale magenta bags contain 5 pale tomato bags.
-vibrant yellow bags contain 4 striped gray bags, 4 dotted yellow bags, 1 wavy fuchsia bag, 3 wavy purple bags.
-shiny black bags contain 5 shiny yellow bags, 3 light purple bags, 1 pale olive bag, 1 clear blue bag.
-dim crimson bags contain 5 posh gray bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag.
-plaid salmon bags contain 2 wavy fuchsia bags, 1 posh olive bag, 2 dim tan bags.
-shiny cyan bags contain 5 light green bags, 1 clear olive bag, 5 pale olive bags.
-pale silver bags contain 3 mirrored orange bags, 1 light lavender bag, 2 faded tomato bags, 1 muted chartreuse bag.
-light red bags contain 4 shiny gray bags, 4 wavy salmon bags, 4 clear lime bags.
-dark turquoise bags contain 4 mirrored orange bags, 4 vibrant brown bags, 4 striped brown bags, 4 mirrored purple bags.
-dark gray bags contain 1 pale violet bag, 5 striped turquoise bags, 2 wavy red bags, 2 light bronze bags.
-pale gray bags contain 5 drab tan bags, 3 clear gray bags.
-striped gold bags contain 2 dotted beige bags.
-muted cyan bags contain 2 light bronze bags, 3 clear green bags.
-faded white bags contain 3 striped tomato bags, 4 shiny black bags, 2 drab tomato bags.
-clear lime bags contain 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 3 vibrant purple bags, 1 shiny bronze bag, 3 muted green bags.
-dull bronze bags contain 5 plaid turquoise bags, 4 dark crimson bags, 3 pale yellow bags, 3 posh chartreuse bags.
-mirrored cyan bags contain 4 clear olive bags, 2 vibrant purple bags, 4 dull olive bags.
-pale bronze bags contain 3 vibrant purple bags, 4 dotted silver bags, 2 mirrored black bags.
-pale blue bags contain 1 dark brown bag, 2 light brown bags, 2 drab lime bags.
-clear bronze bags contain 4 clear blue bags, 2 light chartreuse bags, 1 pale violet bag.
-clear aqua bags contain 2 clear cyan bags.
-plaid plum bags contain 3 faded plum bags.
-mirrored lime bags contain 4 posh brown bags.
-plaid lavender bags contain 1 bright beige bag, 5 bright lime bags, 4 faded aqua bags.
-drab crimson bags contain 2 shiny yellow bags, 1 posh brown bag.
-shiny beige bags contain 2 muted aqua bags, 1 vibrant purple bag, 4 pale black bags, 3 dark chartreuse bags.
-dim green bags contain 4 bright yellow bags, 1 shiny fuchsia bag, 1 wavy tomato bag, 4 shiny black bags.
-drab coral bags contain 5 dark coral bags.
-posh turquoise bags contain 1 dim violet bag, 2 faded turquoise bags.
-dotted plum bags contain 2 dull salmon bags, 5 light green bags, 3 pale red bags, 2 posh yellow bags.
-posh yellow bags contain 1 mirrored salmon bag, 1 drab tomato bag, 3 dark tomato bags, 2 dark chartreuse bags.
-faded orange bags contain 1 drab yellow bag.
-dull teal bags contain 2 plaid crimson bags, 5 shiny violet bags, 1 dull coral bag.
-faded brown bags contain 5 muted red bags.
-bright chartreuse bags contain 5 clear lime bags.
-mirrored tan bags contain 4 striped lavender bags, 4 light plum bags.
-clear indigo bags contain 5 plaid fuchsia bags, 2 plaid brown bags, 5 striped gray bags.
-light teal bags contain 1 dull beige bag, 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 1 mirrored orange bag, 5 wavy bronze bags.
-shiny gold bags contain 2 dark coral bags, 1 mirrored orange bag.
-striped white bags contain 5 dull fuchsia bags.
-wavy white bags contain 5 dull chartreuse bags, 5 wavy green bags.
-mirrored beige bags contain 4 bright white bags, 5 plaid magenta bags, 3 plaid crimson bags, 1 shiny teal bag.
-muted purple bags contain 5 pale black bags, 5 wavy aqua bags.
-vibrant crimson bags contain 5 dim bronze bags, 2 vibrant plum bags.
-striped aqua bags contain 3 plaid cyan bags, 3 light beige bags, 2 drab cyan bags.
-dull crimson bags contain 1 light white bag, 3 drab indigo bags, 1 clear fuchsia bag.
-clear magenta bags contain 4 light brown bags.
-posh maroon bags contain 1 faded plum bag, 3 light olive bags.
-bright violet bags contain 2 dotted bronze bags, 4 clear teal bags, 3 striped magenta bags, 3 muted indigo bags.
-faded coral bags contain 5 dark violet bags, 3 plaid teal bags.
-faded bronze bags contain 5 dotted fuchsia bags, 5 wavy bronze bags, 2 dotted purple bags, 5 dim black bags.
-light beige bags contain 2 shiny olive bags.
-mirrored white bags contain 1 dark indigo bag, 1 drab maroon bag, 3 shiny beige bags, 5 light blue bags.
-muted silver bags contain 4 wavy lime bags, 1 dark tomato bag, 1 bright fuchsia bag, 4 dotted olive bags.
-wavy gray bags contain 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 5 light lavender bags, 3 muted chartreuse bags.
-clear salmon bags contain 5 bright tomato bags, 2 wavy aqua bags.
-dull turquoise bags contain 1 pale tomato bag.
-shiny yellow bags contain 4 dull lime bags, 3 shiny maroon bags, 3 light silver bags.
-mirrored aqua bags contain 3 posh magenta bags, 4 drab tomato bags.
-dull orange bags contain 5 dim teal bags, 3 light olive bags, 2 light magenta bags, 2 plaid orange bags.
-plaid blue bags contain 3 pale purple bags, 1 shiny turquoise bag.
-dim olive bags contain 3 shiny tomato bags, 4 dim black bags, 1 light plum bag.
-dim fuchsia bags contain 1 dark chartreuse bag, 1 mirrored cyan bag, 3 plaid red bags.
-dark plum bags contain 1 light yellow bag, 1 mirrored lime bag, 2 bright salmon bags.
-faded tomato bags contain 2 muted chartreuse bags, 4 dark chartreuse bags.
-dotted aqua bags contain 2 dull lavender bags, 4 pale tomato bags.
-plaid lime bags contain 3 vibrant indigo bags, 1 muted red bag, 1 posh silver bag, 1 dim indigo bag.
-vibrant lime bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 2 vibrant chartreuse bags, 4 clear blue bags.
-posh brown bags contain 2 wavy red bags, 2 drab beige bags.
-bright beige bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 muted red bags, 5 mirrored lavender bags, 2 pale red bags.
-dotted yellow bags contain 5 striped gray bags, 3 pale gold bags, 2 clear olive bags, 5 mirrored yellow bags.
-dull gold bags contain 5 clear tomato bags, 5 drab beige bags, 4 bright silver bags, 4 drab crimson bags.
-dark maroon bags contain 2 wavy turquoise bags, 4 dark chartreuse bags.
-drab olive bags contain 4 faded bronze bags.
-posh plum bags contain 2 dull tan bags.
-light indigo bags contain 2 wavy yellow bags.
-vibrant tan bags contain 5 shiny teal bags.
-dim purple bags contain 5 light olive bags, 5 mirrored violet bags.
-vibrant gray bags contain 3 bright turquoise bags, 4 dim maroon bags, 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 2 faded turquoise bags.
-pale tan bags contain 2 light salmon bags, 3 dotted silver bags, 5 clear lime bags, 1 shiny teal bag.
-dark tan bags contain 5 dim indigo bags, 3 shiny beige bags, 5 dim tan bags, 2 pale black bags.
-dotted tomato bags contain 3 shiny black bags, 3 pale crimson bags, 2 dim tan bags.
-posh violet bags contain 4 posh crimson bags, 1 muted fuchsia bag, 4 pale cyan bags, 3 mirrored gold bags.
-clear tan bags contain 2 bright tan bags, 5 faded beige bags.
-bright bronze bags contain no other bags.
-dotted brown bags contain 2 dotted black bags, 3 wavy coral bags.
-muted violet bags contain 3 faded magenta bags, 3 bright magenta bags.
-faded plum bags contain 2 dull lime bags, 4 dim coral bags, 5 shiny maroon bags, 3 pale red bags.
-dark lime bags contain 4 dim tomato bags.
-dull aqua bags contain 4 drab beige bags, 4 drab maroon bags.
-posh purple bags contain 2 vibrant purple bags, 5 shiny gold bags, 2 plaid turquoise bags.
-dull plum bags contain 5 dark brown bags, 4 muted black bags, 1 striped lavender bag.
-faded turquoise bags contain 3 shiny yellow bags, 4 faded plum bags, 5 pale violet bags, 4 dim lavender bags.
-striped bronze bags contain 1 muted bronze bag, 4 clear green bags, 4 shiny fuchsia bags, 5 pale red bags.
-mirrored blue bags contain 4 clear tomato bags, 5 shiny orange bags, 1 dull beige bag, 1 striped silver bag.
-shiny orange bags contain 2 light bronze bags, 4 dark tomato bags, 2 drab gold bags.
-shiny gray bags contain 1 dark maroon bag.
-drab red bags contain 5 wavy purple bags.
-posh fuchsia bags contain 3 mirrored chartreuse bags, 3 vibrant teal bags.
-light crimson bags contain 2 shiny aqua bags, 2 plaid chartreuse bags, 1 shiny gold bag, 1 wavy maroon bag.
-vibrant white bags contain 1 shiny brown bag, 5 light purple bags, 4 dull olive bags, 5 clear cyan bags.
-dark green bags contain 5 drab indigo bags, 1 striped coral bag.
-striped fuchsia bags contain 5 vibrant plum bags.
-bright turquoise bags contain 1 striped fuchsia bag, 3 posh purple bags, 5 dim aqua bags.
-striped tan bags contain 1 dotted cyan bag.
-shiny magenta bags contain 2 dark yellow bags, 1 faded silver bag, 4 muted orange bags, 3 bright fuchsia bags.
-dim violet bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 1 bright bronze bag.
-vibrant orange bags contain 2 faded chartreuse bags, 2 vibrant turquoise bags, 2 dull white bags.
-pale gold bags contain 5 light lavender bags, 4 mirrored orange bags, 4 muted chartreuse bags.
-pale red bags contain no other bags.
-plaid brown bags contain 3 mirrored orange bags.
-posh aqua bags contain 5 light blue bags, 1 dark indigo bag, 1 pale red bag, 2 vibrant turquoise bags.
-muted lime bags contain 1 dim chartreuse bag, 1 dotted olive bag, 4 pale violet bags, 3 muted fuchsia bags.
-dotted fuchsia bags contain 4 light teal bags, 1 muted chartreuse bag, 3 dark chartreuse bags, 4 dim lavender bags.
-dim turquoise bags contain 4 clear beige bags, 1 posh magenta bag, 3 faded brown bags.
-muted coral bags contain 4 dark salmon bags, 1 pale tomato bag, 2 shiny brown bags.
-dull chartreuse bags contain 3 shiny white bags, 4 shiny blue bags, 1 pale crimson bag.
-muted indigo bags contain 4 posh silver bags, 1 pale maroon bag, 1 dotted red bag, 1 drab coral bag.
-dim salmon bags contain 5 pale black bags, 3 dark salmon bags, 3 pale red bags, 5 dotted purple bags.
-dotted bronze bags contain 1 dim aqua bag, 2 mirrored maroon bags, 4 muted olive bags, 3 dull fuchsia bags.
-drab silver bags contain 2 dim coral bags, 3 dim salmon bags.
-striped salmon bags contain 2 dotted purple bags, 2 posh green bags, 3 plaid beige bags.
-mirrored tomato bags contain 5 faded tomato bags, 4 wavy red bags.
-dotted cyan bags contain 1 posh white bag, 3 striped lime bags, 4 dotted purple bags, 2 muted red bags.
-striped blue bags contain 4 dark silver bags, 4 pale silver bags.
-faded green bags contain 3 dotted violet bags, 3 pale turquoise bags.
-striped gray bags contain 2 pale tomato bags, 2 dark chartreuse bags, 5 muted red bags, 3 pale violet bags.
-pale lime bags contain 4 posh maroon bags, 2 drab plum bags, 3 drab coral bags.
-posh beige bags contain 4 wavy purple bags, 2 shiny gold bags, 1 dark tan bag.
-dotted tan bags contain 2 bright silver bags, 1 posh bronze bag, 2 dim coral bags, 2 dim tomato bags.
-shiny brown bags contain 4 dim violet bags, 5 bright silver bags.
-mirrored silver bags contain 1 striped blue bag, 2 shiny teal bags, 2 light coral bags, 1 dim beige bag.
-clear silver bags contain 4 mirrored fuchsia bags, 5 dull olive bags, 1 plaid crimson bag.
-dotted orange bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 3 wavy lime bags, 3 dotted yellow bags, 5 muted lavender bags.
-shiny purple bags contain 1 shiny beige bag, 3 plaid chartreuse bags.
-drab brown bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 3 mirrored cyan bags, 1 dim crimson bag.
-vibrant tomato bags contain 5 faded plum bags.
-light tan bags contain 1 dark gold bag, 3 light salmon bags.
-vibrant cyan bags contain 4 shiny aqua bags.
-dotted purple bags contain 4 wavy coral bags.
-vibrant red bags contain 4 faded tan bags, 1 drab aqua bag, 4 striped black bags.
-faded lime bags contain 3 light olive bags, 3 striped yellow bags.
-posh gold bags contain 1 dull indigo bag, 1 mirrored chartreuse bag.
-shiny aqua bags contain 2 vibrant turquoise bags.
-light orange bags contain 3 vibrant violet bags, 2 dotted yellow bags, 1 dark gray bag, 5 striped chartreuse bags.
-pale black bags contain 1 plaid brown bag, 2 muted chartreuse bags.
-drab violet bags contain 5 clear cyan bags, 1 pale gold bag, 4 drab salmon bags, 2 posh orange bags.
-dim silver bags contain 5 clear cyan bags.
-muted beige bags contain 1 dim tomato bag, 3 light olive bags.
-drab turquoise bags contain 3 plaid orange bags, 1 light purple bag.
-dark red bags contain 2 vibrant yellow bags, 4 mirrored fuchsia bags, 5 posh bronze bags, 2 dark gold bags.
-vibrant maroon bags contain 5 drab beige bags, 1 dark beige bag, 1 dark brown bag, 4 pale maroon bags.
-wavy magenta bags contain 3 light tomato bags, 5 muted gold bags, 3 muted cyan bags.
-shiny chartreuse bags contain 5 pale yellow bags.
-dull cyan bags contain 4 bright maroon bags, 4 faded bronze bags.
-light black bags contain 4 shiny teal bags, 5 faded beige bags, 1 muted gold bag, 4 plaid silver bags.
-bright green bags contain 5 striped lime bags, 4 muted yellow bags, 4 light beige bags, 4 plaid violet bags.
-striped orange bags contain 1 mirrored orange bag, 2 bright salmon bags.
-muted plum bags contain 3 mirrored orange bags, 1 muted chartreuse bag, 2 dull olive bags, 4 dull brown bags.
-pale white bags contain 5 light silver bags.
-mirrored gray bags contain 1 mirrored violet bag, 5 striped gray bags, 5 dim aqua bags, 4 wavy fuchsia bags.
-wavy beige bags contain 2 shiny beige bags.
-dotted red bags contain 4 dotted purple bags, 3 muted aqua bags, 2 pale tomato bags, 4 pale bronze bags.
-posh lavender bags contain 2 dotted tomato bags, 3 dim lavender bags, 2 muted gray bags, 3 light plum bags.
-mirrored yellow bags contain 4 wavy gold bags.
-wavy brown bags contain 3 dim fuchsia bags, 4 dull turquoise bags.
-plaid chartreuse bags contain 5 plaid red bags.
-shiny turquoise bags contain 2 faded turquoise bags, 3 muted tan bags.
-mirrored brown bags contain 4 dotted fuchsia bags, 4 dim red bags, 2 dotted plum bags.
-dim tan bags contain 1 drab tomato bag, 3 wavy red bags, 1 plaid turquoise bag, 2 clear lavender bags.
-faded yellow bags contain 1 clear bronze bag, 3 clear olive bags.
-bright orange bags contain 5 mirrored blue bags, 3 shiny blue bags.
-striped red bags contain 5 bright green bags, 3 wavy yellow bags.
-bright indigo bags contain 2 light maroon bags, 5 shiny bronze bags, 2 bright white bags.
-light gray bags contain 2 dotted maroon bags.
-light silver bags contain no other bags.
-bright gold bags contain 2 striped fuchsia bags.
-drab purple bags contain 5 light silver bags, 2 dull yellow bags, 2 shiny teal bags.
-mirrored coral bags contain 4 dim plum bags.
-light coral bags contain 3 dim lavender bags, 5 wavy green bags, 2 light bronze bags.
-plaid indigo bags contain 3 mirrored orange bags, 5 pale gold bags.
-dark crimson bags contain 4 dark turquoise bags, 4 plaid green bags, 4 clear fuchsia bags.
-wavy teal bags contain 1 pale silver bag, 4 mirrored chartreuse bags, 4 shiny black bags.
-dull tan bags contain 4 muted magenta bags.
-light violet bags contain 4 faded yellow bags, 5 light maroon bags, 3 clear teal bags, 2 pale crimson bags.
-striped silver bags contain 3 plaid fuchsia bags.
-shiny crimson bags contain 5 muted yellow bags.
-mirrored salmon bags contain 1 dim tan bag.
-dotted coral bags contain 5 dark tan bags.
-wavy gold bags contain 2 wavy turquoise bags, 4 dim indigo bags, 3 wavy bronze bags.
-vibrant bronze bags contain 1 pale purple bag.
-posh silver bags contain 4 posh chartreuse bags, 3 bright salmon bags, 1 dotted bronze bag, 3 shiny coral bags.
-bright purple bags contain 5 clear beige bags, 3 pale yellow bags, 1 wavy tomato bag, 5 pale lavender bags.
-muted tan bags contain 4 bright white bags, 5 dotted silver bags, 2 clear blue bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags.
-light white bags contain 2 shiny purple bags, 1 dull aqua bag, 2 vibrant blue bags.
-faded fuchsia bags contain 2 dark green bags, 3 shiny violet bags, 4 drab plum bags, 3 vibrant olive bags.
-clear gray bags contain 2 muted red bags.
-dark tomato bags contain 4 dotted purple bags, 3 faded turquoise bags.
-light magenta bags contain 1 dull fuchsia bag.
-light purple bags contain 3 drab magenta bags, 4 dark coral bags, 3 light silver bags.
-vibrant turquoise bags contain 4 dotted black bags.
-dim indigo bags contain 4 muted chartreuse bags.
-dim bronze bags contain 3 drab gold bags, 4 clear brown bags, 2 muted tan bags.
-clear green bags contain 2 plaid fuchsia bags, 1 wavy bronze bag.
-dull maroon bags contain 2 wavy yellow bags, 1 dotted fuchsia bag, 4 mirrored yellow bags.
-dotted gray bags contain 5 dotted white bags, 2 pale tomato bags, 5 bright tan bags, 3 plaid turquoise bags.
-plaid gray bags contain 5 wavy lime bags, 4 dull aqua bags.
-mirrored crimson bags contain 1 shiny lavender bag, 4 plaid purple bags.
-shiny silver bags contain 5 vibrant lavender bags, 3 light coral bags, 5 dark aqua bags.
-dotted salmon bags contain 3 pale tomato bags.
-muted crimson bags contain 4 clear olive bags, 3 dull plum bags, 1 dark gray bag, 1 wavy lime bag.
-muted lavender bags contain 1 bright chartreuse bag, 3 pale yellow bags, 3 pale crimson bags.
-posh tan bags contain 4 faded tomato bags, 3 dotted olive bags, 4 striped maroon bags.
-vibrant salmon bags contain 4 vibrant indigo bags, 1 plaid orange bag.
-faded chartreuse bags contain 2 mirrored orange bags, 1 pale crimson bag.
-striped tomato bags contain 3 dim tan bags, 2 wavy gold bags.
-dim yellow bags contain 1 clear purple bag, 1 wavy red bag, 1 drab bronze bag.
-wavy tomato bags contain 5 dotted tomato bags, 3 dim salmon bags, 5 light tan bags, 3 dull brown bags.
-bright lime bags contain 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 3 dotted tan bags, 3 posh black bags, 5 wavy gold bags.
-muted brown bags contain 4 shiny indigo bags, 4 muted tan bags, 3 wavy tan bags.
-pale cyan bags contain 1 dotted black bag.
-drab green bags contain 1 muted cyan bag.
-dim teal bags contain 4 faded lavender bags, 2 pale violet bags.
-drab lavender bags contain 1 pale gold bag, 5 vibrant brown bags, 4 posh indigo bags, 1 plaid olive bag.
-dotted turquoise bags contain 2 muted lime bags, 4 striped indigo bags.
-clear white bags contain 2 bright lime bags, 1 mirrored coral bag.
-dark purple bags contain 5 wavy crimson bags, 5 light olive bags.
-light tomato bags contain 4 posh black bags, 1 faded blue bag, 5 dim black bags, 3 dull lime bags.
-bright aqua bags contain 3 clear tomato bags.
-bright tomato bags contain 1 clear green bag, 3 bright gray bags, 3 mirrored cyan bags, 5 posh chartreuse bags.
-dull yellow bags contain 5 wavy purple bags, 3 light purple bags, 5 clear cyan bags, 2 wavy coral bags.
-striped coral bags contain 3 mirrored black bags, 5 wavy coral bags, 2 posh white bags.
-shiny bronze bags contain 2 dim tomato bags, 3 dull lime bags.
-vibrant aqua bags contain 4 dull olive bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 vibrant teal bag.
-faded magenta bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 5 plaid white bags, 1 drab lime bag, 3 mirrored fuchsia bags.
-pale beige bags contain 3 wavy gray bags, 5 mirrored tomato bags, 1 bright beige bag.
-pale crimson bags contain 1 pale violet bag, 4 pale black bags, 5 dim tomato bags, 1 mirrored turquoise bag.
-dark blue bags contain 4 dark maroon bags, 1 faded brown bag, 2 wavy red bags.
-posh tomato bags contain 2 posh beige bags, 4 dark maroon bags.
-dim plum bags contain 2 muted crimson bags, 1 striped coral bag, 2 plaid yellow bags, 5 striped violet bags.
-dull black bags contain 3 posh tomato bags, 1 vibrant yellow bag, 4 mirrored salmon bags, 2 light green bags.
-wavy plum bags contain 4 wavy blue bags.
-bright coral bags contain 4 posh gold bags, 2 plaid lime bags, 3 shiny black bags, 5 dim magenta bags.
-posh blue bags contain 2 dotted turquoise bags, 2 bright olive bags, 2 plaid gold bags.
-vibrant purple bags contain 2 mirrored orange bags, 4 dull lavender bags, 2 pale red bags.
-dark white bags contain 4 drab lime bags.
-wavy crimson bags contain 2 dark salmon bags, 5 wavy yellow bags, 2 bright bronze bags, 2 drab crimson bags.
-clear coral bags contain 4 vibrant blue bags.
-muted olive bags contain 3 plaid brown bags, 1 dim fuchsia bag, 2 posh yellow bags.
-plaid violet bags contain 4 muted aqua bags.
-plaid teal bags contain 4 bright tan bags, 2 dark tomato bags.
-plaid purple bags contain 3 posh teal bags.
-pale turquoise bags contain 2 faded purple bags, 4 mirrored maroon bags, 1 mirrored salmon bag.
-muted fuchsia bags contain 5 bright bronze bags, 4 muted gold bags.
-bright olive bags contain 2 faded blue bags, 3 faded turquoise bags, 5 light bronze bags, 3 dim tan bags.
-bright gray bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted orange bags.
-light blue bags contain 1 dotted purple bag, 3 dim black bags, 3 posh purple bags, 2 mirrored violet bags.
-posh bronze bags contain 3 plaid fuchsia bags, 1 drab gold bag, 4 mirrored orange bags, 4 light teal bags.
-faded olive bags contain 3 striped blue bags, 3 dim salmon bags, 4 pale red bags, 2 dull maroon bags.
-dull coral bags contain 2 wavy gold bags, 1 dark magenta bag.
-dull olive bags contain 3 plaid turquoise bags, 3 plaid fuchsia bags, 4 wavy lime bags, 1 dotted black bag.
-plaid orange bags contain 1 dark salmon bag, 1 striped turquoise bag.
-clear blue bags contain 3 dim tan bags, 3 muted red bags, 3 faded tomato bags.
-dark chartreuse bags contain 4 bright bronze bags, 1 dim indigo bag.
-plaid tomato bags contain 5 shiny turquoise bags, 4 clear tan bags, 2 dotted bronze bags, 5 muted magenta bags.
-mirrored green bags contain 2 light silver bags, 3 light brown bags, 4 vibrant purple bags, 2 posh green bags.
-drab blue bags contain 4 drab indigo bags.
-vibrant silver bags contain 3 striped violet bags, 1 striped white bag, 2 bright blue bags.
-shiny olive bags contain 3 drab tomato bags.
-dull red bags contain 4 dim cyan bags, 3 wavy lime bags.
-vibrant plum bags contain 3 wavy coral bags, 2 light lavender bags.
-faded cyan bags contain 1 dim brown bag, 5 posh indigo bags.
-dotted violet bags contain 1 pale tomato bag, 5 dim plum bags.
-striped brown bags contain 5 dim coral bags, 4 clear blue bags.
-dotted indigo bags contain 5 clear salmon bags, 4 dim bronze bags.
-posh cyan bags contain 2 vibrant magenta bags.
-clear beige bags contain 1 bright olive bag.
-dark black bags contain 4 dull crimson bags, 3 plaid green bags.
-mirrored lavender bags contain 5 dark silver bags.
-bright black bags contain 4 shiny brown bags, 1 vibrant crimson bag, 2 posh white bags, 3 wavy gold bags.
-pale indigo bags contain 5 shiny gold bags, 3 light bronze bags, 3 striped turquoise bags.
-plaid cyan bags contain 1 shiny tan bag, 4 dark tan bags, 1 dull yellow bag.
-bright plum bags contain 1 pale chartreuse bag, 3 plaid red bags, 1 faded beige bag, 1 posh gray bag.
-drab maroon bags contain 3 dull olive bags, 1 pale green bag, 2 mirrored turquoise bags.
-pale chartreuse bags contain 4 dim tomato bags.
-striped black bags contain 4 vibrant turquoise bags, 3 faded white bags, 4 light plum bags, 1 pale black bag.
-dotted gold bags contain 5 posh teal bags, 5 striped violet bags.
-posh orange bags contain 1 clear green bag.
-light green bags contain 5 wavy turquoise bags, 2 pale red bags, 3 dark tomato bags, 3 dull turquoise bags.
-plaid beige bags contain 4 light silver bags, 4 plaid turquoise bags, 5 drab purple bags, 4 clear lime bags.
-mirrored violet bags contain 2 wavy fuchsia bags, 5 bright bronze bags.
-striped plum bags contain 2 plaid indigo bags, 5 bright yellow bags, 1 wavy magenta bag.
-bright yellow bags contain 3 wavy yellow bags.
-drab aqua bags contain 5 dark red bags, 2 light gold bags.
-plaid bronze bags contain 1 drab magenta bag.
-faded tan bags contain 4 shiny aqua bags, 2 light chartreuse bags.
-drab indigo bags contain 5 dotted beige bags, 3 dull lime bags, 1 striped violet bag, 4 vibrant tan bags.
-dark gold bags contain 4 mirrored lime bags, 3 dark salmon bags.
-muted orange bags contain 1 dull yellow bag, 2 shiny brown bags.
-plaid gold bags contain 4 drab coral bags, 5 shiny cyan bags.
-posh crimson bags contain 3 light brown bags, 3 bright bronze bags, 3 shiny yellow bags.
-bright magenta bags contain 5 dim lavender bags.
-light chartreuse bags contain 2 drab bronze bags, 3 dim coral bags.
-dim tomato bags contain no other bags.
-dark beige bags contain 3 mirrored yellow bags, 2 dull olive bags, 5 striped brown bags.
-clear cyan bags contain 5 drab beige bags, 1 shiny yellow bag, 5 wavy purple bags, 5 dark chartreuse bags.
-dark coral bags contain 3 dim lavender bags, 3 pale green bags, 4 mirrored orange bags, 1 dim coral bag.
-light lime bags contain 5 mirrored brown bags.
-shiny lavender bags contain 5 drab tan bags.
-faded lavender bags contain 1 light salmon bag, 2 dotted purple bags, 5 pale gold bags, 3 muted gold bags.
-pale tomato bags contain 5 dim coral bags.
-plaid coral bags contain 3 dull blue bags, 1 posh white bag, 3 light orange bags.
-dim coral bags contain no other bags.
-dotted olive bags contain 5 mirrored green bags, 3 drab aqua bags, 2 dull beige bags, 3 dim indigo bags.
-dark brown bags contain 1 muted tan bag, 5 wavy lime bags.
-mirrored red bags contain 5 vibrant aqua bags, 3 bright gray bags, 4 striped gray bags, 2 light lavender bags.
-mirrored olive bags contain 5 dark chartreuse bags, 1 dim lavender bag, 5 faded plum bags.
-dim black bags contain 1 shiny yellow bag, 4 plaid indigo bags.
-shiny maroon bags contain 1 mirrored orange bag, 1 muted chartreuse bag, 5 wavy bronze bags, 1 dull lavender bag.
-pale brown bags contain 4 light teal bags, 1 light plum bag, 3 bright aqua bags.
-striped chartreuse bags contain 2 shiny maroon bags.
-mirrored chartreuse bags contain 4 dotted tan bags, 4 bright bronze bags.
-plaid magenta bags contain 1 vibrant yellow bag, 5 wavy aqua bags, 5 dull turquoise bags, 2 wavy fuchsia bags.
-light salmon bags contain 3 muted tan bags, 3 faded turquoise bags, 4 drab bronze bags, 3 bright bronze bags.
-faded blue bags contain 1 wavy red bag, 5 wavy fuchsia bags, 4 bright bronze bags, 3 faded turquoise bags.
-plaid aqua bags contain 1 pale tan bag, 3 light white bags.
-mirrored turquoise bags contain 5 drab beige bags, 1 faded plum bag, 4 mirrored orange bags.
-shiny teal bags contain 2 pale black bags, 4 dull indigo bags, 4 vibrant teal bags.
-vibrant coral bags contain 3 drab turquoise bags, 4 striped beige bags, 1 wavy turquoise bag, 4 light crimson bags.
-faded gray bags contain 3 striped purple bags.

diff --git a/resources/input08.txt b/resources/input08.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aacf1d97e45e6bedf087c8d108304b404723bb1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input08.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
-jmp +1
-acc -15
-acc +14
-acc +18
-jmp +443
-jmp +286
-acc +27
-jmp +522
-jmp +1
-acc -19
-acc +22
-acc +37
-jmp +111
-acc +28
-acc +43
-acc +18
-nop +597
-jmp +479
-jmp +604
-jmp +499
-acc +0
-acc +22
-acc +13
-jmp +566
-acc -12
-acc +0
-nop +153
-jmp +173
-jmp +192
-jmp +292
-acc +36
-acc +7
-jmp +440
-acc -17
-acc +40
-acc +24
-acc -7
-jmp +519
-nop +16
-acc +15
-acc +42
-jmp +445
-jmp +350
-acc +42
-acc +12
-acc +2
-jmp +133
-acc +12
-acc +3
-acc +27
-jmp +186
-acc +25
-acc +46
-jmp +285
-acc +32
-acc -11
-acc -6
-jmp +565
-nop +215
-acc +1
-acc +35
-jmp +1
-jmp +502
-acc +27
-acc +19
-acc -8
-acc -8
-jmp +531
-jmp -21
-nop +292
-acc +8
-acc -13
-jmp +26
-acc +1
-acc +45
-nop -42
-jmp +323
-jmp +39
-jmp +336
-acc +19
-jmp -51
-acc +45
-acc +26
-jmp +278
-jmp +6
-acc +40
-nop +271
-acc -10
-nop -4
-jmp +272
-nop -61
-acc +4
-acc -14
-acc +27
-jmp -70
-acc -9
-acc +29
-jmp +416
-acc +25
-acc +45
-jmp +19
-jmp +39
-acc -19
-acc +7
-jmp +248
-acc +11
-acc +36
-jmp +515
-acc +45
-acc +49
-jmp +329
-acc +30
-acc +31
-acc +28
-acc +26
-jmp +8
-jmp +283
-acc +32
-jmp +127
-acc +4
-acc +20
-jmp +92
-jmp +50
-jmp +133
-acc +5
-acc +8
-jmp +313
-acc +38
-acc +34
-jmp +395
-acc +14
-acc +29
-jmp +392
-nop +246
-jmp +374
-nop +429
-nop +388
-acc +3
-acc +0
-jmp +432
-acc -1
-acc +35
-acc +35
-jmp +148
-acc +8
-acc +11
-acc +12
-acc -10
-jmp +434
-acc -19
-jmp +330
-nop +329
-acc +30
-jmp +239
-acc -6
-jmp -136
-jmp +418
-nop +385
-jmp +1
-acc +34
-acc +9
-jmp +410
-nop -13
-acc +31
-acc +15
-acc +37
-jmp -142
-jmp +109
-acc -16
-nop +405
-nop +343
-jmp +8
-acc +44
-acc -15
-acc +7
-acc +9
-jmp +185
-acc +6
-jmp +35
-nop -25
-jmp +93
-acc +22
-acc -17
-acc +15
-acc +39
-jmp +41
-nop -123
-acc +15
-acc +6
-jmp -35
-acc +48
-jmp +422
-acc -7
-nop +67
-nop +66
-acc +48
-jmp -29
-acc -11
-acc +16
-jmp +92
-acc +45
-jmp +92
-jmp +212
-acc -3
-acc -18
-nop -186
-nop +7
-jmp -28
-nop +292
-acc +7
-nop -120
-acc +46
-jmp +48
-acc -3
-acc -16
-acc +50
-jmp -44
-acc -2
-acc -11
-jmp +236
-jmp +344
-acc +33
-acc +44
-acc +39
-nop -45
-jmp -53
-acc -11
-nop +380
-acc +35
-jmp +113
-nop +203
-acc +40
-jmp +167
-acc +44
-jmp +394
-jmp +229
-jmp -167
-jmp -204
-acc +21
-acc +49
-jmp +25
-acc -19
-acc -17
-acc +44
-jmp -11
-acc +40
-acc +12
-jmp +253
-acc +21
-jmp +349
-jmp +285
-acc +0
-nop +261
-acc +15
-acc +38
-jmp +10
-acc +27
-jmp +1
-jmp +373
-jmp -151
-acc +6
-jmp -48
-acc +14
-acc -8
-jmp -61
-acc +8
-acc +20
-jmp +1
-jmp +1
-jmp +208
-acc -18
-acc +32
-jmp +94
-jmp +262
-acc +0
-jmp -156
-nop +188
-nop +312
-acc +21
-acc +6
-jmp -123
-acc +47
-jmp +316
-acc +25
-nop +290
-jmp +62
-acc -7
-acc +36
-nop +212
-acc +14
-jmp +332
-jmp +291
-jmp +226
-acc +30
-jmp -161
-acc +39
-acc +38
-jmp +203
-nop +63
-nop -6
-acc -15
-nop -56
-jmp +72
-acc +1
-acc +34
-acc +22
-acc +19
-jmp -135
-acc +27
-jmp -303
-acc +1
-acc +48
-acc -19
-jmp +142
-acc +50
-jmp +298
-acc +43
-acc +0
-acc +50
-acc +12
-jmp +137
-acc +41
-nop +252
-jmp -310
-acc +13
-acc +34
-acc -15
-acc +43
-jmp +236
-acc +5
-acc -8
-acc +25
-acc +45
-jmp +153
-acc -12
-acc +31
-acc -1
-jmp +120
-jmp +236
-acc +38
-nop -238
-jmp -328
-jmp +81
-acc +48
-acc +15
-acc -9
-jmp -73
-nop -49
-jmp -271
-acc -17
-acc -17
-jmp +106
-nop +212
-jmp -290
-acc +36
-nop +109
-jmp +186
-jmp -310
-acc +4
-acc +16
-jmp +117
-jmp +1
-acc +10
-jmp +20
-acc +12
-jmp -311
-acc +12
-acc +30
-nop +182
-jmp -315
-acc +25
-acc +12
-acc +30
-jmp +50
-acc -19
-jmp -333
-acc +30
-nop +87
-jmp -199
-acc +8
-jmp +112
-acc -8
-jmp -313
-acc +7
-acc +32
-jmp +1
-jmp +230
-acc +25
-acc +45
-acc +20
-acc +0
-jmp -307
-acc +30
-nop -253
-acc +7
-acc +39
-jmp -113
-acc -12
-jmp +209
-acc +42
-acc +17
-acc -19
-acc +24
-jmp -170
-acc +30
-acc +9
-acc -1
-jmp -328
-acc +19
-acc +45
-jmp +132
-nop -244
-nop +35
-jmp +34
-acc -10
-acc +26
-acc +35
-nop -238
-jmp +54
-acc +15
-nop -378
-acc +42
-jmp -43
-acc -9
-acc -5
-acc -11
-nop -307
-jmp -129
-nop -202
-acc -9
-nop -376
-acc +11
-jmp -75
-jmp +14
-acc -1
-acc +32
-acc -14
-acc +16
-jmp +39
-acc +42
-acc +32
-jmp -133
-acc +1
-acc +17
-nop +85
-acc +35
-jmp +83
-acc +27
-acc +0
-acc -12
-jmp -93
-acc +48
-acc +35
-nop +154
-jmp -287
-jmp -347
-jmp -348
-acc +18
-jmp -374
-acc -15
-jmp +36
-jmp -123
-acc -11
-jmp +55
-acc +19
-acc +23
-jmp -339
-nop +5
-acc +44
-acc +2
-jmp +1
-jmp -417
-acc +23
-jmp -253
-acc -9
-acc -3
-jmp -138
-jmp -227
-acc +12
-jmp -437
-acc +47
-acc +19
-acc -6
-jmp -245
-acc +2
-jmp -328
-acc -14
-acc +25
-acc +4
-acc -2
-jmp -411
-jmp -351
-jmp -459
-acc +3
-acc +48
-jmp -134
-nop +54
-acc -14
-jmp -298
-jmp -401
-acc -14
-acc +25
-nop -55
-acc -10
-jmp -312
-acc -7
-acc +45
-jmp -74
-acc +30
-jmp -462
-acc +5
-acc -8
-jmp -355
-acc +9
-acc +44
-acc +44
-jmp -150
-jmp -484
-acc +14
-acc +19
-acc -6
-jmp -474
-acc -18
-jmp -166
-jmp -264
-acc -15
-acc +17
-acc +29
-jmp -149
-nop -273
-acc +31
-acc +0
-acc -2
-jmp -410
-jmp -411
-acc +47
-acc -6
-nop -287
-jmp -436
-acc +4
-nop +88
-jmp -158
-acc +32
-jmp +1
-acc -15
-jmp -319
-acc -6
-acc -18
-acc +49
-jmp -256
-acc -18
-acc +31
-acc +27
-acc +27
-jmp -351
-jmp +58
-acc +12
-jmp +1
-acc +32
-nop -151
-jmp -411
-acc +19
-acc +7
-jmp -287
-acc +30
-jmp -496
-acc -11
-acc +5
-acc +42
-acc +25
-jmp -249
-acc -1
-jmp -243
-jmp -190
-acc +32
-acc +32
-acc +14
-jmp +12
-acc +5
-acc +30
-acc +34
-jmp -46
-acc -13
-acc +5
-acc +45
-jmp -271
-acc +29
-acc +37
-jmp -323
-nop -18
-acc -2
-acc +21
-acc -12
-jmp -453
-acc -14
-acc +19
-nop -173
-jmp -411
-acc +24
-acc -7
-nop -136
-acc +6
-jmp -357
-acc -1
-acc -1
-acc +32
-jmp -264
-acc +26
-jmp -175
-acc +10
-acc +35
-nop -361
-jmp -493
-acc +14
-jmp -206
-jmp -138
-acc -1
-jmp -156
-acc +3
-acc +11
-acc -2
-jmp -213
-acc +35
-acc -13
-acc +47
-acc +45
-jmp -376
-jmp -543
-jmp -479
-acc +29
-jmp -532
-acc +28
-acc +47
-acc -11
-acc -14
-jmp +1

diff --git a/resources/input09.txt b/resources/input09.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3102d884ecfd78e795cfe802218b37de5885672e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input09.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@

diff --git a/resources/input10.txt b/resources/input10.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f0028b97b8543c4ebe00aa075668ea6f93769d18..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input10.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@

diff --git a/resources/input11.txt b/resources/input11.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 85142c6dfa1d49b11cd3b35a2c3794e04fb2e248..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input11.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@

diff --git a/resources/input12.txt b/resources/input12.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 85892eab86ba12ad042e0b4cd9af1b93c915b941..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input12.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@

diff --git a/resources/input13.txt b/resources/input13.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 78137a2f0556423c156c823ef0328e3bd353a303..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/resources/input13.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

diff --git a/src/aoc/core.clj b/src/aoc/core.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ddabcb526200731ceb11d493d20e53c6dbc951d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/core.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.core
-  (:gen-class)
-  (:require [aoc.day13 :as day13]))
-(defn -main
-  [& args]
-  (day13/main))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day01.clj b/src/aoc/day01.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 19290da98555f562ee0272f29c8aa9f01a45bc56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day01.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day01
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(defn lines [s]
-  (clojure.string/split s #"\n"))
-;; ------------
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> "input01.txt"
-       io/resource
-       slurp
-       lines
-       (map read-string)))
-(defn produce-matches-1 [input]
-  (for [x input]
-    (for [y input]
-      (when (= 2020 (+ x y))
-        [x y]))))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (->> (produce-matches-1 input)
-       flatten
-       (remove nil?)
-       (take 2)
-       (apply *)))
-(defn produce-matches-2 [input]
-  (for [x input]
-    (for [y input]
-      (for [z input]
-        (when (= 2020 (+ x y z))
-          [x y z])))))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (->> (produce-matches-2 input)
-       flatten
-       (remove nil?)
-       (take 3)
-       (apply *)))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day02.clj b/src/aoc/day02.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 578f6b5312cffbfe71335bda1d55f8565860d913..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day02.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day02
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example "1-3 a: abcde
-1-3 b: cdefg
-2-9 c: ccccccccc")
-(defmacro xor
-  "Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right.  If only one form returns
-  a logical true value (neither nil nor false), returns true.  If more than one
-  value returns logical true or no value returns logical true, retuns a logical
-  false value.  As soon as two logically true forms are encountered, no
-  remaining expression is evaluated.  (xor) returns nil."
-  ([] nil)
-  ([f & r]
-     `(loop [t# false f# '[~f ~@r]]
-        (if-not (seq f#) t#
-                (let [fv# (eval (first f#))]
-                  (cond
-                   (and t# fv#) false
-                   (and (not t#) fv#) (recur true (rest f#))
-                   :else (recur t# (rest f#))))))))
-(defn parse-line [line]
-  (zipmap [:min :max :letter :password]
-          (rest
-            (re-find #"(\d+)-(\d+) (\w): (\w+)" line))))
-(defn string-to-char [s]
-  (first (char-array s)))
-(defn password-valid? [p]
-  (let [min          (read-string (:min p))
-        max          (read-string (:max p))
-        freqs        (frequencies (:password p))
-        letter       (string-to-char (:letter p))
-        letter-count (get freqs letter 0)]
-    (and
-     (>= letter-count min)
-     (<= letter-count max))))
-(defn password-valid-2? [p]
-  (let [pass (:password p)
-        idx-1 (get pass (dec (read-string (:min p))))
-        idx-2 (get pass (dec (read-string (:max p))))
-        letter (string-to-char (:letter p))]
-    (xor
-     (= idx-1 letter)
-     (= idx-2 letter))))
-(defn check-passwords [acc val]
-  (if (password-valid? val)
-    (inc acc)
-    acc))
-(defn check-passwords-2 [acc val]
-  (if (password-valid-2? val)
-    (inc acc)
-    acc))
-;; ----
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> (io/resource "input02.txt")
-       slurp
-       clojure.string/split-lines
-       (map parse-line)))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (reduce check-passwords 0 input))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (reduce check-passwords-2 0 input))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day03.clj b/src/aoc/day03.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b3ee50ca76655faec3e48d657bfabffb1bd3ab3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day03.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day03
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example
-  "..##.......
-(def paths
-  [[1 1]
-   [3 1]
-   [5 1]
-   [7 1]
-   [1 2]])
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> (slurp (io/resource "input03.txt"))
-       clojure.string/split-lines))
-(defn all-coordinates [[x y]]
-  (iterate (fn [[xx yy]]
-             [(+ x xx)
-              (+ y yy)])
-           [0 0]))
-(defn tree? [s]
-  (= s \#))
-(defn count-trees [lines]
-  (fn [acc [x y]]
-    (let [line (nth lines y)
-          spot (nth line x)]
-      (if (tree? spot)
-        (inc acc)
-        acc))))
-(defn compute [input coords]
-  (let [infinite-lines (map cycle input)
-        needed-coords (take-while #(< (second %)
-                                      (count input))
-                                  coords)]
-    (reduce (count-trees infinite-lines) 0 needed-coords)))
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (let [infinite-lines (map cycle input)
-        infinite-coords (all-coordinates [3 1])
-        needed-coords (take-while #(< (second %)
-                                      (count input)) infinite-coords)]
-    (reduce (count-trees infinite-lines) 0 needed-coords)))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (let [c (partial compute input)
-        coords (map all-coordinates paths)]
-    (->> coords
-         (map c)
-         (apply *))))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day04.clj b/src/aoc/day04.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index d22a5faf793c23ae539143623b798b4679c29211..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day04.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day04
-  (:require [ :as io]
-            [clojure.set]))
-(def fields #{:byr :iyr :eyr :hgt :hcl :ecl :pid :cid})
-(def height-pattern #"(\d+)(cm|in)")
-(def hcolor-pattern #"#[a-f0-9]{6}")
-(def eye-color-set #{"amb" "blu" "brn" "gry" "grn" "hzl" "oth"})
-(def pid-pattern #"\d{9}")
-(def validation
-  {:byr (fn [v]
-          (when (= 4 (count v))
-            (let [n (read-string v)]
-              (<= 1920 n 2002))))
-   :iyr (fn [v]
-          (when (= 4 (count v))
-            (let [n (read-string v)]
-              (<= 2010 n 2020))))
-   :eyr (fn [v]
-          (when (= 4 (count v))
-            (let [n (read-string v)]
-              (<= 2020 n 2030))))
-   :hgt (fn [v]
-          (when-let [[_ digits u] (re-find height-pattern v)]
-            (let [n (read-string digits)]
-              (case u
-                "cm" (<= 150 n 193)
-                "in" (<= 59 n 76)))))
-   :hcl (fn [v]
-          (re-matches hcolor-pattern v))
-   :ecl (fn [v]
-          (contains? eye-color-set v))
-   :pid (fn [v]
-          (re-matches pid-pattern v))
-   :cid (fn [v] true)})
-(def optional-fields (set [:cid]))
-(def required-fields
-  (clojure.set/difference fields optional-fields))
-(defn collect-pair [acc p]
-  (let [[k v] (clojure.string/split p #":")]
-    (assoc acc (keyword k )v)))
-(defn parse-passport [s]
-  (let [lines (clojure.string/split-lines s)
-        joined (clojure.string/join " " lines)
-        pairs (clojure.string/split joined #" ")]
-    (reduce collect-pair {} pairs)))
-(defn valid? [p]
-  (let [pfields (set (keys p))]
-    (=
-      (clojure.set/intersection required-fields pfields)
-      required-fields)))
-(defn valid-2? [p]
-  (when (valid? p)
-    (let [ok (map (fn [field]
-                       (let [f (get validation field (constantly true))
-                             v (get p field)]
-                         (f v)))
-                     required-fields)]
-       (every? identity ok))))
-;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> (clojure.string/split (slurp (io/resource "input04.txt")) #"\n\n")
-       (map parse-passport)))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (count
-   (filter valid? input)))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (count
-   (filter valid-2? input)))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day05.clj b/src/aoc/day05.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e80f6789d380702945f82d149e973770e2782d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day05.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day05
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example "FBFBBFFRLR") ;; 44 5
-(defn reduce-range [lower upper]
-  (fn [coll direction]
-    (let [size (/ (count coll) 2)]
-    (condp = direction
-      lower (take size coll)
-      upper (drop size coll)))))
-(defn find-row [directions]
-  (first
-    (reduce
-      (reduce-range \F \B)
-      (range 0 128)
-      directions)))
-(defn find-column [directions]
-  (first
-    (reduce
-      (reduce-range \L \R)
-      (range 0 8)
-      directions)))
-(defn find-seat [boarding-pass]
-  {:row (find-row (take 7 boarding-pass))
-   :column (find-column (drop 7 boarding-pass))})
-(defn seat-id [{:keys [row column]}]
-  (+ (* row 8)
-     column))
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> (slurp (io/resource "input05.txt"))
-       (clojure.string/split-lines)))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (->> input
-       (map find-seat)
-       (map seat-id)
-       sort
-       reverse
-       first))
-(defn all-seat-ids [input]
-  (->> input
-       (map find-seat)
-       (map seat-id)
-       sort))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (let [seat-ids (all-seat-ids input)
-        coll (range (first seat-ids) (inc (last seat-ids)))]
-    (clojure.set/difference
-     (set coll)
-     (set seat-ids))))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day06.clj b/src/aoc/day06.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b5fa69763a0bb472325cc7c86fb03467a275cde..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day06.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day06
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example "abc
-(defn group-said-yes [group]
-  (apply clojure.set/union
-         (map set group)))
-(defn group-all-said-yes [group]
-  (apply clojure.set/intersection
-         (map set group)))
-;; ----
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> (clojure.string/split (slurp (io/resource "input06.txt")) #"\n\n")
-       (map clojure.string/split-lines)))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (->> input
-       (map group-said-yes)
-       (map count)
-       (apply +))
-  )
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (->> input
-       (map group-all-said-yes)
-       (map count)
-       (apply +)))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day07.clj b/src/aoc/day07.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 798e0a6e50fa7cbb062db0ea1c1b8d457732d961..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day07.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day07
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example
-  "light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
-dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
-bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.
-muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
-shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.
-dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.
-vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.
-faded blue bags contain no other bags.
-dotted black bags contain no other bags.")
-(def rule-pattern #"(\d+) (\w+ \w+)")
-(def mine "shiny gold")
-(defn parse-sub [s]
-  (let [[_ number color] (re-find rule-pattern s)]
-    {:color color
-     :number (read-string number)}))
-(defn parse-contents [s]
-  (when-not (clojure.string/starts-with? s "no")
-    (let [rules (clojure.string/split s #", ")]
-      (map parse-sub rules))))
-(defn parse-rule [s]
-  (let [[bag contents] (clojure.string/split s #" contain ")
-        [shade color _] (clojure.string/split bag #" ")
-        contents (parse-contents contents)]
-    {:color (str shade " " color)
-     :contents contents}))
-(defn graph [rules]
-  (reduce (fn [acc {:keys [color contents]}]
-            (reduce (fn [acc content]
-                      (update acc (:color content) conj {:color color
-                                                         :number (:number content)}))
-                    acc contents))
-          {} rules))
-(defn graph2 [rules]
-  (reduce (fn [acc {:keys [color contents]}]
-            (reduce (fn [acc2 content]
-                      (update acc2 color conj content))
-                    acc contents))
-          {} rules))
-(defn get-parents [graph color]
-  (get graph color))
-(defn fold [g]
-  (loop [r (into #{} (->> (get-parents g mine)
-                          (map :color)))]
-    (let [r2 (reduce (fn [acc color]
-                        (into acc
-                              (->> 
-                                (get-parents g color)
-                                (map :color))))
-                      r r)]
-      (if (= r r2)
-        r
-        (recur r2)))))
-(defn count-contents [g c]
-  (let [contents (get-parents g c)]
-    (if (seq contents)
-      (reduce
-       (fn [acc {:keys [color number]}]
-         (+ acc (* number (count-contents g color))))
-       1
-       contents)
-      1)))
-;; ---
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> (slurp (io/resource "input07.txt"))
-       (clojure.string/split-lines)))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (let [rules (map parse-rule input)
-        g (graph rules)]
-    (count (fold g))))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (let [rules (map parse-rule input)
-        g (graph2 rules)]
-    (dec
-      (count-contents g mine))))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day08.clj b/src/aoc/day08.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index a969f09d5caf70362723efedd8a951a63e8986b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day08.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day08
-  (:require [ :as io])
-(def example "nop +0
-acc +1
-jmp +4
-acc +3
-jmp -3
-acc -99
-acc +1
-jmp -4
-acc +6")
-(def example-terminating "nop +0
-acc +1
-jmp +4
-acc +3
-jmp -3
-acc -99
-acc +1
-nop -4
-acc +6")
-(defn parse-instruction [s]
-  (let [[op n] (clojure.string/split s #" ")]
-    (assoc {}
-           :op (keyword op)
-           :value (read-string n))))
-(defn accumulate [acc value]
-  (if (>= value 0)
-    (+ acc value)
-    (- acc value)))
-(defn step [acc index {:keys [op value]}]
-  (case op
-    :acc [(+ acc value) (inc index)]
-    :jmp [acc (+ index value)]
-    :nop [acc (inc index)]))
-(defn run-computer [coll]
-  (loop [index 0
-         acc 0
-         log #{}]
-    (if (contains? log index)
-      acc
-      (let [[new-acc new-index] (step acc index (nth coll index))]
-        (recur new-index new-acc (conj log index))))))
-(defn run-computer-2 [coll]
-  (loop [index 0
-         acc 0
-         log #{}]
-    (cond
-      (contains? log index) :infinite-loop
-      (= index (count coll)) acc
-      :else (let [[new-acc new-index] (step acc index (nth coll index))]
-              (recur new-index new-acc (conj log index))))))
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> (slurp (io/resource "input08.txt"))
-       clojure.string/split-lines
-       (map parse-instruction)))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (run-computer input))
-(defn reverse-it [op]
-  ;; LOL
-  (get {:jmp :nop
-        :nop :jmp}
-       op))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (let [input (vec input)
-        indexes (range (count input))
-        possibilities (map (fn [i]
-                          (let [{:keys [op]} (nth input i)]
-                            (if (contains? #{:jmp :nop} op)
-                              (assoc-in input [i :op] (reverse-it op))
-                              input)))
-                        indexes)]
-    (->> possibilities
-         (map run-computer-2)
-         (remove #(= :infinite-loop %))
-         first)))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day09.clj b/src/aoc/day09.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index ee3f16be045660e1b7da38f1c6ccc2e57a8ec4e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day09.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day09
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example
-  "35
-(defn valid? [n coll]
-  (seq (for [x coll
-          y coll
-          :when (not= x y)
-          :when (= n (+ x y))]
-      [x y])))
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> (io/resource "input09.txt")
-       io/reader
-       line-seq
-       (map read-string)))
-(defn read-example-input []
-  (->> example
-       clojure.string/split-lines
-       (map read-string)))
-(defn compute-1 [input size]
-  (loop [step 0]
-    (let [without-old (drop step input)
-          pool (take size without-old)
-          candidate (nth without-old size)]
-      (if-not (valid? candidate pool)
-        candidate
-        (recur (inc step))))))
-(defn adds-up? [coll n]
-  (loop [nums []
-         index 0]
-    (cond
-      (= (apply + nums) n) nums
-      (> (apply + nums) n) nil
-      :else (recur (conj nums (nth coll index))
-                   (inc index)))))
-(defn find-range [input n]
-  (loop [coll input]
-    (let [r (adds-up? coll n)]
-      (if-not (nil? r)
-        r
-        (recur (rest coll))))))
-(defn compute-2 [input n]
-  (let [result (find-range input n)]
-    (+ (apply min result)
-       (apply max result))))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)
-        size 25
-        n (compute-1 input size)]
-    (println n)
-    (println (compute-2 input n))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day10.clj b/src/aoc/day10.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fc7c1445bf345c02ee7480e937e6e293e616781..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day10.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day10
-  (:require [ :as io])
-  (:gen-class))
-;; (defn read-input []
-;;   (line-seq
-;;     (io/reader
-;;       (io/resource "input10.txt"))))
-(def example "16
-(def example2 "28
-(defn read-input []
-  (->>
-       (io/resource "input10.txt")
-       io/reader
-       line-seq
-       ;; example2
-       ;; clojure.string/split-lines
-       (map read-string)))
-(defn builtin [ratings]
-  (->> (apply max ratings)
-       (+ 3)))
-(defn jolts [input]
-  (let [device (builtin input)
-        input (conj input device)
-        input (sort input)]
-    (reduce (fn [acc adap]
-              (let [prev (:i acc)
-                    diff (- adap prev)]
-                (if (= 3 diff)
-                  (assoc acc :i adap :j3 (inc (:j3 acc)))
-                  (assoc acc :i adap :j1 (inc (:j1 acc))))))
-            {:i 0 :j1 0 :j3 0}
-            input)))
-(defn next-coll [[n & coll]]
-  (filter #(and
-              (> % n)
-               (<= 1 (- % n) 3))
-          coll))
-(declare jp)
-(defn jolt-possibilities [coll]
-  (let [nexts (next-coll coll)]
-    (if-not (seq nexts)
-      coll
-      (mapcat (fn [next]
-                (jp
-                (filter #(>= % next) coll))) nexts))))
-(def jp (memoize jolt-possibilities))
-(defn jolt-possibilities-2 [coll]
-  (loop [acc #{}
-         current 0]
-    (let [nexts (next-coll coll)]
-      )))
-;; the recursive solution didn't work on the puzzle input because memory :(
-;; the `part-2` fn is someone else's
-(defn part-2 [adapters]
-  (let [device (+ (apply max adapters) 3)
-        ;; The number of routes to each adapter is the sum of the number of
-        ;; routes to each of the possible previous adapters (it's like a messy
-        ;; Pascal's triangle) so we can get the solution in one pass.
-        routes (reduce
-                 (fn [r a]
-                   (assoc r a
-                     (apply + (map #(get r % 0) (range (- a 3) a)))))
-                 {0 1}
-                 (sort (conj adapters device)))]
-    (get routes device)))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (let [{:keys [j1 j3]} (jolts input)]
-    (* j1 j3)))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (let [input (cons 0 input)
-        device (builtin input)
-        input (conj input device)
-        input (sort input)]
-    (count (jp input))))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (part-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day11.clj b/src/aoc/day11.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index b382b3d13e0de31966ea5d029fbf936b40d451cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day11.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day11
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example "L.LL.LL.LL
-(declare parse-floor)
-(defn read-input []
-  (->>
-   (io/resource "input11.txt")
-   slurp
-       ;; example
-   clojure.string/split-lines
-   parse-floor))
-(defn adjacent [m [sx sy]]
-  (for [x [-1 0 1]
-        y [-1 0 1]
-        :when (not= [x y] [0 0])]
-    (let [fx (+ x sx)
-          fy (+ y sy)]
-      [[fx fy] (get m [fx fy] :empty)])))
-(defn visible [m [sx sy]]
-  (for [x [-1 0 1]
-        y [-1 0 1]
-        :when (not= [x y] [0 0])]
-    (let [fx (+ x sx)
-          fy (+ y sy)]
-      (some (fn [[[x y] spot]]
-              (#{:taken :empty} spot))
-            (map (fn [[a b]]
-                   [[a b] (get m [a b] :empty)])
-                 (rest (iterate
-                        (fn [[xx yy]] [(+ xx x) (+ yy y)])
-                        [sx sy])))))))
-(defn taken-adjacent [m [sx sy]]
-  (filter #(= :taken (second %))
-          (adjacent m [sx sy])))
-(defn taken-visible [m [sx sy]]
-  (filter #(= :taken %)
-          (visible m [sx sy])))
-(defn parse-floor [input]
-  (into {}
-        (for [y (range (count input))
-              x (range (count (first input)))]
-          (let [spot (get-in input [y x])
-                tile (case spot
-                       \L :empty
-                       \# :taken
-                       \. :floor)]
-            [[x y] tile]))))
-(defn run [input]
-  (into {} (map (fn [[[x y] seat]]
-                  (let [taken-count (count (taken-adjacent input [x y]))]
-                    (case seat
-                      :empty [[x y] (if (zero? taken-count) :taken :empty)]
-                      :taken [[x y] (if (>= taken-count 4) :empty :taken)]
-                      [[x y] seat])))
-                input)))
-(defn run-2 [input]
-  (into {} (map (fn [[[x y] seat]]
-                  (let [taken-count (count (taken-visible input [x y]))]
-                    (case seat
-                      :empty [[x y] (if (zero? taken-count) :taken :empty)]
-                      :taken [[x y] (if (>= taken-count 5) :empty :taken)]
-                      [[x y] seat])))
-                input)))
-(defn reduce-1 [input]
-  (loop [input input]
-    (let [res (run input)]
-      (if (= input res)
-        res
-        (recur res)))))
-(defn reduce-2 [input]
-  (loop [input input]
-    (let [res (run-2 input)]
-      (if (= input res)
-        res
-        (recur res)))))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (->> input
-       reduce-1
-       vals
-       frequencies
-       :taken))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (->> input
-       reduce-2
-       vals
-       frequencies
-       :taken))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day12.clj b/src/aoc/day12.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index ebfcc64fc577217da6a45e57b6d8dac4a7834d51..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day12.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day12
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example "F10
-(def start-pos {:facing :east
-                :north 0
-                :east 0})
-(def start-pos-2 {:wp {:north 1
-                       :east 10}
-                  :ship {:north 0
-                         :east 0}})
-(defn translate [direction [x y]]
-  (case direction
-      :right [y (- x)]
-      :left [(- y) x]))
-(defn translate-wp [pos direction]
-  (update-in pos [:wp] (fn [{:keys [north east]}]
-                         (let [[x y] (translate direction [east north])]
-                           {:north y :east x}))))
-(defn parse-inst [[h & body]]
-  {:direction (case h
-                \N :north
-                \E :east
-                \S :south
-                \W :west
-                \F :forward
-                \L :left
-                \R :right)
-   :value (read-string (clojure.string/join body))})
-(defn read-input []
-  (->> 
-       (io/resource "input12.txt")
-       slurp
-       ;; example
-       clojure.string/split-lines
-       (map parse-inst)
-       ))
-(defn move [direction value]
-  (fn [old]
-    (let [op (case direction
-               :north +
-               :south -
-               :east +
-               :west -)]
-      (if (nil? op)
-        old
-        (op old value)))))
-(def right-turns (cycle [:east :south :west :north]))
-(def left-turns (cycle [:east :north :west :south]))
-(defn turn-count [n]
-  (case n
-    90 1
-    180 2
-    270 3
-    0 0))
-(defn turn [pos {:keys [value direction]}]
-  (let [current-direction (:facing pos)
-        tc (turn-count value)
-        turns (case direction
-                :left left-turns
-                :right right-turns
-                [])
-        next-turns (drop-while #(not= current-direction %) turns)]
-    (nth next-turns tc)))
-(defn move-forward [pos {:keys [value direction]}]
-  (let [facing (:facing pos)
-        op (case facing
-             :north +
-             :east +
-             :south -
-             :west -)]
-    (if (contains? #{:north :south} facing)
-      (assoc pos :north (op (:north pos) value))
-      (assoc pos :east (op (:east pos) value)))))
-(defn navigate [pos {:keys [value direction]}]
-  (case direction
-    :north   (update pos :north (move direction value))
-    :south   (update pos :north (move direction value))
-    :east    (update pos :north (move direction value))
-    :west    (update pos :north (move direction value))
-    :left    (assoc  pos :facing (turn pos {:direction direction :value value}))
-    :right   (assoc  pos :facing (turn pos {:direction direction :value value}))
-    :forward (move-forward pos {:direction direction :value value})
-    pos))
-(defn should-move-wp? [direction]
-  (not= direction :forward))
-(defn should-move-ship? [direction]
-  (= direction :forward))
-(defn move-ship [pos {:keys [value]}]
-  (let [wx (get-in pos [:wp :east])
-        wy (get-in pos [:wp :north])
-        pos (update-in pos [:ship :east] #(+ % (* wx value)))
-        pos (update-in pos [:ship :north] #(+ % (* wy value)))]
-    pos))
-;; (move-ship {:wp {:east -1 :north -2} :ship {:east 1 :north 1}}
-;;            {:value 0})
-(defn rotate-wp [pos {:keys [value direction]}]
-  (let [tc (turn-count value)]
-    (reduce (fn [acc _]
-              (translate-wp acc direction))
-            pos
-            (range tc))))
-(defn move-wp [pos {:keys [value direction] :as i}]
-  (case direction
-    :north (update-in pos [:wp :north] #(+ % value))
-    :south (update-in pos [:wp :north] #(- % value))
-    :east  (update-in pos [:wp :east ] #(+ % value))
-    :west  (update-in pos [:wp :east ] #(- % value))
-    :right (rotate-wp pos i)
-    :left  (rotate-wp pos i)))
-(defn navigate-2 [pos {:keys [value direction] :as i}]
-  (cond
-    (should-move-wp? direction) (move-wp pos i)
-    (should-move-ship? direction) (move-ship pos i)
-    :else pos))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  (let [final (reduce navigate start-pos input)]
-    (+ (Math/abs (:north final))
-       (Math/abs (:east final)))))
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  (let [final (reduce navigate-2 start-pos-2 input)]
-    (+ (Math/abs (get-in final [:ship :north]))
-       (Math/abs (get-in final [:ship :east])))))
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))

diff --git a/src/aoc/day13.clj b/src/aoc/day13.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a69a9e96aef542fc05b26aeb6ba34d6e0d04e3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/aoc/day13.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.day13
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(def example "939
-(defn parse-input [[earliest timetable]]
-  {:earliest (read-string earliest)
-   :timetable (->> (clojure.string/split timetable #",")
-                   (remove #{"x"})
-                   (map read-string))})
-(defn parse-input-2 [[_ timetable]]
-   (->> (clojure.string/split timetable #",")
-        (map read-string)))
-(defn read-input []
-  (->>
-   ;; (io/resource "input13.txt")
-   ;; slurp
-       example
-       clojure.string/split-lines
-       parse-input
-   ))
-(defn short-example [s]
-  (->> (clojure.string/split s #",")
-       (map read-string)))
-(defn read-input-2 []
-  (->>
-   ;; (io/resource "input13.txt")
-   ;; slurp
-       example
-       clojure.string/split-lines
-       parse-input-2
-   ))
-(defn tt [earliest t]
-  (->> (iterate #(+ t %) 0)
-       (drop-while #(< % earliest))
-       first
-       (conj [t])
-       reverse
-       vec))
-(defn infinite-timetables-by-id [timetable]
-  (->> timetable
-       (remove symbol?)
-       (map (fn [t] [t (iterate #(+ t %) 0)]))
-       (into {})))
-(defn compute-1 [{:keys [earliest timetable]}]
-  (let [
-        tts (map (partial tt earliest) timetable)
-        tts (into {} tts)
-        departure (apply min (keys tts))
-        minutes (- departure earliest)
-        bus-id (tts departure)]
-    (* minutes bus-id)))
-(defn bus-valid [m t bus]
-  (cond
-    (nil? bus) :end
-    (= bus "x") true
-    (symbol? bus) true
-    (zero? t) true
-    :else
-    (let [i (get m bus)]
-      (->> (drop-while #(< % t) i)
-           first
-           (= t)))))
-(let [tts (infinite-timetables-by-id [6])
-      t 5]
-  (bus-valid tts t nil)
-  )
-(defn run-2 [tts timetable start-t]
-  (loop [t start-t
-         buses timetable]
-    (let [bus (first buses)
-          res (bus-valid tts t bus)]
-      (if (contains? #{:end false} res)
-          start-t
-          (recur (inc t) (rest buses))))))
-(defn compute-2 [timetable]
-  (let [tts (infinite-timetables-by-id timetable)]
-    (loop [t 100000000000000]
-      (println "computing" t)
-      (let [res (run-2 tts timetable t)]
-        (if (contains? #{:end} res)
-          t
-          (recur (inc t)))))))
-(defn compute-example [timetable t]
-  (= (run-2 (infinite-timetables-by-id timetable)
-            timetable
-            t)
-     t))
-(compute-example (short-example "67,7,59,61") 754018)
-(compute-example (short-example "17,x,13,19") 3417)
-(compute-example (short-example "67,x,7,59,61") 779210)
-(compute-example (short-example "67,7,x,59,61") 1261476)
-(compute-example (short-example "1789,37,47,1889") 1202161486)
-  )
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)
-        input2 (read-input-2)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input2))))
-;; (main)

diff --git a/template.clj b/template.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a08ac6011f4a4875f5e2f4d8deb8bddcfceedbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/template.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-(ns aoc.dayxx
-  (:require [ :as io]))
-(defn read-input []
-  (->>
-   (io/resource "inputxx.txt")
-   io/reader
-   line-seq
-       ;; example
-       ;; clojure.string/split-lines
-   ))
-(defn compute-1 [input]
-  input)
-(defn compute-2 [input]
-  input)
-(defn main []
-  (let [input (read-input)]
-    (println (compute-1 input))
-    (println (compute-2 input))))