
commit d5720402073bae025836bcea8fc1bda136055788

Author: Honza Pokorny <>

Add day 10

 resources/input10.txt | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/aoc/day10.clj | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

diff --git a/resources/input10.txt b/resources/input10.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0028b97b8543c4ebe00aa075668ea6f93769d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/input10.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@

diff --git a/src/aoc/day10.clj b/src/aoc/day10.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fc7c1445bf345c02ee7480e937e6e293e616781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aoc/day10.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+(ns aoc.day10
+  (:require [ :as io])
+  (:gen-class))
+;; (defn read-input []
+;;   (line-seq
+;;     (io/reader
+;;       (io/resource "input10.txt"))))
+(def example "16
+(def example2 "28
+(defn read-input []
+  (->>
+       (io/resource "input10.txt")
+       io/reader
+       line-seq
+       ;; example2
+       ;; clojure.string/split-lines
+       (map read-string)))
+(defn builtin [ratings]
+  (->> (apply max ratings)
+       (+ 3)))
+(defn jolts [input]
+  (let [device (builtin input)
+        input (conj input device)
+        input (sort input)]
+    (reduce (fn [acc adap]
+              (let [prev (:i acc)
+                    diff (- adap prev)]
+                (if (= 3 diff)
+                  (assoc acc :i adap :j3 (inc (:j3 acc)))
+                  (assoc acc :i adap :j1 (inc (:j1 acc))))))
+            {:i 0 :j1 0 :j3 0}
+            input)))
+(defn next-coll [[n & coll]]
+  (filter #(and
+              (> % n)
+               (<= 1 (- % n) 3))
+          coll))
+(declare jp)
+(defn jolt-possibilities [coll]
+  (let [nexts (next-coll coll)]
+    (if-not (seq nexts)
+      coll
+      (mapcat (fn [next]
+                (jp
+                (filter #(>= % next) coll))) nexts))))
+(def jp (memoize jolt-possibilities))
+(defn jolt-possibilities-2 [coll]
+  (loop [acc #{}
+         current 0]
+    (let [nexts (next-coll coll)]
+      )))
+;; the recursive solution didn't work on the puzzle input because memory :(
+;; the `part-2` fn is someone else's
+(defn part-2 [adapters]
+  (let [device (+ (apply max adapters) 3)
+        ;; The number of routes to each adapter is the sum of the number of
+        ;; routes to each of the possible previous adapters (it's like a messy
+        ;; Pascal's triangle) so we can get the solution in one pass.
+        routes (reduce
+                 (fn [r a]
+                   (assoc r a
+                     (apply + (map #(get r % 0) (range (- a 3) a)))))
+                 {0 1}
+                 (sort (conj adapters device)))]
+    (get routes device)))
+(defn compute-1 [input]
+  (let [{:keys [j1 j3]} (jolts input)]
+    (* j1 j3)))
+(defn compute-2 [input]
+  (let [input (cons 0 input)
+        device (builtin input)
+        input (conj input device)
+        input (sort input)]
+    (count (jp input))))
+(defn main []
+  (let [input (read-input)]
+    (println (compute-1 input))
+    (println (part-2 input))))